Thursday, July 28, 2011

Are Japanese people racist?


If they are, why? And I heard they don't like any other race but theirs .. (Not what I said I heard it's true)


This question gets asked a lot, if I had a yen for every time this question is asked, I could quit my day job.

In Japan you WON'T:
-Get hanged/killed because your skin color is different.
-Have to sit at the back of the bus because your skin color is different.
-Be denied service at most mainstream establishments because your skin color is different.

How many stories do you hear about someone getting killed in Japan because someone didn't like that they were from another country? How many stories of race riots between Japanese people and foreigners? How many stories of Japanese version of skinheads going out killing foreigners? Haven't heard stories about that in Japan.

Now think about your home country right now and how much of that stuff happens in your own country.

In every country you have people who are like this, depends on who you run into. Tell me any country that doesn't have racist or elements of racism in it's subculture. Even in great USA you got large amounts of racism. Depends on who you run into.

For the most part, as long as you don't act like a fool while in Japan, people won't treat you like a fool.

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