Monday, March 28, 2011

Can someone please check my Japanese sentences?


Please can someone kindly check my sentences? I'll write them out in Hiragana & in English, so if you get confused you at least know what I'm trying to say.

1) At my town there are various sports you can play - まちの いろいろな スッポトが できます
2) Next to the park there's a school and you're about to learn - うえん は となりに がっこう が あって を ならう ことができます
3) The school is open from Monday to Friday - げつよおびから 金曜日まで あいていて です
4) After that, you're able to relax and swim - それから、うみで やすんで、 すいえい が できます
5) The beach is big but dirty. Because there's a big beach, there are heaps of people - おおきですが、 きたない うみ です。 おおき うみ が あって、人 が たくさ…
6) People who love beaches come to my town! My town isn't boring - うみが 好きな人 まちに きてください まちの つまらないくない

Thank you so much!! Some of them I know are not right.. >.<


Yeah, English sentence #2 doesn't make any sense. How about just leaving off the "and. . .learn" part. You don't need that anyway. Check your word for "park". You're missing a character.
You have some problems, but I don't want to tell you exactly what to say. But I'd say 人が多い. . .

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