Saturday, July 23, 2011

What do 掛ける、架ける and 欠ける mean?


I know they are all read as かける. But what do each one of them mean?

It would be better if you put a sentence to show the meaning because in a sentence you can see how the verb is used.


You can add a subject like 彼は-he is.... and then it will be a complete sentence. I took these from the dictionary and didn't think a full sentence was necessary. You need to see the particles used with these verbs. It's に、sometimes, so be careful.

Lacking the courage to fight. 欠ける means "to lack."

容疑者に手錠を掛ける put handcuffs on suspect

掛ける, in its literal meaning, it place over something. Also used with eyeglasses, etc. But it has a ton of figurative meanings, I 'd recommend researching it more. ex. 心配を掛ける- to make someone worry.


put a bridge across the river. means to bridge, literally or metaphorically.

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