Sunday, June 26, 2011

Why does everyone here say that Japan has such nice people when visitors of Japan on You Tube says otherwise?


I am a little confused on who to believe.

1) The girl in this video seems really nice:…

2) This video indicates that Japanese people display contempt towards a half Japanese girl.…


People will say "you cannot judge by one or two bad incidents" but i guess they expect you to post every You Tube clip on Japanese hate and discrimination or something because there is an awful lot of them!

Carl The Truth says "No country has 100 % nice people", he's right, but in Japan they have a much higher percentage of people that are not nice to foreigners compared to other countries across the world, don't let him make you think Japan is a country full of nice people either because that is the furthest for the..."Truth".

Alsko Flynt says "You can't generalize people of any culture", but i don't think you are generalizing by posting a couple of links from You Tube, alsko Flynt is right when he says there are nice people in Japan, and there is, but once again there is a a very high percentage of people that dislike foreigners compared to other countries.

Just let some Japanese people come to America and not let them enter to our malls, or our nice restaurants just because they are Japanese and see if they don't get upset about it, i would just tell those Japanese people that "All Americans don't do that", and see if that makes those Japanese feel better!

@threedaypriest, that was unappreciated and uncalled for!

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