Thursday, March 31, 2011

Do you think enough is being done to help Japan?


from other countries like the USA..


Japan does not need any more financial assistance from overseas.
A few billion yen of donations have been sent to Japan Red Cross from within Japan and overseas.
However, the fact is that virtually none of them have been used to save the quake and tsunami victims. It has been 2 weeks from the disaster, and 400,000 people are still in temporary shelters, but, most of the money is still in the Red Cross bank account, believe or not!!
Because the Red Cross has no authority to purchase food and goods, and distribute money directly to the victims. The money should be distributed to the local city governments first who are expected to take care of the details according to the needs of their citizens. However, many of the city governments in the areas devastated by tsunami are also destroyed and many of the city workers were also victimized. So, the Red Cross has no way to distribute the money to local authorities. I know you would say, "then, why don't the government of Japan do the job?" I agree 100%. But our government bureaucrats in Tokyo keep saying, "the money should be distributed evenly to local cities, but the areas are so widespread, and the whole picture of the disaster is not certain yet." What a stupid comment! They are making the whole nation FURIOUS!!

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