I would like someone who is like a expert at japanese or a native japanese to answer my question, because i am already too confused as it is...
In hiragana there are a lot of ‘sounds’, I guess that’s what there called. I just confused about the ‘Y’ and ‘W’ part of hiragana. I will go online and find print out sheets of a hiragana chart, the only problem is that some of them have; ya,yi, yu, ye and yo, OR ya, yu, yo and for ‘W’ they have either; wa, wi, wu, we, wo, OR wa, wi, we, wo, OR wa, wi, wo. I just need to know which ones are correct.
My other question is about ‘combo hiragana’. What is it? Do I HAVE to learn it? Is it even important? I haven’t seen it until I printed a sheet off of
Sorry, my questions might now make sense… I'm just kind of confused :P
Thanks :D
yi and ye have the same pronunciation with i and e from a, i, u, e, o. So it's sometimes deleted from the chart.
ya, yu, yo are the only kana with its own pronunciation.
On W, wi,wu, we have the same pronunciation with i, u and e. So the only ones you have to know are wa and wo. Actually, wo has the same pronunciation with o. But its writing is different.
>What is it? Do I HAVE to learn it? Is it even important?
Yes, you have to learn it. I think you are talking about きゃ、きゅ、きょ, kya, kyu, kyo.
They are combination of ki and small "ya" for example. This is necessary to write Japanese.