Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Any suggestions for help evacuating a filipina from Japan?


I have a friend from the Philippines in her 20's that is living and working in Japan. She is in rather desperate need of evacuating back home to the Philippines. She is totally without means of doing so due to the fact that she went to Japan to get work to provide a better life for her poverty stricken family and to provide an education for her young son which she was forced to leave behind with her elderly Mother. She is a single mother divorced from the child's father since he was an infant due to physical and mental abuse as well as him being a drug user. She was working in Japan but due to the situation there the business where she was employed ceased operations almost immediately following the crisis situation. This left her with no income and since she was sending her entire meager salary except for her necessary living expenses back to her family she has no savings. I am unable to help financially in obtaining her a flight out and would appreciate any assistance or suggestions. She is alone there and absolutely terrified. There has been very limited contact with her since the earthquake and tsunami due to lack of cellular phone service. It has been intermitent and her cellphone is her only means of communicating and thus causes even greater worry and frustration for both her and her family.


She needs to get in contact with either the immigration bureau who can help her contact the embassy if she doesn't know how, or to contact the Filipino embassy.

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