Tuesday, December 20, 2011

(Japanese) What does this mean in english: 誰に嫌われたって良いと思ってるけど?


No google or yahoo translation answers please


Let's rewrite: 
(たとえ)誰に 嫌われたって(=嫌われたとしても)良い(かまわない)と思っている。

Like GonGon did, my translation would be;
"I don't care who hates me. (Whatever...)"(Or, "I wouldn't mind if someone hated me. So?")

Japanese language prefers using "嫌う hate" with passive construction IF A PERSON
- People hate him.. やつ、みんなから嫌われてるんだよね。
- Who hates her? 彼女、誰に嫌われてるわけ?

(~しても)よい :not mind (doing) → ~verb (past) って(も)よい(したとしても かまわない)
E.g. 自由な時間がもっと持てるなら、給料が低くなっても かまわない(= 低くなったって よい) I would be content with a lower salary if I was assured of more free time.

.... と思ってるけど is frequently used in colloquial. And you don't really have to translate it. If you do; "in my mind", "that's what I say to myself", "So (what)?", "whatever..."

宿題やっておきなさい。Do your homework now.
後でもいいと 思ってるんだけど… I'll do it later. (How does that sound to you?)

------------- OK, here you go:

俺って けっこう 打たれ強いし, 誰に 嫌われたっていい と思ってるけど
"I'm pretty tough and I don't care what people think of me. In fact, I wouldn't care if someone hated me."

けっこう:In colloquial, "pretty" "kinda"
打たれ強い --> 逆境 gakkyou に強い thrive on adversity
≒ 他人の評価を気にしない pay no heed to to other people's criticisms/ will-wishers

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