Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you think this would work cooling the reactors in Japan?


My solution would be to use Hydrogen to cool the reactors.


No, it would only compound the problem. (because it would turn to gas once it's heated, not to mention extreme pressures would be needed)

well it's funny you said hydrogen.

Let me start from the beginning, to let you know whats going on.

The first day they announced that they are shipping coolant.
-this means they had massive pump failure, and it's boiling the water (big problem). When the reactor reaches a certain temp, it cannot be cooled back down, It just stays at that high temp.

So since they couldn't cool it in time, the reactor is now operating at a higher temp.

They announced they flooded it with sea water (this where the hydrogen comes in)
-the plutonium rods are encased in a zinc tube. When water is exposed to zinc at super heated temperatures it oxidizes the zinc. Causing the oxygen atom to bond with the zinc and releasing the hydrogen atom into the atmosphere (or room).

They then announced explosions
-since they didn't dilute the hydrogen with argon or neon (to make it just flammable, not explosive ) they then had a room full of explosive gas, so when something sparked, it blew up.


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