Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What's going on in Japan?


I have no idea. The most I know is that there was a huge earthquake and it made a tsunami in Hawaii. What else is going on? How are the people? Whats going on with this radiation stuff? Please fill me in or give me links to whatever you know. Thanks.


Basically this is what happened:

After the 8.9 magnitude earthquake, the tsunami washed away millions of homes and SEVERAL cities. People right now have no electricity, no food, no shelter, and thousands of people are missing. The death toll could go up to +1,000, and MANY people are missing. The people who survived so far are just wishing for the best and holding on.

Because of the earthquake, the nuclear plants had a meltdown, technically meaning that it could blow up anytime.

Now if the nuclear plants explode, where is all the chemicals and radiation going to go to? In the air of course. If us humans inhale these chemicals and radiation, our health and lives could be at risk. People were evacuated if they lived near the plants, and people in Japan are advised to stay home if not evacuated.

However, there WAS a tiny miracle.

A 4 month old baby girl was just found buried between debris. The workers immediately took the baby and reunited her with her parents. This gave the workers hope and started working more hard to do their best in finding people.

This is what is currently happening in Japan

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