Sunday, August 14, 2011

To all experienced Japan-goers: cell-phone question?


I will be studying abroad in Japan this coming school year (10 months) and I feel conflicted about buying either a phone and purchasing minutes or entering into some sort of cell-phone plan.

I text about 1-30 messages a day.
It would be nice (not necessary) to call a family member and chat for 10 minutes every few days.
Internet is not necessary, as I will have my own laptop.

My budget is flexible, but I won't do anything ridiculous.

Thank you for your responses


Around 2008, some law changed that made prepaid phones much harder to come by. Its not like they don't exist but they are really restricted and hard to find. If you are going to be there for a year, it is much better to get a contract and buy a phone. You cannot rent one either way. Well, there are those services in that they offer next to the car rentals in the airport but that is really meant for people staying less than a week. If you are going to be there for any length of time, you will have to buy a phone, whether contract or prepaid. Might as well do contract.

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