Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why Dont the North Korean People Rise up and Stage Revolution now that their Leader died?


Are they idiots or what? Kim Jong Il is dead!! They should take advantage of this and rise up since their is no clear leader yet!!! What do you guys think? Kind of like in Egypt and Lybia!

Better yet, why doesnt the US, South Korea and their allies invade and get it over with once and for all?


North Korea is more like Egypt in 2000 BC that in 2000 AD. The people have been isolated from the world since the Japanese left after WWII and most seem to believe that their leaders have almost godlike powers and are the only thing that is keeping them from being reoccupied by evil foreign powers,

Last time the US fought a war in Korea, China intervened because they did not want US troops on their border and they probably still don't. This would make invasion very risky unless one of our allies was China, and if China wants to invade they do not need our help.

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