Friday, June 17, 2011

Cultural Division in Japan? Quick, easy ten points!?


First of all, what does cultural division really even mean? Second, I am looking for all the possible info on cultural division in Japan that you can give me. Whether it be links, your own answer (which I prefer most), or some other kind of reference, I don't really care. This is NOT for homework, so please do not tell me to do my own work or anything. I'm simply just curious! Also, please don't tell me to google it. I tried that first, and wasn't satisfied with any of the answers I found given there. Thanks ahead of time; I appreciate all the help I can get, and best answer gets ten points!!=)


We don't have any word like that. So it's not possible to answer what it means. Japanese people do not use the word cultural division.

I don't know who told you that. But I'm sure it's not one of Japanese people.

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