Friday, June 17, 2011

Who is this one Japanese (male) singer?


He looked about 14 - 16 and had a very sweet, boyish face. He was very feminine and could be mistaken to be a girl in some, if I remember correctly. He had a beautiful voice, and I think he was wearing a large coat in one of his PVs. I think there was either snow or rain in it. He wasn't in a band or anything. Sorry this is so vague, but this is all I know. Thanks!


oki all japanese people look alot younger than they really are. like my school's japanese exchange student was confused about how older looking the students were and how tall they were, she said that they all looked like people in their 40's. so roughly 40 year old japanese= 17 year old any other ethnicity. maybe it was Gackt Camui? he seems to be really popular. he's like 42 btw. and he still looks rather young. but then again, that PV you were watching could have been from a long time ago. so that person in it maybe older now than you think they are. please be more specific, like post the video or a picture.

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