Sunday, June 19, 2011

Who should I cosplay?


I'm a teen girl and I love cosplaying, but I don't know who to do... I'd rather not have to buy a full costume. Who should I cosplay?


Full costumes are really expensive, and if that's an issue, go for characters who dress casually with one or two defining features. All the characters from Loveless dress casually, and depending on who you pick, you'll need just cat ears and a cat tail. Skip Beat is another one. Immortal Rain, the girl in it has a mod. simple outfit you could probably make. The characters from Black Cat and Rosario+Vampire are good as well. Deathnote characters have simple casual clothes. Cosplay isn't cheap, believe me, I know, but if you're creative and thrifty there are a lot of outfits that aren't really that difficult to make from other clothes. So, just keep an eye out for characters who wear casual clothes and look for things like that a mall or thrift store. I hope I helped!

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