Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Comparison between Japanese and western horror films?


which is more effective than why? are american remakes of japanese horror films better or worse and why?why do the japanese contain much stronger themes, gore and less censorship? What themes and conventions are present in japanese horror that arent in other horror films? quotes, refrences and journals would be appreciated.


In Western horror films, very definitive scary things happen in very uncommon situations: while champing, in deep woods, grave yard, after insulting some sacred stuff... etc. It's not everyday life. The border of this world and other world is rather clear. There usually are some trigger to cause these scary things. People can be careful not to cross the border and trigger it.

In Japanese horror films, strange things would happen in everyday life for ordinary people who are spending everyday life.. Some of these fear are not visible and definitive. There's no clear border between this world and the other world. There's no clear trigger to make these scary things to happen. People would feel everyone might experience it even today in their houses.

Which is more effective? It depends.
I personally like Japanese horror films.
I don't like splatter movies. It's not so scary, but it just make me feel sick.

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