Sunday, August 21, 2011

A question to Japanese...?


I m a caucasian male, and I have always wanted to be in the asian entertainment industry. Its a drive and passion. I am going to be starting what is going to the years of hip hop dance and voice lessons, along with strict dieting.

My question; I know it is not easy anywhere, at all, to start a career in the entertainment industry. Would people in Japan even give me a chance?

I have been told Korea would be hopeless for a non asian.
Is Japan the same way?


@ Yoda.... I was busy being p*ssed off because a post of mine got yanked for a pipedream comment. My fault. Everybody else can get away with just making fun of the silly person, I have to actually give an answer to all stupid questions.

But in answer to THIS pipedream, you seem to know it is not easy anywhere. Good for you. But I would change 'not easy' to at least 'very hard' if not 'extremely difficult and highly unlikely'. Though my own opinion is 'snowball's chance in Hades'. Why? Not sure if I am required to give such, but just to be sure....

I watch Japanese TV. By this I mean 'glance at some of the silliness that passes for programing as I walk by the TV and it happens to be on.' But I get enough exposure to know that you do NOT see Caucasians on TV unless they are famous in their own countries and are being interviewed, in the silly manner that only a TV talent can manage to do so. There's one guy who has been here in Japan a coon's age and managed to get on TV, apparently, (as I have been told) as being here when being a foreigner was much more of a curiosity and he got to be the token Caucasian.

But you do NOT see Caucasians in the boy bands. Strangely enough, I think there is one boy band with a black guy, not sure as I avoid sucky music.

So you can diet all you want, take hip hop lessons till you can hip to the hop and take voice lessons until you think you can actually sing, but until you get some 'creds' in your own country, well, I hate to tell you but your dog don't hunt.

Final answer, very clearly.... NO! Because you just don't see them on TV.


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