Sunday, April 10, 2011

Did i translate this song the right way? It's a 8 short verses song ^_^?


街に出掛けよう ==> Let's go out of the city
一人でいたって暗いだけでしょう ===> You're alone and it's getting darker
ループして落ち込んで なおさら 悩んじゃって==> Make "loop" and now you won't feel down and there will be no agony.
外に飛び出おう 心配イラナイ 大昔から ===> Let's start flying outside, there's no worry, from a long ago.
地球だってまわってる きっと ツキだってまわるよ ==> Because the earth turns, and surely the moons does too.
みんなハジけて愛し合おう ==> Everybody pop and let's meet love
単調な日常 通常な感情 ===> Monotone rutine, common emotions
守らなくちゃダメなこと いつもある===> There will always be bad things to protect.


街に出掛けよう ==> Let's go out TO the city
一人でいたって暗いだけでしょう ===> You will get more depressed if you stay alone.
ループして落ち込んで なおさら 悩んじゃって==> you will keep thinking more and get depressed more like a loop.
外に飛び出そう 心配イラナイ ===> Let's just get outside, there's no worry.
大昔から 地球だってまわってる きっと ツキだってまわるよ ==> since long time ago, the earth turns, so surely the luck does too.
みんなハジけて愛し合おう ==> Everybody pop and let's love each other
単調な日常 通常な感情 ===> Monotone rutine, common emotions
守らなくちゃダメなこと いつもある===> There will always be things that we have to protect.

hope it helps~.

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