Monday, July 25, 2011

Need Help With Living In Japan?


3 People Planning on Moving to Japan,we were wondering On what to bring, where to live, Jobs, Housing the whole nine yard. What should we bring Money wise for housing, food, utilities, and odds and ends and what should we prepare to go there. We want to live some where cheap, not far from a major city and easy to come by Jobs. We would prefer a house but it doesn't matter just as long as the neighborhood is decent and has 3 Bedrooms. We are american and plan to stay at least 2-3 Years with long term stay in mind.


Not going to happen. All three of you need college degrees AND a job offer to move here. Your desire for a 3 bedroom house that is cheap shows how little you have researched this venture. Let's throw up just a little roadblock here..... you want a house. This is something that you are going to have to have someone act for you as guarantor. Must be Japanese.

Your second problem is really a hoot. You need "easy to come by jobs". Problem? There ain't no such animal as far as you are concerned.

Get college degrees first. Come over for a 90 day visit and try to find a job while here. No, you are NOT supposed to look for work on a tourist visa but I have hired quite a few teachers who needed work visas yet were on tourist visas. But that still isn't going to be easy. Especially for the 3 of you to all find jobs.

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