Friday, July 22, 2011

How can I move to japan?


Hey guys..I'm 14 years old (15 in August) and i was wondering..whats the easiest way to be able to move to japan? after i leave high school i wish to go to college and take a course with Art..something to do with manga or anime etc and then try and get into university but where I'm living now isn't really the best of places..not that many opportunity's to get a job with something to do with manga..i just want to get out of here as soon as possible but i don't know how to get started..any suggestions?


I have suggestions, but you won't like them. Give up on the idea of being a manga artist in Japan. The competition is just too high. Not are there thousands of American kids with this dream, there's even more thousands of Japanese kids who want to do the same thing. They would always be hired first as they already know the language and culture.
You should still stay in school and do the best you can. Take art in college as you want, but leave other job ideas open. It's not easy to get a job as an artist anywhere.
Maybe think up your own characters. You still have a lot of time.

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