Friday, June 17, 2011

Going to japan to get a spousal visa?


I have been wanting to move to Japan since 2008, finally I have enough money that I have scraped up doing various jobs and I am ready to move! I also have a high school diploma and 5 years of work experience under my belt. The problem is, it is very hard( but possible, as confirmed by the japanese embassy here in the USA) to get a job in Japan with no degree. However, I can look for work if I have a spousal visa. What my question is and what I need to do is how is the easiest way to find a woman in Japan who will marry me? What are some tips if you have done this before? That is the main thing I need tips, tips tips.

PS please know BS about the morality of this. I have always planned on marrying a Japanese woman even before I found out it would let me get a visa. Please ONLY respond if you are going to give me advice or tips.


Ok, no BS....The chances of this happening are just about zero to none at all. Most Japanese women want a man that can support them. An American with only a high school education is going to be hard pressed to find work in Japan, even with a Japanese wife. Unless you have a special skill a Japanese doesn't have, work isn't going to happen. If a Japanese can do the job, they will always be hired first. The only jobs we can get are those that a Japanese can't or won't do.
Sorry, I can't give you the answer you wanted to hear. But I gave you the truth.
Want easy ? Try Thailand or China.

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