Okay, I've always wanted to live abroad. I'm currently 16 & have been learning Japanese/french for almost a year. I have quite a few questions.
1.What type of visa would I need? I'm hoping to stay there for a few years or more after college. I'm going to double major in Film & Japanese, with minors in creative writing, fashion studies, and graphic design. Obviously, I'm not interested in working in a cubicle for the rest of my life. I read that a work visa will only allow you to do certain things. If necessary, I'll apply for teaching jobs, but what kind of visa would I apply for if I just wanted to work anywhere? Like if I wanted to work at bookstore, restaurant, film studio, publishing company, or working as a free-lance graphic designer while I worked on my books on the side? Not just as a teacher or at a company? Is that even possible?
2. I'm a female & I'm currently 5'11". I have a Japanese pen-pal & they said that it's not likely I would be hired easily due to my outward appearance. What kind of work could I get? Would it be especially hard for me to find an apartment/work looking like I do? Someone is probably going to call me out on being ridiculous, but I'm just asking about what the internet and other people have relayed to me.
3. I have a deep infatuation with tattoos. (All roots back to me being a lover of art) How does Japanese culture perceive tatoos? I know it's usually linked with the yakuza, but there are just some western things I'm just not willing to give up. I will have tattoos. Not necessarily tattoo SLEEVES(its highly possible, though), but maybe just a quarter sleeves or my shoulders and chest. Is it becoming more common for the younger generation to have tattoos? WHAT ABOUT TATOOS ON WOMEN? I'm guessing Japan is slightly more of patriarchal society? (From what I've read & heard, anyway.) Would I be snubbed completely? lol. If I lived there for the rest of my life, I'd probably die an old maid, right?
4. Now, like I said, If necessary, I would get an office job or be a teacher, but I would prefer to do something else. Is it even possible to work for yourself or work from home?
5. BACK TO VISAS & SUCH.How exactly does it work in Japan? I've done research, but I couldn't really make heads or tails of it. I understood some of it, but I've never really been that great at understanding government issues. (I'm a bit mentally deficient when it comes to anything besides computers, art, writing, and the rules of society & such. blahblahblah) Someone said something to me about having to give up citizenship in america, which sounded ludicrous to me. Which is why I was skeptical about it. I wouldn't be going to school or anything, just living/working, like I would be in America after graduating from university.
5. THE ACTUAL MOVING OF ME AND MY STUFF TO JAPAN. If it possible for me to bring big boxes of books or furniture? Books are one of my greatest passion in life, and I collect them. I currently have over 200 books in my room alone. This number will most definitely grow in the next 4-5 years or so. What should I bring? What are the necessities?
You need a BA / BS degree to work in Japan. Most Americans teach English. Jobs in the other fields you mentioned are almost impossible to get. If a Japanese can do the work, they will always be hired first. Unemployment in Japan has gone up. The recent earthquake / tsunami has made things even worse..
Visible tattoos can be a death blow for any job. Places like public baths won't even let you in. If you need tattoos, Japan isn't for you.
You'd only give up your American citizenship if you chose to become a citizen of Japan. That would take over five years of living there, and isn't that easy to get.
Bringing such items with you would cost you thousands. Not a good idea when you don't know how long you will be there.
Finding a place to stay isn't easy either. Many Japanese won't rent to a non Japanese. And they can get away with it. There's no laws as to who they have to rent to, or not. They can put up a sign that says " Japanese Only ", and that's it.
Being 5' 11" might help. People will notice you more !
Being 16, you have a lot of time to think things over. You still have to finish college first & get a BA / BS degree.
This is a question & answer page. You can't learn unless you ask.