Thursday, March 17, 2011

What the **** is happening in japan?


Like whats a nuclear meltdown?Like I don't I'm getting interested and worried now..because I was getting my haircut and the ladie that was cutting my hair said nuclear bombs exploding,end of the world,may21st blah blah blah?I've seen it on yahoo and stuff but I don't really understand it..are people in the U.s. endangered?


There was a 9.0 earthquake which hit north eastern Japan the hardest. Following that was a tsunami created by the earthquake. The tsunami flooded Sendai and the other coastal areas nearby. The damage from the two has also caused the nuclear facility to become unstable.

However what you hear about the nuclear event is being largely exaggerated. No one is in danger because of the nuclear crisis besides a small radius near the facility. Nuclear power plants do not have the capability of exploding like a nuclear bomb. All they do is get really hot and melt through the containment units causing the irradiated fuel to spread over a small area.

There have been explosions but they are caused by hydrogen. The hydrogen comes from the water being used to cool down the nuclear fuel rods. These rods are cased in a material that when heated borrows the oxygen molecule from H2O (water). This leaves hydrogen which explodes when ignited.

In short: You are fine. Donate if you can to the Red Cross or some other big charity but otherwise wish Japan luck and go about your daily business.

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