Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Helping with Disaster Tsunami relief in Japan?


I live in Tokyo and I am looking for organizations that I can volunteer to help with relief efforts. I speak little Japanese but there are organizations like second harvest that accept volunteers.

So I am looking for more sites/ organizations like that I can go volunteer for relief effort.

I would especially like organizations that are sending people up north with supplies.

I live in Tokyo so if i can only volunteer in person, please let me know the location.

*****I do not need advice from people I just need names of organizations
thank you


internaitonal red cross

What is the reputation of Japanese Police Officers?


Do they have better reputation than American Police Officers? Do they have as many police brutality cases as their American counterparts? If they make a mistake, do they apologize to you like we so often see with Japanese people?


>Do they have better reputation than American Police Officers?

I can't compare because I don't know American cops.

>Do they have as many police brutality cases as their American counterparts?

I have never seen police brutality in my life.

>If they make a mistake, do they apologize to you like we so often see with Japanese people?

I have seen them apologizing, yes.

Some of them are cold. Cops at koban (police box on street) are not cold. But when I visit a police station, some cops there are cold. But police officers in general are good.

BTW, it's not true that Japanese cops take bribes from citizens. I have never given them bribes in my life.

What fun places a kid can go or do in japan describe what will you experience?


for example go fishing there but why should i go fishing all the way there when i can go fishing hear :)
im looking for place that is fun for kid and adults at least 1 for kids and adults


Disneysea Resort, Disneyland, Sanrio Puroland, Pokemon centers, & and my favorite Fujikyu Highland Park.

Survey about japan --------?


1. Have you ever experienced earthquake?

2. When you heard about the Japanese earthquake, what did you think or feel?

3. Have you done anything for the victims? Do you have any plan to help
these people?

4. Are you well prepared for the earthquake?

5. What do you think what we should do at the earthquake?

6. Are you willing to buy something from Japan?

I want every each answers from various people


1. Yes, we had also had a strong earthquake 6 years ago here in Fukuoka. But not devastating as the Tohoku.

2. I felt sad, scared and very worried because my mother and older sister were in Yamagata when it happened.

3. Yes, we donated money, clothing and medicines for the victims. I haven't really visited the site because the government is very strict on allowing rescuers to go to the site. We had a plan though on helping out but like I said, it is very strict.

4. Yes, I try to stay prepared at all the time as possible.

5. Be calm and alert. Make sure we find a safe place with our family.

6. I live here so I'm doing it every day.

Will the radiation in Japan cause less popularity to Japanese restaurant?


Will restaurants be affected heaps because of the circumstances in Japan at the moment?

I want to open a Japanese restaurant in the next 2-3 years but people kept telling me restaurant are being closed down or no one will eat from it.

A lot can be just exaggeration and obviously not everyone in the world will avoid eating Japanese food so what do you think?


This incident has been marked by the holding back of information. Every day they admit to a little more, then a little more.

Radiation is increasing in foods produced in the U.S. now.

How many lies are people willing to swallow?

It proves again that you can't trust any industry to police itself. The Japanese nuclear regulatory people all have connections to nuclear power. The failed to follow the rules because they lusted after higher profits. Now that the results of their perfidy are plain to see, they should have the decency to take the traditional Japanese method of reclaiming their honor.

You notice that of the half dozen radioactive isotopes being pumped into the jet stream and into the sea, only iodine is ever mentioned. That is because it has a short half-life. The other materials will continue to poison us for years. Radiation poisoning is a cumulative thing. You can have a little exposure today, then everything id fine tomorrow. The maximum dosage is a lifetime total of intensity of radiation multiplied by time. A long exposure to low level radiation is the same as a shorter exposure to a higher level.

"Safe levels are determined by the LD-50, that dosage that is lethal to half the population. Excursion limits are generally a percentage of the LD-50, they are the intensities of radiation that may be harmless if the exposure is 4 hours or less in a lifetime. A one-time event. The radioactive material that has circled the globe is with us 24/7. The exposure continues for as long as the material is putting out radiation. So the iodine puts out radiation, after 8 days it puts out half as much then 8 days later half of that and so on. If it was radiating at one sixth of the acceptable excursion limit, you would receive enough radiation to make a marked reduction in your life span in two weeks. And after two weeks it is still producing 25% as much radiation as when it started.



"I recently made an account, now I'm waiting for confirmation"
"when I make my account, I'll tell you"


>"I recently made an account, now I'm waiting for confirmation"

>"when I make my account, I'll tell you"

Radiation level in kanagawa, Japan?


I am concerned about the effects of radiation leakage at Fukushima plant on Kanagawa, Japan.
I'm hearing that drinking water is fine, but people are still wearing masks for precautions.

Does the near future look bad for Kanagawa? (Especially with the recent news on higher radiation water found in many reactors...)


Radiation level in Kanagawa is at harmless level.

What is schooling in Japan like?


I'm currently a sophomore in highschool in Arizona, US and was wondering if it's too late for me to be a transfer student to go to Japan to study a year or two. I've always loved the culture and just EVERYTHING about Japan =) Also, do I need to have any specific requirements to do this? For example, do I need to be able to speak and understand Japanese? Also, what are the classes, extracurriculars, and teachers like? Is there a lot more homework compared to America? And the key question is if Japanese universities were better than America's and how they differ from American universities too. Also, how is dating in high school viewed upon over there? So in the end, I'm just wondering what the high schools and universities are like there for academics, peers/students, extracurriculars, and differences from US high schools and universities. Thanks so much for taking your time to answer this! ^^

P.S. Are all the high school/university students there typically happy and optimistic or do they hate their lives? haha, thanks!


You can't join a high school or college in Japan without speaking, reading, and writing Japanese.

>And the key question is if Japanese universities were better than America's and how they differ from American universities too.

They study for entrance exams in Japan. But do not study much after joining a college. That's the biggest difference.

All other questions like dating, homework, happy, etc, it just depends on each person or school.

How are the living conditions in Japan?


Japan tends to have earthquakes... typhoons.. and stuff. But the country still impresses me.

How is life typically there? Cause I wanna live there.

If there's anybody from Japan, I'd also like to ask, how is the earthquake recovery?


If you would like to live in a post war disaster zone and all the psychological stress that comes with that than welcome to Japan.
Rolling blackouts have plagued us for weeks.

Life is no longer "typical"

Life is slowly starting to recover, but there are so many problems.

I do not advise that you live in Japan, I think you should visit and think about it.

Is the Japanese nuclear industry inept to not handle the nuclear crisis?


US is now sending bots to Japan to help with the crisis over there. I think Japan is not ready for nuclear energy anymore. TEPCO is retarded. After all this is said and done, there will be alot of impeaching and firing to do...



If anything, the situation shows how safe nuclear power is. Consider that forty year old plants were hit with an earthquake five times the strength they were designed for and yet they still shut down safely. The generators came on like they were supposed to when grid power was cut. Then the tsunami hit and the generators were wiped out. However, the battery backup still worked for the designed eight hours. The problem happened when no new generators could be put in. Even so the problems have been minimal--media scare mongering for ratings not withstanding.

Here is an informative article describing the situation:

And here is where you find current, factual status information:

And here is a chart that helps make sense of the numbers:

You have to keep in mind that the media is out for ratings and that they are not in the business of disseminating "Just the facts, Ma'am".

Japanese TV show question?


I don't know what is this show called..


Do you know what that show is ?


I believe it's Japanese Saturday morning TV show named "知っとこ! / shittoko ! "


A 7 day itinerary for a japanese person in japan on holiday?


please help. i have been very sick lately and missed alot of school. i need a a itinerary of 7 days for a holiday in Japan. like things to do, festivals and stuff . please this homework is counting for alot of my overall grade.
10 points!! please help


It depends on the time of year for festivals and whatnot.

Main tourist areas are Tokyo and Kyoto. Just read about each on Wikipedia/etc. and look at the tourist attractions/etc.

People like to help, but Yahoo! Answers isn't a homework service.

Where are food festivals in the usa?



There are food festivals all over the country at different times of the year. Some that are coming up soon include:

Translating Japanese to English help please?


おかわりを おねがいします.
コーヒーに さとうを いれます。
しおは すっぱいです。
ケーキは あまいです。

_____ を 食べてください。

しおを ____ください。

Which one is correct?
マクドナルドは 日本に あります。
マクドナルドは 日本に ありません。

Which one is correct?
ウエイターは りょうりを します。
ウエイターは りょうりを もってきます。
ウエイターは お金を はらいます。


I used google translate to figure out what it says:
Answer 1 says:
Answer 2 says:

I would say answer number 2!
Hope this helped

Is there different ways to say thank you in japanese?


Like informally besides arigato?


恩に着る=on ni kiru・・・I owe you one
感謝する=kansya suru・・・
礼を言う=rei wo iu

どうも←It is very convenient.

Help translating Japanese to English please?


お茶は 食べものです。
パイは デザートです。
さかなは たべものです。
とりにくは のみものです。
とまとは くだものです
ぶどうは にくです。
コーヒーは 飲みものです。
とりにくは デザートです。
ゆのみは 飲みものです。

I put sugar in coffee. コーヒー_さとうを いれます。


Please pass me salt. しお____ とってください。


Tea is the food.
Dessert is pie.
Fish are food.
Is only chicken.
Tomato is a fruit
Is a difficult grape.
Is drinking coffee.
Dessert is a chicken.
Yu is only to drink.

I put sugar in coffee. _ Put in the sugar coffee.

Please pass me salt. ____ Please take salt.

Does anyone know where I can buy an Authentic Yomiuri Giants hat?


don't tell me ebay or their site


You are not saying if you want to buy it online or offline. If you want to buy it offline, there are Giants stores around Tokyo Dome.

What are some long term issues in japan?


We all heard about the disaster in Japan. What are some issues that will last a long time? Please provide sources


Well besides the disaster happening with the Fukushima nuclear plant, there is also a large national debt and a low birth rate.

Japanese Invasion of Manchuria?


1.What countries were involved?
2. Who were the leaders?
3.What type of battle was this?
4.What were their goals?Did they achieve them?
5.What were the effects of this battle on the war?
6.Any interesting facts?



there ya go!

Can someone tell me how NOT to act like a gaijin or tourist when I visit japan?


I want japanese people to think I am just a white person from a family who has been in japan for 100 years. I want them to think I know nothing about european/american culture.

Yes, I am an uber weeaboo, and very proud of it. I know americans and japanese alike hate weeaboos, but they can just get over it.


I don't think Japanese people hate weeaboos. It's more than welcome.
But here are some knacks, I could think of:

Keep smiling. Keep silent in public.
Western tourist tend to be very talkative and sometime noisy.

Don't look around. Don't gaze upward.
Tourists tend to look around.

Keep slightly hunched posture. Look down while walking streets.
Japanese tend to keep their shoulder and back rounded. Keep hunched posture. Look down while walking streets. Their skeletal structure is slightly different, I guess.

Minimize your bag. Don't bring a backpack or a waist bag except in AKIHABARA.
For some reasons, Many of Otaku people in Akihabara bring backpacks.

Always sleep on train/bus, whenever you could have a seat.
I guess 50% of Japanese people sleep in the train, others play DS or Cellphone.
If you could sleep even when you are standing in the train, It's perfect.

Don't bring a folding sheet style map. Books are acceptable.
Even Japanese people might bring guide books, but unlikely to bring a folding sheet style maps.

Always bring cellphone, and manipulate it at least once in 3 minutes.
I even don't know whey they are always looking into their cellphones.

Never wear T-shouts with Japanese scripts, or Anime characters.
It's the evidence that you are a carefree tourist, or a weeaboo.

Always make sloppy noise when you eat noodle / pasta / soup.
This is Japanese authentic manner of eating.

Never even think of wearing Kimono / Japanese traditional suits.
Not many Japanese wear it, but many foreign tourists like to try.

Am I NOT going to be able to visit japan any time soon?


Because I reaaaaally want to got there by the time I'm 30, I only have 8 years left, but I hope to go before that. I think you know why I'm asking this....


It depends on where in Japan you want to visit. In fact, there is no problem in western Japan like Osaka.

How the aggregate demand and supply equilibrium has changed since the tragic recent events in Japan?


1) How the aggregate demand and supply equilibrium has changed since the tragic recent events in Japan?

2) Did the aggregate demand and real GDP increased or decreased? Explain why.


The situation is not over by a long shot. So there are more chapters to this story to be written. But so far the economic effects are quite negative. Air travel to Japan has strongly decreased, hurting the carriers. There are far fewer Japanese tourists going for trips abroad at the moment as well, even as much as 50% less at major destinations like the US west coast, which hurts restaurants, hotels, stores and tour companies. Many car makers, even US ones, have some parts made in factories near the disaster site - and this will sharply hurt production.
Japanese semiconductors are widely used in everything around you, and now there is a production shortage - manufacture will have to be moved elsewhere, which will cost time and money. Japan will need a lot of oil for energy to replace the nuclear plant, adding more to world demand. So you can see both demand and supply are effected, and GDP will take a major hit for the next few months at least.

Really want to learn Japanese but having a really hard time?


I know English as my native language and I take French at school (and also teach myself at home) and I can hold basic conversations in French. I have been studying Japanese really irregularly (real school has been too demanding for independent study) for months but I'm having a really hard time remembering all the hiragana and katakana. I mean, I can remember how to say a lot of words, and phrases, but only in romanji. I think what made French so easy for me is the alphabet and how our sentence structures and words are similar. What advice can you give me for remembering and retaining Japanese characters, it is so difficult for me to remember them? Also, I really want to learn Japanese properly so no advice askign what I want to use my Japanese for or encouraging me to just learn to speak it...


You are focusing too much on learning to write Japanese. Can you say sentences in Japanese yet? If you can't then don't bother learning to write it yet.

You need to get an understanding of the sentences and words first.

When its time to learn to read and write, here is what you do. Start with Katakana. Learn 1 row at a time "a i u e o". Learn the stroke order, do this by writing the same character, over, and over, and over again. Once you know 'how' to write all 5 letters, then write in romaji, something that looks like this down a piece of paper




, It looks like nonsence, and thats cause it is. Now go becide it and convert the romaji into katakana. It will help you remember them faster than just repeating. You may have to cheat and look a few times, but aventually you will get it.

Also go to a good learning website.


- Full lessons on almost every topic.
- Lessons start from the very basics - to advanced.
- They teach Japanese in casual Japanese and polite and formal Japanese (for buisness situations)
- They have the largest vocabulary list/dictionary available
- They also teach you to write Japanese
- Its free


- They have lots of audio lessons to chose from, but you have to sign up.
- You get 1 week free trial, if your not willing to pay 10$ a month on contract, you can just keep re-signing up for the free account.
- They teach polite and casual Japanese, but there isn't a lot of structure (no from beggining to end, all just random)


- This website has a lot of in depth lessons covering certian topics
- Everything is natural Japanese, taught from a Japanese speaker

Japanese language help?


I'm haveing a bit of trouble with making a suggestion in japanese.

For example:

Why don't you go by car?

I'm haveing trouble with it :(

Also, could you explain te form to me? >< i seem to have forgotten how to use it again.



kuruma de ittara (dou desu ka)?

If it's a really casual situation, you can exclude the part in parenthesis and use rising intonation.

For the て (-te) form, check this link for an explanation and examples (scroll down to "Expressing a sequence of verbs with the te-form"):

Why doesn't Japan pump liquid nitrogen into the reactors?


Japan is currently pumping sea water into the reactors to cool them down but are not having any success, only explosions (i think its cuz its only meant for purified/fresh water which allows hydrogen build up...). So if they pumped liquid nitrogen into it....It would cool faster cuz its 2000 degrees colder????? SO WHY DO THEY NOT DO THIS!!!


Check out these two links:



What are the chances that we in America will be affected by the radiation in Japan? And what kind of problems?



Don't believe all the lies about "safe" levels of exposure. They favorite example is that it is the same as flying from Los Angeles to New York. What they leave out is you would have to be on a plane that never lands. The exposure just keeps going, and is getting worse, not better.

In about a year we will be seeing little news stories about babies being born with unusual birth defects. Put the nuke pimps will claim there is no connection to the exposure we are being hit with now.

Is it true TEPCO head, Mr Masataki Shimidzu?


Is missing since March 13th
some think he is sick but some think worse.


It's true that he's not been showing up in public for long.

TEPCO announced that he was sick at least for a few days at that time.

TEPCO later announced that he's sick and in a hospital now.

Songs for Japanese Karaoke?


I am going to Japan and one of the things I want to do while I am there is go sing karaoke :P The only problem is that I don't know any Japanese songs well enough to sing them.

So I guess I have 2 questions, the first being what are some popular Japanese songs at karaoke that girls like to sing (the only song that I know the lyrics to is by a guy and my range can't match his, me being a girl :P)
The second question: Are there ever any english songs at karaoke, I can't imagine there would be many but to anyone who has gone have you come across any and if so what songs?

Thank you in advance to anyone who helps!!


1. Songs by Ayu, YUI and old mellow songs like my way (Japanese version). Also songs in karaoke are in kanji, so you should be able to read them.

2. Yes there are english songs in english language (obviously lol).

Why is it when you type "Japanese" on a search engine, naked girls come up?


This made me curious. Later on, I typed up "Korean girl" or "Chinese girl." No naked girls. This is with SafeSearch off on Google. Why is this?


Because we Japanese people are sexxxxyy!!! lol Well, Japanese porn is mainstream and popular so that explains. Many upload pictures of it. And you said safesearch is off so it's normal porn pics will show up. Chinese and Korean porn are very discreet.

Worried about radiation in japan Part 2?


Worried about radiation in japan?
I'm worried about radiation is there any home made remedies that can stop radiation getting into your body? I live in Ireland should I be worried or am I over thinking it....

that was my question two weeks ago look it up

people made a laugh about my question but the truth is now it has reached our shores and if a proper meltdown was to happen which is a possibility im very concerned for the health and well being of this planet not only Ireland if it can reach this far away god knows what kind of damage it is doing and could be done by these reactors........

any comments on this?



I wish the media and people would stop being so hysteric about it.

There's nothing that can stop radiation from getting into your body, you are exposed to radiation all the time.

Sitting in front of a computer gives you radiation, going to the airport, using the phone, sleeping next to someone all emits radiation.

Update on the Japan Crisis?


I really love Japan, and I would probably die if something so horrible were to happen.. So, what are the details on the Japan Crisis?



Nuke crisis is still going on. But others like earthquake and tsunami are behind. Now it's time to restore.

Sending letters overseas question?


ok so I have a pen pal in Japan and Korea so I was wondering about sending some letters to them.
If I only send a letter how much will it cost?
Do I have to fill out one of those forms that tell what is in the envelope? Like when you send a package.
Also can I just mail it from my mailbox or do I have to go to the post office to drop it off?

thank you if you can help me out.


It's 98 cents an ounce for a regular air mail letter. You don't have to fill out any forms if all you send is a letter. If it's just a couple of pages 98 cents worth of stamps should be fine.
If you decide to send a package you would have to fill out a form that states what's inside and it's value.

Japanese to English help pleaseee?


How do I write these sentences in Japanese?
1. No, I am not hungry.
2. Yes, I am thirsty.
3. Yes, I like milk.
4. No, I do not often drink coffee.
5. I eat oranges and bananas for breakfast.
6. I eat salad, a sandwich, or fruit for lunch.
7. I eat ramen or chicken for dinner.
8. I have my dinner around 5 PM.


1. 不,我不饿。
2. 是的,我渴了。

How does the Japanese media treat anarchism?



Japan is under stable control of our democratic government.
There is a huge difference between 1) 'a government out of control' (like Lybia now)and 2) an ideology ('anarchism') which denies government control in whatever form universally.
Your brain seems to be in a state of anarchism.

What are Torii gates?



Torii gates are found at the entrance of Shinto shrines and symbolize entering sacred places. Traditionally they are red and wooden but can also be of stone or metal and uncolored. A Torii gate consists of two pillar posts with two cross beams at the top, the upper one extending past the pillars on both sides and often the lower one does too. Some places like Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto have thousands of them together which form like a type of tunnel (best seen at night!).


What is the Japanese diaspora?



The Japanese diaspora, and its individual members known as nikkei (日系?), are Japanese emigrants from Japan and their descendants that reside in a foreign country. Emigration from Japan first happened and was recorded as early as the 12th century to the Philippines, but did not become a mass phenomenon until the Meiji Era, when Japanese began to go to North America, beginning in 1897 with 35 emigrants to Mexico; and later Latin America, beginning in 1899 with 790 emigrants to Peru. There was also significant emigration to the territories of the Empire of Japan during the colonial period; however, most such emigrants repatriated to Japan after the end of World War II in Asia.

According to the Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad, there are about 2.5 million nikkei living in their adopted countries. The largest of these foreign communities are in Brazil, the United States and the Philippines. Descendants of emigrants from the Meiji Era still hold recognizable communities in those countries, forming separate ethnic groups from Japanese peoples in Japan.

How say in japanese" i'm happy if you are happy too"?


I tried to translate with google ..but i think it doesn't translate well :(...Can someone help me, please? Thank you!! :)



What is the Japanese carp kite?



Ah, in my country, we celebrate Child's day with carp kites(Koinobori). We celebrate it on 5th of May. We usually give out milk candy to kids and we have these kites high up in the sky attached to poles. And we watch them swim the sky.

Have any ideas on how to help Japan?


Me and my friends want to help Japan. but its to early to sell lemonade, and if we do a garage sale we would not have much stuff to sell. so any easy ideas for fundraising for Japan?


ask your school for a school fund or some charity drive for donating money to japan. but right now, nothing can be done about the leaking chemicals, because money can't stop the chemicals from spreading. This money will probably go towards helping japanese people get food, water and shelter. :D good luck with fundraising :DDDDD

Learning Japanese Songs (Ayumi Hamasaki)?


Hello i hope you are here to help!!
So about 2 months or less ago i discovered a goddess of pop, j-pop that is Ayumi hamsaki and i really want to learn at least one of her songs, maybe i need to learn Japanese before i learn her songs.

Ways you can help.
-are there any good websites or programs to learn Japanese
_which of these languages is most like Japanese (these are the only one i know)
And if you know of a website or video that actually teaches songs by her can you please for the love of athena post it


None of those 3 are like Japanese. There is no language which is like Japanese except Chinese or something. But even Chinese is fairly different from Japanese.

Where can I find Hana Kimi episodes 12 and 13 for the japan drama?


I've tried youtube, veoh, dramacrazy and some other video viewing websites that appeared when I google searched it. Youtube doesn't have it, veoh gives a five minute preview and dramacrazy just doesn't show the video. The other sources either have a broken link or the player just doesn't have the video anymore. I don't care if the episode is in parts, I just need a site where I can watch these last two videos!


wish I could help

What Nuclear Reactors failed in Japan?


What Elements did each contain? Did the Reactors fully blow up?


currently, it is fukashima reactors 1,2 and 3. they contain iodine, uranium and plutonium- probably barium as well. 3 is in total melt down <the japanese deny this, but it is leaking plutonium so it is>, whereas 1 and 2 are in partial meltdown. all three have had hydrogen explosions and 2 had a nasty fire as well.

Is it stupid to go to Japan in September for a year of travel?


My friend has applied to study in Japan for a year this September. I'm just wondering if that is a really stupid idea? I'm just concerned and I don't think she's considering any of the dangers and risks she is taking by going out there to live. She is going to Tokyo.


travel is not stupid.
but your question is stupid

Places to visit in Japan?


if someone visits Japan at spring what are temples, festivals and other interesting places all across Japan the they should visit or attend? Which cities and towns should they definitely visit? anything that has to do with japanese culture and art


Tokyo and Kyoto are the top must-see cities.

In Tokyo the best temple I think is Senso-ji in Asakusa which is a good area to walk around anyway. The best shrine is Meiji shrine in Harajuku which is set in practically a forest in the middle of the city.

Around Tokyo Kamakura with its large outdoor Buddha and seaside along with Nikko with it's ornate shrines in a mountain setting are definitely places to visit.

Kyoto has many temples, shrines, and so worth visiting. Some of the best would be the Golden Pavalion, Kiyomizu-dera, Fushimi inari Shrine with it's thousands of red torii gates, Nijo Castle, Sanjusangen-do with its many armed-buddhist statues.

To the south of Kyoto is Himeji Castle one of the best if not the best castle in Japan. To the east is Nara with its deer, temples, and shrines. Todaiji is the largest wooden structure in the world and has a large Buddha within. there's also Koyasan which is a Buddhist monastery in the mountains

As for festivals there are so many to choose from that go on all year round. Here's some of the ones I've been to:

Japan's nuclear plant? How was it?


Any possibilities for nuclear meltdown? Or will they be able to manage it? Any news from Japan?


It's still unclear.

Current problem is, there is huge amount of contaminated water inside the plant. It's preventing further progress. They invited experts from France to get some advices on that.

Hi.I am japanese.japan is safe.?


I am a junior high school student in Japan.
I live energetically in Tokyo.
Japan is safe.
Is the American a race who believes the false rumor?
The radioactivity is less than excrement.


hmmm...your question seems to have originated in USA

Will it be ok to travel to tokyo and saitama prefecture?


I've been planning this trip since February and will go to Tokyo and parts of Saitama Prefecture on April 20-25, will Tokyo and parts of Kanto region be ok then? Will be there be still rolling blackouts by then? Will Tokyo be blistering with nightlights it's known for? What's the general mood there? Are train trips affected?

This will be my first to travel to japan and i was very excited until that earthquake struck and ruined everything. The tsunami was a bonus and the radiation issue was the icing of the cake.

It's kinda like my last chance to travel to Japan because if i'm going to go there again maybe it'll take years. I've got all my documents and visa ready before the quake struck. Now i'm thinking if i'm going to cancel my trip. :/


Well, I live in Saitama, closer than Tokyo actually...... Im about 166km from Fukushima and the power plants.

The radiation levels are acceptable.... i try to stay indoors and I only drink bottled water, so theres no real risk. The airborn rads are well within human tolerance, and the water is only a risk if you are a child.

The news says avoid vegetables from that area, milk from there, water from the tap and stay away from Fukushima.

If you practice that course of prevention, and perhaps go one step further - no milk, no tap water, no vegetables (except tinned foods of course ;-) ) youll be fine.

Its not "safe" like cotton wool safe but you could get hit by a bus tomorrow right outside your door.

One of the head French assistants who was over here diffucing the situation has left for France about a week ago. He has been informing the public via his website that the Japan disaster is manageable - its not going to become a Chernobyl, and the area over 30km away wont be dangerous to humans even if there is a meltdown of the plutonium reactor.....

Common sense, a bottle of water and a canned food shopping policy, and youll be fine. Maybe wear a hat if youre outside and dont travel North.

Or, dont come.... up to you.

If you want to check a live geiger counter in Saitama (a little closer than Tokyo) you can go here and see the live feed.... as you can see there is a little, but nothing dangerous.


Japanese school in your opinion?


i have heard from my friends that used to live in japan, that they prevent their kids from entering Japanese school for the education. They prefer to let their kids into international school. Is that right that many foreigners are disagree with Japanese methods for education? if that so, can you give me the reason?

thanks for answering, i have been wondering quite a long time, cause i have opened many sites for japanese school and i think there isn't any problem, yet i think it's really surprising that they have well-prepared teaching materials for students.

i'm also quite surprised that most of schools in tokyo still encourage their students to attend schools although there are many issues about earthquake, radiation and power cut.
looking at many elementary children go to school using a special gray hat in cone shaped.


Most foreigners who are living in Japan with children are in Japan with children who are already old enough to be in school and do not understand Japanese. So of course they will send their children to international schools rather than Japanese schools. It has nothing to do with the education methods of Japan. Children of parents who live permanently in Japan are much more likely to go to local schools because they have grown up understanding the language.

Earthquakes are nothing new in Japan. No one blinks an eye at them. Tokyo was NOT hard-hit by the earthquake OR the tsunami. Radiation is also NOT a problem and the only one who thinks it is is the Western scare-media. And because school goes on during the day when there is this thing called the sun shining into classrooms, there is no need to deprive children of an education just because of some temporary power cuts (not outages as these cuts are on *purpose*).

"looking at many elementary children go to school using a special gray hat in cone shaped."
What? No, they don't.

How can one adjust to living in Japan after lived in the US for over 25 years?


I know it would be different if you are a foreigner (Western) to visit or live in Japan for short period of time, but as a Japanese who lived in America for over 25 years, how can one adjust back to living in Japan again? I know he will miss US culture, way of thinking, way of doing things, and American TV. Also How can one make new friends ??


It's really up to the individual. Especially their ability to adapt, as well as having tolerance and an open mind. Plus there are generational changes in Japan as well. Children don't think like their parents do on some issues. But it is not impossible.

Geiger counter readings from Tokyo....?


I recently came across the following website:


The geiger readings are much lower than one would be lead to believe from mainstream news. My question is....what the hell is going on? Is this an accurate reading?



There was a series of videos on geiger counter readings in Tokyo which showed how little Tokyo had to worry about the situation.

What many people don't realize is the distance from Tokyo to Fukushima which is over 100 miles. There are 2-3 prefectures between Tokyo and Fukushima. Ibaraki, Tochigi, and Gunma and of course Fukushima itself have more to worry than Tokyo being closer.

What does this mean (japanese": WATASHIHA MATA ANATATO SKI NI IKITAIDESU = I want to ski with you? Arigatou!?


i just had a friend email this to me...

also would love to have a native japanese speaker tell me how to say:

"And I can't wait to make some turns with you on the slopes too!"


--> I'd love to go skiing with you again (real soon)!

"And I can't wait to make some turns with you on the slopes too!"
--> またゲレンデ (coming from "Gelände", German..) で 君と一緒に滑るのが待ち遠しいです!

In light of the recent Tsunami in Japan, I am trying to find a friend Akie Takagi?


She attended the University of Al in Tuscaloosa somewhere between 1987-1991. she was my roommate she was a student teacher. she return to Japan after her degree and also married so her last name would be different. if anyone knows her please have her to contact me. I am African American and was her roommate at Rose Towers dorm. I was Tarama Lashay Herron then I am Tarama Lashay Fleming now. I have facebook


I tried the google's person finder with no results

Facebook has results, just enter your friend's name into the search box and enter

Where can i buy evian,volvic or vittel water online for japan ?




How do the Japanese prepare for a natural disaster?


I'm doing a report on natural disasters in Japan, but I can't find how they prepare for them. A little help? Ten points to best answer!


if they prepared, would they all be dead?

Is there a Japan based "Open University" (correspondence) type of university where I could study Japanese?


And get a degree? (I live in India)


This is one correspondence university in Japan.

BTW, Japanese universities are not places where you study Japanese. It's for students who already have enough proficiency in Japanese and want to study something else.

If you want to study Japanese, you have to go to a Japanese language school.

Where can i find personalized musicbox maker in tokyo?


i want to give my boyfriend a personalized musicbox for our anniversary.
whit the tune of our favorite song


I am not sure where you live currently, but usually in the USA, you would go to a dealer first and find out where you can do such thing. I would think the same in Japan. Go or call around dealers and find out who they can recommend for you.

Do you think it would be better to rebuild the damaged Japanese north-eastern towns a bit further from the sea?


I was thinking about this. Why would someone return to these towns and build houses again? Will anyone will be able to sleep or live in that town again because of the memories. Don't you think they will become kind of haunted. I'm sorry this might sound weird or cold but wouldn't it be like that? If everyone decides to live there again, don't you think it would be better to move away from the sea?


I listened to a Japanese expert on sea defences, He said and I quote " We got it wrong, we have to think again " He also added that the sea defences were adequate for any tsunami that was caused by an earthquake less than a magnitude of 7.9. 8.0. He said that another added 6 ft and the sea defences would have done the job in Fukushima. Rather than saying this is what we must do, he said we have to think of moving villagers further in land.
Well, he's the expert, but the more you think about it the more you think what a monumental job this would be. Can you imagine trying to move families ( whats left of them ) that have toiled their fields for generations. Can you imagine the fertile land recovering and all they can do is watch from afar. It wouldn't be long before they once again inhabited this land.
Something must be done that's for sure but before it is, these experts have to sit down and consider everything to prevent such a tragedy happening again.
The next quote should be " We got it right "

What do you think of the absorption of western skills in Japan?


pg 686 687 A History of our Last Thousand Years Millenium
The line is understandable from a western point of view

I dont know whether I should associate to Iran but there is a wonderful painting in the book there is also a different point of view from what I was led to believe about the contraceptive pill


Which book is it again?

Will it be safe to travel to Osaka, Japan in 2 months time?


My boyfriend and I have a dream trip planned to visit one of our good friends in Osaka. We are not planning on visiting Tokyo. Our friend assures us that Osaka is as normal but I am very concerned of being exposed to potentially high levels of radiation. Do you think it is completely safe for us to go?


It's safe now. Buy a map.

What do you think about the accident that befell Japan?



I can't believe it happened and I couldn't believe seeing that water coming like this and whirl-pooling all those cars, boats, planes and houses.
I could not believe it even more because my brain imagines that Japan is a very strong and advanced country and that nothing like that could possibly happen there.
I imagined everything was calculated and protected and so on and on and I felt the same way when I saw air-plane crash in New York on 9/11.
There was something beyond, something that made us all feel unsafe. That, maybe anything miscalculated and unpredicted can happen to us too. It's a question of time, luck and fate.
What a cruel world!

Hello,I am looking for a nice and luxurious hotel in Tokyo.Can anyone help?



Or, http:/troll.q/a.foragesnow.ne.jp

Please help, translation please? '' How are you? I missed you so much,I hope you are o.k...?


I wrote down some words in Japanese and it's meaning like:
I love you = Aisheteru
Thank you = Arigatou gozaimasu
Delicious = Oishi
Goodbye,Farewell = Sayonara

I had a Japanese friend and I want to say these words in his language.I know it takes courage for me to say so but I will.Somebody please help me with this one.
''How are you, I missed you.I hoped you're o.k.'' Japanese please?


'' How are you? " お元気ですか?ogenki desuka?
"I missed you so much" ごぶさたしていました。
--> if you write to someone after a long time, "gobusata site imashita" is common.
"I hope you are o.k...?" ご無事でであるとねがっています。 gobuji de aru to negatte imasu.."

*”aitakute sabishikatta" is an expression for someone very close (family, GF, BF)

Did any actresses die in Japan in the disaster?


My prayers are for the victims and Japan! I hope you recover asap!


The only people that died lived up north in the countryside. The only people that live in the countryside are factory workers and retired people.. I'm gonna guess that 99% of the people that died were over 65 or under 3.

How popular is Aikido in Japan?


Is it popular with women?


Its very popular in woman because they normally use it for self defense.
Aikido is very traditional in Japanese martial arts.
Japanese arts can be categorized generally in to 5 different arts of fighting. They are Karate, Aikido, Jujitsu, Judo, and Kendo. Karate is very popular as well.
Its mainly from a chinese concept or martial arts.

What are the most popular Japanese rock bands at this moment?



Sorry, I can not help much, because I do not listen to rock bands. However, I can post this question for you in the Japanese YA! if you want, because I can speak Japanese. Just send me an E-Mail if you are interested.

To answer your question at least in a small detail:
I think Miyavi is one the most popular rock bands at the moment.