Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ways to say "have" in japanese?


motteiru? motteru? motte imasu? I don't quite get it.

How would I say these then?:
"I have MSN"
"I have homework"
"I have a pet dog"
"I have the time"

There would be a difference in all of them because of the 'objects' right??


motteiru, motteru and motteimasu both means the same thing.

motteru is more casual speech, motteiru is the normal form while motteimasu is the polite (teinei) form.

I have MSN. MSNを使っています。MSN wo tsukatteimasu.
I have homework. 宿題があります。Shukudai ga arimasu.
I have a pet dog. 飼い犬がいます。Kaiinu ga imasu.
I have the time. 時間があります。Jikan ga arimasu.

In your 4 sentences, it's much more normal to use aru or iru, then motteiru.

The times I'll use motsu would be,

あの人に興味を持っていますか? Do you have an interest in that person?
母はちっちゃいな店を持っています。My Mom has a small shop.

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