Friday, June 17, 2011

Is Japan safe for a single female traveller?


I am going to Japan in January and I will be travelling by myself. Is Japan female friendly country or do I need to be slightly aware like on mainland Asia or South America? I heard Japan is quite safe but I don't know any girl who would travel around by herself. How are female travelers treated in Japan?


Japan is an amazing country but as with absolutely anywhere in the world there are still dodgy people about. Act sensibly and always be careful - I work for an airline and travel the world and often go out by myself. A few years ago a colleague of mine went travelling to Japan, took silly risks trusting somebody and ended up horrifically murdered - head severed! Google it if you think I'm exaggerating! But please don't take that as Japan being a dangerous place - I love it there. Just never be too trusting anywhere with anyone and maybe things like if you're in a bar don't ever leave your drink whilst going off to the toilet - nowadays these different 'date rape' drugs are prevalent anywhere. I hope you have an amazing time and meet some fantastic people. Please take care and enjoy it x

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