Saturday, July 23, 2011

Workin in Japan......small question?


I will start workin in Japan soon..just one question i knows that company give out some paper to fill up especially for tax return o ensurance of family..
My question is i will give to my wife this paper to fill up for the mentioned there my salary..i really would like to keep it possible'
Thank you


If you don't speak and write Japanese a LOT better than you demonstrate with the English language, you won't be doing it by yourself. Do what Yoda suggested or hire a translator. And good luck keeping your salary a secret from your wife. Are you ready and able to do all the paperwork when it comes time for taxes? That's something that may be going past the responsibilities of someone in your office.

Are former J - pop idols date-able?


i noticed that many idols hit their peak around late 20's then fade away, Is it safe for people like myself to have a chat and have a relationship with them or is it still impossible?

P.S: i dont plan on having one night stands with them at all, i really want a relationship that will eventually lead to a marriage. Im trying to learn japanese and need to get to a college level before i head to japan.


This is completely unrealistic - you will never see one. Forget it.

Edit; Unless your degree is a PhD, you will be teaching English here, simple as that. Irrespective of your intentions, your question remains completely unrealistic. Like asking if you can eat pizza on Mars.

If someone went to Japan to try to find a wife.... What would be good and bad manners when talk to women?


This would involve traveling to Japan in the way the question is worded. Therefor it fits under travel => Japan

Japanese manners have some areas that are more strict and or different than Western manners.


Not to sound offensive

With that kind of attitude expect a fast divorce

Do not be a fake

Just act yourself natural

She will see right through you

Are there actually maid cafes in japan?


I only thought this was in anime!!!! anyways what are they like??? what happens?? details??


Yes, they are real and there are quite a few in Tokyo and the bigger cities in Japan. There are also Cat Cafes in Japan. One of the best is the Cat Time Cafe in Osaka, which opened in 2009 has 21 cats residing at the café and specialises in “cat relaxation”. Customers pay at least 850 yen ($9.80) just to step In the door and enjoy the pleasure of sipping their coffee and admiring the assortment of cats that make their way around the café. Customers have one hour of so called “cat time” to enjoy. The café has various beverages available as well as cakes and a limited number of cat treats. Cat toys can be hired in 10 minute blocks from 210 yen.

Cat Time Cafe in Osaka…

What do 掛ける、架ける and 欠ける mean?


I know they are all read as かける. But what do each one of them mean?

It would be better if you put a sentence to show the meaning because in a sentence you can see how the verb is used.


You can add a subject like 彼は-he is.... and then it will be a complete sentence. I took these from the dictionary and didn't think a full sentence was necessary. You need to see the particles used with these verbs. It's に、sometimes, so be careful.

Lacking the courage to fight. 欠ける means "to lack."

容疑者に手錠を掛ける put handcuffs on suspect

掛ける, in its literal meaning, it place over something. Also used with eyeglasses, etc. But it has a ton of figurative meanings, I 'd recommend researching it more. ex. 心配を掛ける- to make someone worry.


put a bridge across the river. means to bridge, literally or metaphorically.

Is it unrealistic to only want to date virgin women in Japan?


I'm waiting until I'm married. A friend told me that women in Japan don't wait until marriage, and that almost none of them over 18 are virgins


If you live in the US, then yes, it is unrealistic to date any
kind of woman in Japan. And as far as virgins, if that is
what you want, and esp if you are also a virgin, then you
both have the same convictions that are important to you,
and you should stay with that belief. (I have a huge problem
with people that expect something from a mate, but they
have no intention of expecting it in themselves. eg. they
are drunks, but they want a non-drinker, or they are sleeping
around with everybody, but expect a virgin for a mate.)

Were there Nestorian Christians in Japan before European contact?



Nestorian is called as Keikyou (景教) in Japan.
As far as I know, Konoshima shrine in Kyoto and Oosake shrine in Hyougo are Nestrian.
Konoshima shrine is a mysterious shrine. No one knows when it has been established. But the name was written in Shoku-Nihongi which was written in 701.
Oosake shrine was established in 647.
Both shrines are related to Hata clan who came from foreign country. Some people believe that they came from Judea.

How much money should I bring to japan?


I'm going to Osaka, Japan for a school trip for a couple of weeks, and I'm going to be getting souvenirs and lollies among other things. Everything's sorted, all we need to do is bring is spending money for ourselves. How much should I bring?

I'm from New Zealand if that helps


How old are you? Are you old enough to have a credit or debit card? If so,you don't need to bring much money since you could use those card if you run short.
No one here, including me, can give you an accurate amount since we do not know where you will visit, where you will eat, how you will travel around, what kind of souvenirs and how many of them you intend to buy etc. etc.

That said, I usually convert enough money before departure so that I have 20,000 yen upon arrival in Japan.
You can do your own conversion on

What sort of gift(s) should I get?


I'm going on a school trip to Osaka, and I'm being homestayed. We have to bring a gift, but I don't know what to bring. Our teacher said we can spend as little or as much as we want, and that even paua necklaces from the 2 Dollar shop will do fine. What should I get?

I'm from New Zealand if that helps anything.


Japanese people love food!!! They are (or we are) food lovers and are very willing to try new things even if they are a little strange. If there are any foods that are special or native to New Zealand that taste good, you should bring them. Just make sure you dont tell the airport security that you have food, or they will give you a hard time. Maybe some dried snacks or something that is easy to travel with.

Paua necklaces seem like a great idea as well.

Maybe hats/clothing/accessories with english writing on them? They seem to be very popular in japan right now (I was just there) and they will probably be appreciated.

How much has Japan's economy rebuilt since the earthquake/tsunami?


Earlier this year?


I don't think it has. There's still a lot of problems.

Im heading to japan and need advice?


Okay so I asked my girlfriend to marry me and well she said yes she was born in Japan and moved to Australia where we met and then we moved to united states but she wants me to meet her family and experience her culture well she also wants me too meet her grandparents too but she told me I have to meet her dad grandpa and brothers and meet with them also I don't want to do anything stupid to make me look bad and well I don't want her to know that I'm trying to find out things before I go with her but do I bring a gift to her family home and also what should I do in Japan to embress her me or her family since she told me ill be judged by her family and people around since Japan is family based. Also her parents know I'm from Spanaird Australian so I dont speak Japanese any books on how too learn I want to surprise them we leave in 4 weeks


I'm Japanese.

you definitely should bring some presents for her family.
when you visit someones house in japan, you must bring something. if not, they'd think you are awfully rude.of course they wouldn't express the feeling but theyd surely judge you.
and I don't think you should bring some Australian foods.because the old Japanese don't like any food except Japanese food.
so I advise you to present them for some stationary article.
you would be judged from your any behavior but theyll take consideration into the fact that you're a foreigner.
however, you must learn japanese behavior and culture.(like bowing, chopsticks, etc)
and several short Japanese phrases.

How do you pronounce the name Sayuri?



Sah-Yoo-Ree. The R/L sound in Japanese almost sounds like a very soft "d" sound in English. It sounds neither like the English R or L all too much.

Abroad to Japan under $4000?


If that's possible.. I really want to study abroad, I have for years, but money has been such a problem. So I was wondering if there was some kind of program that I could use [with everything included + homestay]?


I agree with the other answer.Really hard to find,sorry :(
I am going on YFU for about $10,000 but I am saving up
And applying for a scholarship,maybe you should?

The cheapest program I have found is for $7,300
You should try for that :D The only reason I am going
On YFU is because it doesn't require much japanese.

The summer program on ASSE is $4,650?If you want
To start there?I'm supporting you!

Tourist sites in Okinawa?


I am traveling to Japan in a few years and can't choose if I want to go to either Okinawa or Osaka.

I have learned about both aquariums in those areas and how the one in Okinawa is the best in Japan but I want to know if its worth it to go to Okinawa instead of Osaka thinking about all of the tourist sites as a whole.

My main things I want to check out are the Aquariums, Temples and Scuba Diving and/ or Snorkeling.


This is an official website of Okinawa.…

Examples of japanese pranks that kids play on each other?


In america there are classic pranks that kids play. For example putting a "kick me" sign on your friends back, or flipping someones backpack inside out, or even the classic internet prank called "rickrolled"
Does japan have any classic pranks of its own? If so can you teach some to me?



How many tsunami had hit japan?



Tsunami is not something you can count.

Are there any music stores in Japan?


Im moving to Japan and would really like a ukulele but I cant have one until I get there (it wouldnt make sense to get one while travelling there).... Is there anywhere I could find a ukulele ( a real one not a toy) in Japan?


Ukulele is really popular in Japan lately.
Usually you can find some of them at music instrument stores with gipuitars.

There are some dedicated stires like below:

I can practice Seiza, but afterwards..?


I want to move to Japan after college. (I'm going to be a Sophomore in August.)
I know Seiza isn't used a ton in regular Japanese culture (I'm not talking about Judo or anything!), but I still want to be able to it for ceremonies/traditional things, especially since I've heard a lot of Japanese youths are dropping out of the as good at Seiza like previous generations category.
I can do it for a while, I don't know maybe a half hour pretty alright now (though I may start fidgeting towards the end to keep my mind off of the pain) but afterwards if I want to walk like a non-cripple I have to very slowly flex and test my legs, which can take several minutes.
What's the best way to recover after a session of Seiza? I'm looking for anything from quick exercises/stretches to foods you can eat before hand (that would be awesome, haha)!


Seiza is not used so often in current Japanese society. So you don't need to worry about it so much.

What are some good recent Japanese comedy dramas to watch?


I watched a lot of Japanese dramas before 2009, but I'm looking for some more recent ones to watch. I haven't seen hardly any that have been released in the past two years.

I tend to enjoy comedies the most, though I like romance and action as well (or a combination thereof). My favorite JDramas are Nodame Cantabile, Hana Yori Dango, Long Vacation, live action Sailor Moon, Trick, and Kimi wa Petto.


I really enjoyed Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, it drags in the beginning but after the first few episodes it picks up!

Where can I watch Gokusen 3?


I cant seem to find it on youtube can someone give me a website where i can watch it or other jdramas.


Underwear in Osaka...?


kind of embarrasing, but ... does anyone know where I can buy (ahem) "western sized" bras in Osaka? I used to get them all in the UK and bring them back, but its been a while since my last trip and Im really running short on supplies. I have pretty big boobs, a Japanese 85 F or there abouts,so I would prefer an actual SHOP as opposed to buying online.

If ANYONE can help ... thank you so much...


This Rolian Mille says that they have large size bras.…

They have many stores in Osaka. Can you read Japanese?

Do you think Japan is a good idea?


So, I really want to go to Japan for a year abroad. I want to go sophomore year, and I'm going into freshmen year right now. I;m getting Japanese Rosetta Stone right now, and plan on learning the basics of the language before I go. I told my mother about this, and she is fine with this. I just.. don't know how to tell my dad, any tips? Price is no object (just saying). Also, do you think I could do two years?


Why are you repeating this same question?

Anyways, here's the resources I recommend you check out:…

Instead of asking the same question several times, go do some stuff in Japanese already! :D

Why are Japanese movie so dark and depressing?


every time I watch a Japanese movie I have this vague feeling of emptiness and loneliness. Is this something in their culture?


Watch American movies instead. They're the perfect movies for turning off your brain, laughing and having a good time.

Might I recommend Caddyshack? That'll cheer you right up.

Can a regular job sponsor me also is this job meant for gaijin?


i dont really understand the work visa in japan i heard that if a job was willing to sponsor you you dont need to be in school to stay in japan
Its in english so i was wondering if they are directing this job posting towards gaijin and if they could and would sponsor me


You need a four year degree to qualify for a work visa. This is what the Ministry or Foreign Affairs requires. The employer needs to sponsor the employee. This takes time & money. They're not going to do this when there's already people there who can do the job.
EDIT : it looks like a job to be a maid. And you might not get more than 15 hours a week. That won't be enough to live on. Sorry.

What is the average hight of the people of japan?



If you mean like... The actual average, I think the two people before me answered your question.

Just as an observation (I was in Japan a week ago): Women are about 5'2 or 5'3, with older women tending to be shorter and younger women tending to be taller. A lot of young women in Japan wear ridiculously high heels, making most of them about 5'6 or sometimes taller.

Men are usually somewhere around 5'7, and just like any country there are really tall men and really short men.

How famous is Koji Seto in Japan?


Just wondering. Some guy with cute beautymarks below his eye.


Not sure about famous, but he's well known / liked...

Help with Japanese language?


1. How would you say "I tell you" in Japanese?
For example: "There is a cat in the house I tell you"

2. Is this sentence correct for "The bookstore was not inside of this hotel"?
Hon ya wa kono hoteru no naka ni arimasen.

3. How do you say "often" or "not often"?
Example: I do not often eat vegetables.
4. Is this sentence correct for "When I was a child I wrote letters?

Kodomo no toki de tegami o kakimashita.

Thank you very much!


1. Does that mean, "There is a cat in the house as I told you (or, as I mentioned)"?
if so, "(itsuka) hanashita youni, sono ie ni neko ga imasu."
"itsuka ohanashi-shimashita ga, -- ditto --" (written)

2. It's past tense, so; "Hon ya wa kono hoteru no naka ni arimasen DESHITA"
"hon-ya wa kono hoteru no naka niwa nakatta (desu)" is OK, too. (sounds more natural)

3. I do not often eat vegetables. --> should be "I don't eat vegetables so oftern."
"yasai wa sorehodo tabemasen." "amari tabemasen" is OK, too.
--> "amari .... -masen" can mean both "not ..... so much/many" and "not ..... so oftern"
we also say "shocchuu tabemasen" (colloquial) "hinpan niwa tabemasen" (written) for "not often"

4. I would say "kodomo no koro wa, tegami o kaite imashita" (I used to write......)
"kodomo no koro wa, yoku tegami o kaite ita mono desu" (written)

Looking for Japanese Music?


I'm into foreign music, particulaly music from Japan. But, living in the south, I don't get exposed to it often. Point is, my pitifully small playlist is begging for some new material. Can anyone give me some suggestions?

If it helps, here are some of the songs I really like:

"D-technolife" by UVERworld
"Asterisk" and "Locolotion" by Orange Range
"Spring Breeze" by Flumpool
"Velonica" by Aqua Timez
"Trust Me" and "Paradise" by Yuya Matsushita
"Shiki no Uta" by a singer whose name escapes me right now

I'm into just about any genre, but I'm really looking for new music. 5 stars to the best answer.


Try Alice Nine; they're a really good Visual-Kei band from Japan, and their singer has a really strong voice. I'd suggest maybe Mirrorball or Cross game if you like the guitar and bass-prominent music, or Gekkou Yoku and Jewels if you like the softer, pop-like music - All of these are songs by Alice Nine, and they're quite good in my opinion. You might like them, you might not; just a suggestion!

Kamirei (Kami Rei) in English? 神霊 Translation?


I've been trying to find a way to express the term Spirit Soul (written as: Spiritsoul) for my story.
Is Kamirei 神霊 acceptable? I know Kami can mean god or spirit, and rei can mean soul, but this work well together? I want to be as accurate as possible!


I think 精霊 seirei is good for your spiritsoul. But it depends on what kind of thing you really mean by that.

Can you use USA money in Japan?


I'm going to japan and i saved up money for it so is it ok to use USA money for japan?


FFS! Why would Japan accept US money? It only takes a modicum of intelligence to work it out and, if you really needed help, you are on the internet. Use it.

Which 2pm and SNSD members would you not be surprised to hear are dating?


And I dont mean like within their own groups [Chanho, Yulsic, etc obviously]
I mean with each other [boy/girl] relationships,,, =]


Yoona and Taecyeon(because of their closeness and the way Taec keeps mentioning her)
Junho/wooyoung and Hyoyeon(because a long tim ago said she have acrush on an idol and from her description it sounds excactly like Junho and Wooyoung, Plus, Tiffany once said :Hyoyeon likes the 2 oclock group)
Yoona and Chansung(if you watch fancams yu can see chansung has a huge crush on her)
Wooyoung and Taeyeon/ they just look good together.

Translate these two Japanese words?


For my Japanese story I'm using a thing called a Spiritsoul. (I just want a Japanese word for each that I can put together. Ex. If spirit were taco and soul were shoe then thte word would be: Tacoshoe.)
How would this be said in Japanese? (No Kanji or Kana required, just Romaji)
Would Kirei be acceptable?
Would Kamirei be acceptable?
Would Seishintamashii be acceptable?
Would any other combinations of the above be acceptable?
Anything else?


You can't just combine 2 words. It would be awkward sometimes. Japanese language is not that simple.

Any of those 3 you gave us here does not work.

Can someone that can read Japanese please check this?


This link is to a picture I took of a page in a book that has japanese text on it. Above it it says 'Heaven's net is wide but it's mesh is fine'. Can someone verify that that is what the kanjis say? Thank you!…

Also please note this image is reversed.


It says


What sorts of J fashions are actually worn in Japan?


I'm aware that what is considered J Fashion here in the west, isn't always considered appropriate in Japan. Alot of what we wear and call J Fashion is sort of outdated, or used mainly by bands, or models.

I'd like to know what sort of alternative clothing is actually popular in Japan.

I personally wear EGA, and Visual Kei alot. ^^;


Try the site below. It's cool...

Will you please help me translate this?


For my Japanese story I'm using a thing called a Spiritsoul.
How would this be said in Japanese? (No Kanji or Kana required, just Romaji)
Would Kirei be acceptable?
Would Kamirei be acceptable?
Would Seishintamashii be acceptable?
Would any other combinations of the above be acceptable?
Anything else?


In Japanese they would use katakana to describe such an item (whatever item that would be) most of the time. Since you are only using romaji it would be something like: supiritto-soru

Using the Japanese-katakana version of a word is more common, for example, Time Machine would be "taimumashin" in most cases, rather then using or combining actual japanese words for time and machine.

Would this Japanese word I'm making be awkward?


For my Japanese story I'm using a thing called a Spiritsoul.
How would this be said in Japanese? (No Kanji or Kana required, just Romaji)
Would Kirei be acceptable?
Would Kamirei be acceptable?
Would Seishintamashii be acceptable?
Would any other combinations of the above be acceptable?
Anything else?


Why are you asking the same question so many times anyway?

Is there anybody knows vietnamese i want help to translate some sms?



Christina, you're on the Japan page. Might want to try the Vietnam page. Japanese and Vietnamese are nothing alike.

When exactly are people considered an adult in Japan?


It seems people can buy, you know, like porn when they are 18 or over in japan. Then, does it mean they officially become an adult at the point they turn 18?
Well, how about tobacco, alcohol and voting right?

Thank you.


The age of majority in Japan is 20. Age 20 is when one can legally purchase alcohol, tobacco products, vote. Age 20 is adulthood in Japan.

There are exceptions, for example,
By prefectural laws, the age of consent in Japan is 17-18.
At 18 age, things like purchasing "adult" material is legal.

Does anyone know of any churches in Hong Kong that are contemporary with cantonese translation?


my mom doesn't understand english and i really want to bring her to a church with a relevant message that's relate-able. (she's not christian)


Why do you ask it on Japan section?

What is the name of the doll in the Japanese shrine that has real hair that grows..?


I was talking to one of my friends about Japan and then he suddenly said that there is a weird doll in some japanese shrine that has real hair that can grow? Has anyone else heard of it? How does it look and what does it do? lf I go to Japan am I allowed to just go to the shrine and see it myself or is it like sacred?


I think your friend was talking about a doll in "淡嶋神社 Awashima Jinja"…


Delinquent high school in japan?


Is there a delinquent high school in japan near tokyo or in saitama I want to see the delinquent school there and i need the name of the delinquent high school and ill go and see I always love yankee people XD


I think you better to go Shibuya or Harajuku in Tokyo because that's where those Yankees hang around.

You can't get into a school even if we gave you some names here.

Is it safe to go to Japan to teach english at the moment?


i'm afraid of the radiation - in the air and in the fish and other foods.


Yes, it is. The only problem area is about 20 km around the Fukushima nuke plant. There's been some worry about cows that had been fed contaminated hay, but I believe it will be recalled and destroyed.
I wouldn't worry. Most of Japan is fine.

Gud pm how much if i ship 5kg from dasmarinas cavite to japan?thanks?



the shipping fee will depend on the process of the shipment. there is so-called via
Surface Mail
Air Mail
so ask your nearest Post and or the shipping agency the shipping fee the will impose.

Do mostly Japanese middle-aged women watch Korean dramas?



Do most Japanese middle-aged women watch Korean dramas? No.
Are most of those who watch them middle-aged women? Mostly, yes.



which one has the best view: tokyo metropolitan government, tokyo tower, or roppongi hills? because i dont want to waste money, BUT if the 3 r worth it, i'll come, or suggest me to go at night or day.


tokyo metropolitan government is free.

Basically, I don't think there is much difference between those 3. So you can choose TMG if you don't want to spend money.

What are the best things to do in Japan?


I'm going to Japan at the end of the year and I would like to know what are the best things to do there.


What to do in Japan? There are so many things to do in Japan that it can be difficult to organize an itinerary. The must see cities in Japan are Tokyo and Kyoto. Attractions in Tokyo include the Asakusa district famous for Sensoji temple and Nakamise shopping street; Meiji Shrine; The Imperial Palace; Ginza and Harajuku. Kyoto attractions include Kiyomizudera; Kinkakuji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion); Ginkakuji (Temple of the Silver Pavilion); Nijo Castle; and Heian Shrine.

Things to do in Japan

Visit an Onsen
Stay in a Ryokan (traditional inn)
Watch a Sumo Tournament
Try some real sushi
Check out the various and unusual vending machines
Try out a high tech toilet
Visit the Temples and Shrines

Whats the situation if usa does not export any of goods to japan?


hello friends japan is only known for technology :)

but what happens if usa declines to sends its products to japan :) usa has many companies of machinery and medicines :) japan does not have any medicines japan does not lead in medical care

i heard japan imports clothes from usa china toys etc and etc :) what will happen if none countries export their goods to japan

is japan capable to developing their own factories of industry and medicine :) than usa

all the aluminium steel iron core minerals etc come from usa :) and even food products what happens to japan if they dont export :)

will economy fall down :) japan is only known for technology they only have sony etc and etc but usa has google

example if google discreeds in japan and removes permantely whats postition :)

and house hold products japan is not known for shopping all clothes come from usa and london and paris :) example adidas japan does not have any clothing malls and their own bathrrom products soaps companies all exported :) and toys charis etc and etc :)


What you're talking about is impossible. Not only that, the US owes Japan billions of dollars.
How many things say "Made in USA " anymore ?

Japan Post bank account furikomi?


i was wondering, if a furikomi can be done over the counter with physical cash to another japan post bank account rather than using the machine which can be quite complicated.
is it possible? or is it just the machine that is all kanji?
also, how long will it take to transfer the money to the other person's account?



>to another japan post bank account

Your another account or someone else?

>if a furikomi can be done over the counter with physical cash

You can do it.

>is it possible?

I told you that you can do it.

Visiting Japan in less than ten days. URGENT?


OK, so I'm visiting the land of the rising sun august first and I just dint speak nor read a lick of Japanese. I know the Hiragana kana but very rusty and not useable. getting there solo and wont be with any English speaking people until i arrive at my hotel. ANYWAY when I arrive in Japan ill be at the Osaka airport - QUESTIONS. I plan on exchanging money there, will that be extremely hard for me? Could you give me some advice as to what that experience will be like? Ill have to go get a bus ticket from a kiosk. Will the kiosk be ridiculously hard to use. Will i have to find a specific ticket for the bus im taking? All I know is the ticket will cost 1000 yen, any advice as to how i will operate the kiosk will be amazing. so riding the bus i arrive at the bus station closet to where my hotel is. Here i can either take the 16 minute walk because I have a nice backpackers luggage that will be on my back there. OR (recommended) take a taxi. How in the hell (excuse language) will I tell a Taxi where i need to go. I would have NO IDEA where to tell him, I mean the hotel does have an English name but I really am expecting people to not understand me to the farthest extent. So any advice on the taxi situation. those are the urgent questions. Now as for other questions if any one has any advice for me for japan ill be in Osaka, Koyasan, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Mt Fuji area, & Tokyo! So if you can think of anything you think would be useful to know please fill me in! :) thanks


First, CALM DOWN. You can easily get money exchanged at the airport - the forms are in English as well as Japanese.
Just write down where you're going and tell the person at the bus counter, as well as the taxi driver.
If it is very obscure, write down the phone number there as well and they can call them up if needed to get the exact directions. Frankly there is not much in Osaka, but Kyoto and Nara are very nice, and if you can spare the time spend half a day to a full day in Kamakura.
To get more detailed info on where to go, try looking at
Wear lots of light clothing - you are going to be sweating your behind off in August. Make sure you are drinking enough fluids during the day as well.

Is the landscape in Japan as beautiful as its portrayed in movies such as "Memoirs of a Geisha?"?



Well, it's a fiction. But it was inspired some real Japanese towns.
You'll find similar landscapes at Gion, Kyoto.


Will it be safe to travel to Japan?


Would it be safe to travel to Yamaguchi and late april next year? I just read about radiation poisoning and I'm really scared now. Will I be able to go? I'm hesitant now, and would definitely cancel my trip if it's bad.


99% of Japan is safe...You'll be fine. The only problems they've had are near the nuke plants in Fukushima. I'd go and have fun...

Is there two "breeds" of Japanese person?


Japanese girl said to me the other day that her family is "royal japanese" while my family is "common japanese" ... which p*ssed me off cause that seems REALLY REALLY racist/elitist.

I didn't get how she categorized me as "common japanese" (I'm Japanese-American, I can't even speak Japanese) so I googled it and like all I got was some conversation about KenHirai ... but this is what it said:

"There are actually two different breeds of Japanese. Common Japanese and Royal Japanese.
(Note none of this is racist)

Common Japanese:
Rounder faces,
shorter heights,
bowed legs,
Darker hair and skin color.
More slanted eyes

The Average Japanese person you see is part of the "Common Japanese" derived from the hard working peasant and laborer classes were the would work out in the hot sun all stooped over. Do to this high exposer to sun and bad posture they be came darker and shorter

Royal Japanese:
Slender faces
longer slender noses
Taller heights
Lighter hair and paler skin tones.
Wider eyes.

The "Royal Japanese" descended from the noble and imperial lines. They stayed in doors away from harsh conditions so the skin and hair developed a lighter shade. Do to better diets and postures etc they were taller people. "Royal Japanese" are not as common as "Common Japanese" and are often thought of in Japan as "ideal beauty"."

.... hahaha .... that girl is such a B*TCH!!! DX<

Is this true?? Or i this person just mean?


Hirai Ken could be a descendant of persian immigrants in the ancient time, warriors of the Taira clan.
People from the Kii peninsula, which is large part of Mie prefecture is located, appear very Semitic or middle eastern. I met this half white half Japanese Canadian, and first time I met her without knowing she's half Japanese, I thought she's Jewish. She told me her father or mother came from Gobo city, Wakaya, which is on the Kii peninsula. Also I knew this guy from Wakayama in my highschool, and he looked helluva like Jerry Seinfeld.
And this isn't just my opinion but is an observation of many.
There are similarities between the Jews and the Japanese. There is a DNA level similarity. And appearance. Even I, the average looking Japanese, am mistaken for a Jewish person sometimes, and my father, who is from a place in deep mountain ranges in Ehime, where people are "purer", has a high nose and recessed eyes and stuff like that. I mean like he looks like Jewish. You may be surprised.