Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I'm moving to a new COUNTRY???!!!?


About a month ago, I found out my family needs to move to JAPAN. Some people would be so excited, (like my anime freak best friend) but, I need to leave my friends, go to a new place I rarely ever go to, and since I have been slacking off on my Japanese studies for about almost 5 years now, I have the knowledge of a 1st grader. I am freaking out in my head! We're going to move in probably mid-June, but I am not entirely sad. I mean, the food is good, and I get to see my relatives more often. Sitll, my biggest worry is LANGUAGE! FREAKIN LANGUAGE!!! I'm afraid I'll get nothing right, and I can't read anything in school, (well, except for English studies. Easy!) and if people will think of me as an idiot (which I'm not, seriously). I am worried about leaving my BFFs and everything I've come to know, but you can always skype, web-cam, chat, email, call, etc... if it's your friend, so it is not as bad. By the way, I'm SUPER shy. I even have trouble talking to my teachers! So can you please tell me how to deal with this?????


Well, at the moment, Japan needs people like your father, so I would imagine he will be very busy as soon as he arrives.

As regards the language barrier, you'll get through it. Keep trying, keep working at it. It does take time, but you'll improve in a matter of weeks. Nothing like total immersion to make someone very good at another language. But it wouldn't hurt to start working on it now.

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