Thursday, March 24, 2011

How would you explain the phrase to "beat around the bush" in Japanese?


It means to not get to the point quickly for sake of politeness.

Also these other 3's meanings:

To be put on the spot--> to be thrown into a situation one may not be prepared for
To sugar coat something-->to say something in a nicer way.
It's a grey area--> a situation that has many equally ok options.


Explain in Japanese?
- not get to the point quickly for sake of politeness 要点に触れず遠まわしな言い方をする

- To be put on the spot--> to be thrown into a situation one may not be prepared for
予期せぬ(思いも寄らない)状況に置かれる (yoki senu joukyou ni okareru)

- To sugar coat something-->to say something in a nicer way.
歯に衣着せた(hani kinu kiseta) but it's usually used for negative 歯に衣着せない (hani kinu kisenai)
= to not mince matters; to speak frankly…

- It's a grey area--> a situation that has many equally ok options
we say グレーゾーン gray zone...…

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