Saturday, July 16, 2011

How do I apply for a scholarship for an exchange program to Japan?


I'm 15 and reside in the UK. My main ambition is to travel to Tokyo/Japan via an exchange program. However, I have recently discovered I have no chance whatsoever of raising the £8000 I need. I have recently overheard one of my friends say that a company can sponsor me and pay my exchange program fees. If this is in any way true, lease help me out, I desperately need help. Thank you


Oh! :) What program are you going on?I am going on a cheaper one,because I can't raise $7000 a year though it is better and Full-Year.

ANYWAYS,I think I can help you slightly.Sponsorship is alot of work :c but the best way to find a sponsor is contact big businesses like McDonalds to sponsor you because you are smart,athletic,ect.If your just asking just because "its your dream" they have probably gotten that so many times.Try to give a great reason.

I know this can be hard,but another way is to share your story with somebody willing to contribute,a wealthy family or individual people,like a fundraiser on online websites that will support you in your journey.If you find the right people you could be there!~

I am sorry if I couldn't help you in the way I wanted,but this is how sponsorship works,but you could always apply for a Scholarship through your school or online.Do you make good grades?Have something unique?You can also talk to your counciler about oppurtunities.I also think you should go on this program:

And search the web for scholar oppurtunities.If your great you won't have any problem getting one.There are so many…

Keep trying!It is not very hard,and youve still got a while until you can apply again for High School Abroad 2012-2013

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