Sunday, July 17, 2011

How often does Japan receives earthquakes?


I want to go to Japan for at least 1 month vacation but I'm nervous about possible earthquakes.

Is there a certain time of the year where Japan receives less or no earthquakes at all?


Japan gets an average of 1000 earthquakes a year. Since there are only 365 days in the year, that means Japan gets an average of 2-3 earthquakes PER DAY. Therefore, you have to deal with the possibility that you will have at least one earthquake while you are in Japan or you have to decide not to go to Japan. After all, earthquakes aren't like hurricanes and tornadoes -- there is no such thing as "earthquake season." Now having said all of that, you need to be aware that Japan is a pretty big place all things considered and that just because an earthquake happens in a particular place in Japan doesn't mean the entire country feels it (e.g. plenty of places didn't even feel the 9.0 earthquake on March 11) and most of the earthquakes that happen in Japan are too small to be felt by humans anyway. Earthquakes like the massive March 11 quake are very rare. The first time I was in Japan I was there for over one month and only felt one earthquake. The second time I was there for three weeks and never felt a single quake. I felt a bunch while living there, but considering I was there for a full year that isn't a surprise at all.

So yeah, when it comes to Japan and quakes, you either accept that you're going to a very quake-prone area and deal with it or you don't go.

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