Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Whats are the best Apple aplications to learn languages?


I wanna to learn French and japanese :)


You may be able to do french pretty well with something like rosetta stone as it's fairly similar to other european languages, I don't really know! However with Japanese I advise you take some classes or some other structured learning rather than an immersive technique, at least at first until you understand just what the heck is going on!

There are some useful tools however:
rikaichan/perapera-kun = hover over japanese text and it gives you word by word translation, only works in your browser though....
There are numerous kanji learning programs, basically flashcard programs which remember which kanji you're not very good at and test you more often etc.

Thousands of online resources!

I recommend the OCN japanese translator if you have to use one - A billion times better than google translate but still way off on some things.

WWWJDIC is the best thing known to man… search for words and it gives you japanese sentences with the word in them, and the english translation. BRILLIANT!

Kanji recogniser: Don't know that kanji on the sign of the japanese restaurant outside your window?? Draw it and it'll give you the unicode character!

That's all I can think of atm, you really need to talk to Japanese folk though...get a penpal?

EDIT: Forgot some more good ones: Tae kim, good way to learn grammar! (Which is really what you should do first after learning hiragana/katakana)

Also Tim Takamatsu, though his site seems to have disappeared :( Still, there's a kind of book version of his website here...pretty weird!…

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