Sunday, June 19, 2011

Joining My Chemical Romance to help Japan?


I want to help Japan by kind of joining up with my chemical romance. My idea is to maybe charge people for a killjoy designed from a name they choose, and have all the profits go to Japan. How could I go about doing this? If this is even legal that is. Can anyone help me here?


Yeah, you definitely need to get permission from the band and their label first. You need to contact them formally with regards to it, and it would be best to appear professional by already have a detailed project description (ie: what you want to do, what experience you have, how you plan on doing it, what would be required, any estimated costs etc). If you're in the industry or have previous charity experience they may take note. However, because you're having to ask this question on Yahoo Answers I'm guessing you don't have any experience in this. In this case making contact will be extremely difficult, and you'd really have to prove yourself and your potential. They may be happy to help and invest money in this kind of project, but whether they'd be comfortable doing so with someone with no experience is actually pretty unlikely. It would be seen as too high risk. Also, without proper experience or industry representation they may also just mistake you for some fan trying to get the bands attention and thus ignore you. By all means go ahead and try, but be aware of the road blocks ahead.

Good luck!

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