Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What is the procedure to import electronic goods from Tokyo and china?


Electronics goods like pen drive memory card, etc
And for machines too, like printing, stitching etc


Are you interested in buying 1 product or bunches of them? If you're just buying a few good and bringing them home, there isn't a procedure. Either have it sent to you or bring it back in your luggage.

I am going to Tokyo for first time 12/26-01/06. What advice/recommendations does anyone have 4 me?



It`s best not to think of Tokyo as one city but as a collection of separate smaller cities all connected by rail as it makes it much easier to explore the city. Each of these smaller cities has its own distinct character and attraction.

The highlights of Tokyo include, The Imperial Palace, Meiji Shrine; Asakusa district famous for Sensoji temple and Nakamise shopping street with cheap, antique kimonos, geisha bags and beautiful paper products, Sensoji temple, and the Kappabashi kitchen street for those plastic replicas of food seen in restaurant windows. Ueno for its park and museums, Akehabara for electronics, Shinjuku for its shopping with its huge Takashimaya department store and food hall, Tokyu Hands eight level craft store and Uniqlo store for really cheap, high quality, basic clothing, Harajuku for cheap shopping and Japanese street fashion, and Shiodome for entertainment.

Other places of interest include Shibuya for its famous intersection where the style tribes gather and Shibuya 109 the 10 level fashion emporium. Rappongi traditionally known for its nightclubs and bars, but now for its numerous upscale boutiques, smart cafes and Rappongi Hills with the 52 storey Mori building and Tokyo City View a walkway that wraps around the building offering 360 degree views stretching as far as Mt Fuji. Ginza for Matsuya department store and food hall.

I recommend using the JR Train Line (Yamanote loop line) to get around as most of the hotspots in Tokyo are accessible via train with a one-day JR train pass for 730 yen (about $9).

Read more about Tokyo here

Japan? Wats going on there?????????


Can i have a news update??? Please!!!!???? Havent really hered wats been goin on ??????????????????sooooooooooooooooooooo…


there r a lot of sites you can find the news related to japan. just google it.

Any Japanese books, or author recommendations? :3 please?


im an intermediate student and id like to begin practicing my kanji by reading actual books.

nothing too serious(nothing political or religious, boring stuff like that.)

i like fantasy, romance, horror, comedy, whatever.

i just need something interesting that doesnt have a sad ending, dramatic is good.

just tell me what youve liked with a quick little summary please

ultimately at this level i suppose ill be spending half as much time deciphering kanji as i am enjoying the storyline anyways.

and please no childrens book recommendations.


I read lots of books by Japanese authors and they are addictive! I can only read/speak English, but these are popular authors and u can probably get Japanese version.
Banana Yoshimoto, she even has a short story in the book 'Read Real Japanese Fiction' with a tutorial on learning Japanese while reading short stories. A lot of her books have themes that are modern and interesting. I recommend Lizard, NP, The Lake, and Kitchen.
Hideo Okuda - Lala Pipo is funny about interconnected individuals intersecting in Tokyo. In The Pool is also funny short stories with characters that intersect, 4 example 1 character is addicted to texting, 1 addicted 2 swimming, 1 has ocd and addicted to checking things, etc.
Randy Taguchi - Outlet is my favorite book, and it has 2 sequels only available in Japanese. I wish I could learn Japanese so I can read the sequels, Outlet is more of a drama and has themes like death, shamanism, psychology, but is more uplifting and exciting than depressing.
Ryu Murakami - Coin Locker Babies is a wonderful novel and will soon be a movie starring Vincent Gallo and Val Kilmer. I hope the movie is as good as the book.
Miyuki Miyabe - She has many novels like All She Was Worth and Shadow Family that are mysteries.

Changes in Japanese culture since the 1940s? ?


Could you help me list some ways Japanese culture has changed since the 1940s? How it was then, and what it is now.


You'd better divide it at 1945 (at the end of WWII), instead of 1940's.
After the war, a large amount of western culture, American music and movies in particular, rushed in. Japanese sub-culture scene changed drastically.
Today, Japan is the 2nd largest market of American movies and pop music next to the US.

Could you name a person Shiroi or Hato?


I'm working on a science fiction novel with a Japanese character who has the nickname 'Dove'. I was trying to decide what her Japanese name could be. Would Shiroi or Hato be at all appropriate, or would these names sound ridiculous in Japan?


We don't have names like Shiroi or Hato. Better to create other names.

In Japan is it still common for unmarried people to live with their parents their whole life?


as in they never move out of their parents home


Unlike the US, Japan is a family-oriented society. Family members are helping each other.

Visual kei japanese rock?


okay truthfully, can someone tell me the guys that actually are CONFIRMED to be homosexual or bisexual in visual kei.....because the guys in bands like lm.c are gorgeous and actually look like they would be gay, and to find out that they are probably straight is disapointing for me :/


I know there is a band called lin -end of the corruption world- where the lead singer did admit that he was a bisexual (didn't say what his preference was, though).

And somebody left a stray comment on Youtube that Emiru, the singer from aicle, is bi, but I really don't know if that's confirmed or they were just trolling.

Those are the only two that I know of who've actually been identified as gay in any way. Japanese artists tend to be a lot more private with their personal lives than our rockers. If it makes you feel any better, you know they can't ALL be straight. Who knows, Maya might actually be gay! :)

皆さん、お手伝って下さいませんか? Japanese Speech help?


I need some help correcting this speech for my final presentation. I'm mostly concerned about my verb tenses, and my particles, as well as proper use of grammatical elements. I have provided an approximation of what I am trying to say in English. Any else from native speakers would be very much appreciated.

Japanese and American eating habits are different,
It is considered that North America's is not healthy.
North American's fast food is too greasy and salty,
but it is considered cheap in price.
In Japan, based on the food culture fast food is
convenient and I feel that it is high in nutrients.
Stall/carts and conveyor-belt sushi are considered
to be traditional Japanese fast foods.
At stall/carts, it is possible to buy things
such as yakitori and okonomiyaki.
Okonomiyaki is Japanese style pizza,
made from such as cabbage and eggs.
Also, it is made without using dairy.
On top of okonomiyaki it is possible to put
things like octopus, prawns, and bacon.
North American fast food started to become popular in Japan
In Japan, I here there are more than 3800 American
style fast food restaurants.
For example, Kentucky Fried Chicken and
MacDonalds (and others) are popular.
That reminds me, at Christmas, it can be said that it is popular
for people to eat kentucky friend chicken.
However, The fast food of the Japanese has changed (over time)
Firstly, beef was been replaced by chicken, shrimp,
and vegetables when making hamburgers.
In 2005, in Shibyua, Mamido Burger was invented.
All of the food is made out of sweet things.
For example, the burger's bread is replaced by using cake.
Also, meat is replaced by chocolate or fried banana.
That kind of burger is popular because many
people like sweet things I think.
If only I could eat Mamido Burger,I think I would be happy.
Mamino Burger is convenient, delicious,
and I believe that the price is low.
Is is about 400 Yen (that is the reason).
The world's first Mamido Burger was built outside of Shibuya Station.
In my personal opinion, I think that Japanese style
fast food is pretty delicious



please do not take this the wrong way but asking folks to spend two and a half hours answering a question is laughable. Instead, split this into multiple (like 50) smaller questions and you will likely get answers

PS. started answering and gave up after 20 minutes

In Asia is it still common for unmarried people to live with their parents their whole life?


as in they never move out of their parents home


Asia is a very big continent with several (48) independent countries. Very hard to say one way or another for ALL of Asia but since you posted in Japan, it is very common for a Japanese person to live with his/her parents until they are married and even then, common after for one of the children to remain the home with his/her spouse and subsequent children to take care of the parents as they get older. I can't comment with authority for other countries as I've only lived for an extended period of time in Japan.

Do japanese women wear jade necklaces?



It depends on each woman. Some of them do.

Why are the Japanese not having much sex?


I was reading that the average amount of times a married couple in Japan has sex annually is 37, the lowest in the world by far. Then, Japan has a huge porn industry, so it's not like they all have no sex drive or anything as there's a big market for it. Also, I understand that there is a lot of career pressure in Japan, but pressure from careers is precisely the point often used to explain why women are having more sex nowadays, since they are generally more career focused, so if anything that would make one assume the Japanese would have more. Does anyone who has been to/studied Japan know anything more about this?


A lot of people who are married share an apartment/living quarters with their parents and there isn't any privacy.
The rooms are divided with a paper thin material. Also, they have a lot of pressure too in their careers..to go to work early and stay late.
It's easier ( and doesn't take as long) to go view some porn than it is to have a romantic evening with your wife...especially since there really isn't any place to be alone.

What does this mean in Japanese?



The bracelets when you choose the size and Sanskrit character for it on the

drop menu. Unfortunately, I don't read Japanese and Google Translate isn't

helping very much :(

Please help!


Drop menu options:

S/キリーク 子・亥・戌
S/kiri-ku RAT-DOG-PIG

M/キリーク 子・亥・戌
M/kiri-ku RAT-DOG-PIG

S/タラーク 丑・寅
S/tara-ku OX-TIGER

M/タラーク 丑・寅
M/tara-ku OX-TIGER

S/マン 卯

M/マン 卯

S/アン 辰・巳

M/アン 辰・巳

S/サク 午
S/saku HORSE

M/サク 午
M/saku HORSE

S/バン 未・申

M/バン 未・申

S/カーン 酉

M/カーン 酉

The animals are Chinese zodiac signs. The other things I have no idea what they stand for. And those signs in the beads are in the Siddhaṃ script.

Japan: Could you tell me some interesting places in Tokio ( ^_^)..?


I already know quite a few, I would also like to know any fun facts about it.

Thanks a lot


The highlights of Tokyo include, The Imperial Palace, Meiji Shrine; Asakusa district famous for Sensoji temple and Nakamise shopping street with cheap, antique kimonos, geisha bags and beautiful paper products, Sensoji temple, and the Kappabashi kitchen street for those plastic replicas of food seen in restaurant windows. Ueno for its park and museums, Akehabara for electronics, Shinjuku for its shopping with its huge Takashimaya department store and food hall, Tokyu Hands eight level craft store and Uniqlo store for really cheap, high quality, basic clothing, Harajuku for cheap shopping and Japanese street fashion, and Shiodome for entertainment.

Other places of interest include Shibuya for its famous intersection where the style tribes gather and Shibuya 109 the 10 level fashion emporium. Rappongi traditionally known for its nightclubs and bars, but now for its numerous upscale boutiques, smart cafes and Rappongi Hills with the 52 storey Mori building and Tokyo City View a walkway that wraps around the building offering 360 degree views stretching as far as Mt Fuji. Ginza for Matsuya department store and food hall.

At night time Tokyo really comes alive with mazes of blazing neon lights, tiny street stalls, bars complete with karaoke boxes, and the amazing pub food of yakitori and izakaya.

Read more on Tokyo here






とうきょうには あります。
きょうは どようびです。
きょうは じゅぎょうが ありません。
ともだちと はいきんぐを します。
れすとらんで てんぷらを たべます。
げつようびには てすとが あります。

Vegetable used in asian cooking?



We used quite a lot of vegetables in Japanese cooking. The most common are:

Leaf vegetables - such as cabbage, Hakusai (Chinese cabbage), Horenso (spinach) and Mizuna (Japanese mustard)

Root vegetables - such as Daikon (giant white radish), Kabu (turnip), Jagaimo (potato), Satsumaimo (sweet potato) and Gobo (burdock root)

Others - such as Negi (leek, green onion), Nasu (eggplant), Shishito (Small Japanese green pepper), Okura (okra) and Goya (bitter melon)

Japanese/Asian healthy diet?


I know the basics, lot's of protein and veg and very little carbs.

But what is a basic Japanese daily meal regime?

Please be serious, no racist or rude answers please :) x


The traditional basic formula of a Japanese meal is “soup and three”. That is soup and three main dishes as follows:

1. Fresh, uncooked fish (sashimi)
2. A grilled dish (yakimono)
3. A simmered dish (nimono)

These dishes will be followed by boiled rice, pickles, tea and fresh fruit as dessert.

As with most countries in this day and age time is important and more and more Japanese are turning to quick alternatives or fast food as is the case in the west.

Can you please translate this from Japanese to English?


にちようびに ぷーるに いますか。 OSTROS T1F D
How would you answer this also


in hirigan how would you say it is 12 o'clock and i am at the drug store


Are you at the pool on Sunday?

はい、います。Yes I am.
いいえ、いません。No, I am not.

(いまは) じゅうに(12)じ です。 わたしは やっきょく/どらっぐすとあ に います。

Can you please translate this from Japanese to English?


あしたは なんようびですか。
どこに すんいますか

なまえは なんですか。
どこに すんでいますか。
どこで にほんごを べんきょうしますか。
いつ くだものを たべますか。

Thanks a ton


What day is tomorrow?
Where do you live?

What is your name?
Where do you live?

Where do you study Japanese?
When do you eat fruits?



CHINA is continuously haunting india.
it is supporting pak and claims indian states it's own part,WHICH ARE INDIAN STATES UNDOUBTLY.
it has acquired india's north west kashmir and pak has acquired north east kashmir.
we indian's are feeling helpless
china and pak both may attack india.and we do not have enough strength to cope.
america doesn't seems to aid india.china has veto in UN.
i know japan cannot help india as it doesn't want to get in another world war.



Japan has territorial issues with China on Senkaku Islands.

And there was a Vietnamese guy who asked the same type of question here on Y!A. So it's the same for all neighbors of China.

How did the Iwakura Mission influence the modernization of Japan?



It had a big infruence.
Tens of goverment leaders these days of Japan left the nation over a year. They actually observe Western culture and understood Japan need to catchup very soon, otherwise Japan would be occupied sooner or later.

All of these political leaders got same experience, same understanding, same fear, and same motivation, so that Japan could be modernized very soon.

Help with translating a few short sentences to Japanese?


Just a quick few sentences I need translated, nothing major. I'm just curious as to how they would read in Japanese.

Also, Shibuya is known for Mamido burger, invented in 2005.
All the items are sweet I hear (through written sources).
Bread is replaced by cake, and the burger is chocolate or fried banana.
The first Mamido's Burger was located right in front of Shibuya Station.


Mata, Shibuya wa 2005-nen ni hatsumei-sa Mamido bāgā, de shira reteimasu.
Subete no kōmoku wa watashi ga (kaka reta sōsu o kaishite) kii te amaidesu.
Pan wa kēki de okikae, soshite bāgā wa, chokorēto ya furaidobananadesu.
Dai ichi Mamido no bāgā wa, migi no Shibuya-eki no shōmen ni ichi shite ita.

What happened to bou (ex-an cafe)?


its like he falled of the edge of the world. or else it seems like it! what happend to him?


I wish I knew also. :(
Here is what I found on the internet:

(quote) - I don't think there's any information on that. Teruki did say on his Facebook that Bou came to see him play at a concert, though, a few months back. That's the only thing I've heard that has to do with Bou. I really do hope he's well. I'm glad he still keeps in contact with the members of An Cafe.

So I doubt there will be much info about him... Well If anyone else knows something, feel free to share! :D

What kind of clothes should one wear in Japan?


You see, I'm going into an immersion program for 6 months there from January to June. I'll be staying in Yokohama. Unfortunately I have NO clue what attire I should wear so I am comfortable in that climate since I have never been to Japan before. If someone could please help me I would be so very grateful! :)


The weather in the Kanto area is fairly regular - winter is cold with maybe a couple of snow days except in the mountains where it will snow more. Spring is cool in the evenings to early mornings with daylight hours being mild. Summer is not bad if you dress light, but it is hot.

Take a layed approach for winter: thermal underwear, sweater, mittens, cap, mufflers, a medium weigh coat and a light jacket. For spring, a sweater or light jacket is good enough. For summer, anything light and breathy. It also tends to rain quite a bit just before the onset of summer.

Also, be sure to take shoes you can actually walk in because chances are you will be doing more walking than what may be usual for you - the mass transit systems are great, but you still need to walk to the stops and walk to you destination at the drop-off point.

What kind of clothes should one wear in Japan?


You see, I'm going into an immersion program for 6 months there from January to June. I'll be staying in Yokohama. Unfortunately I have NO clue what attire I should wear so I am comfortable in that climate since I have never been to Japan before. If someone could please help me I would be so very grateful! :)


The weather in the Kanto area is fairly regular - winter is cold with maybe a couple of snow days except in the mountains where it will snow more. Spring is cool in the evenings to early mornings with daylight hours being mild. Summer is not bad if you dress light, but it is hot.

Take a layed approach for winter: thermal underwear, sweater, mittens, cap, mufflers, a medium weigh coat and a light jacket. For spring, a sweater or light jacket is good enough. For summer, anything light and breathy. It also tends to rain quite a bit just before the onset of summer.

Also, be sure to take shoes you can actually walk in because chances are you will be doing more walking than what may be usual for you - the mass transit systems are great, but you still need to walk to the stops and walk to you destination at the drop-off point.

Difference between ぢ and じ & づ and ず?


I'm learning Hiragana and came across ぢ and じ which both mean 'ji' and づ and ず which both mean 'zu'. What's the difference? Is it a matter of choice between the characters when writing?


1. ぢ and じ

As far as I know, ぢ is only used for nosebleed.... 鼻血はなぢ(You need to type: "hanadi") hana-ji

2. づ and ず

Most of the case, ず Usage of づ is limited.

つづく to be contined
つづり spelling
some more?

or, when the word is combined with anohter expression. For example,
おづる/めづる male crane/female crane ← つる
つらい hard → みづらい hard to see 
おこづかい(pocket money)← つかう

Difference between ぢ and じ & づ and ず?


I'm learning Hiragana and came across ぢ and じ which both mean 'ji' and づ and ず which both mean 'zu'. What's the difference? Is it a matter of choice between the characters when writing?


1. ぢ and じ

As far as I know, ぢ is only used for nosebleed.... 鼻血はなぢ(You need to type: "hanadi") hana-ji

2. づ and ず

Most of the case, ず Usage of づ is limited.

つづく to be contined
つづり spelling
some more?

or, when the word is combined with anohter expression. For example,
おづる/めづる male crane/female crane ← つる
つらい hard → みづらい hard to see 
おこづかい(pocket money)← つかう

About how much is car insurance in Japan?


Wondering for future reference when I work there as an ALT in 2 years. I already have a drivers license here in the US and I know its good for 1 year in Japan then must be switched before the year is up (not sure if it'll cost anything to switch)...

So about how much is insurance and is it necessary to have by law? I'll be 22, drove for 4 years. Thanks!!!


If you talk about car insurance in Japan, there are 2 types. Mandatory insurance and voluntary insurance.

Mandatory insurance is an insurance offered by government and not so expensive like about 24,000 yen for 2 years. But you MUST pay this to own and drive a car in Japan. This is required. This is "necessary by law."

But most people also have a voluntary insurance because the mandatory insurance has only minimum coverage.

And the cost of voluntary insurance varies so much. It depends on many factors, like your age, your past history, what kind of coverage you want.

It's between 20,000-200,000 yen for 1 year.

What's the best time to buy a camera in Japan?


I want to buy a professional digital camera in Japan (Nikon or Canon) probably from Akihabara, and I wonder is there a seasonal sales on such consumer electronics so that I get the best deal?


You are almost certainly better buying it from amazon.co.jp - it will almost certainly be cheaper. I got my Canon Kiss X4i there, and it was a lot cheaper than in the stores. If you want a professional digital camera, then the 60D or the 7D by Canon are excellent (Kiss models are semi-pro only). On the Nikon side, the D7000 and D5100 are worth looking at. Canon fans (like me) will tell you Canon is great - and they are! Nikon fans will tell you Nikon are great - and they also are! There is little difference in picture quality, or the availability of high quality lenses and accessories. Go to the shop, get both in your hands, see which feels better to you, then buy it cheaper from amazon.

Please translate this to japanese! ^_^?


So, I'm getting a gift from a japanese friend of moms, who's on the older side.
I want to be as respectful as I can too her :D But my japanese still isn't good .. so I wonder, how would you translate the following sentences to japanese? :)

Thank you very much!
I'm really happy! My japanese still isn't very good, but I'm doing my best!
from Jennifer

I would like it if you could write these sentences in kanji and in kana, and then in romaji ^__^ since I can't read all kanji yet T_T

Thanks :D And I really need it today so please answer as fast as possible! ♥


とってもうれしいです! わたしのにほんごは まだまだですけど、がんばります!

*まだまだ not perfect/ still have a long way to go (to improve my English)

The other answer is ok excpet for the spelling of your name...

What is this Place if there is in Japan?


I'm being curious about this place always appearing in all the anime I've been watching till now.


If there is give me some brief summary on it.
Like what is the main subject in this place.


The place your looking at is part of Shibuya (which I believe is part of Tokyo), a short distance from Shibuya train station. Click the map in the link below and then zoom in on the train station icon in the center, you can see this place slightly up and to the left of the station icon.If you cant spot it, just go directly up a little until the train lines aren't covered by shadow, this is the part of the train line visible in your image. You may need to turn 'labels' off to see it though, since the orange thing kind of obscures it.


PS- you link is being weird, it just sends you to recent photobucket uploads unless you type it in manually.

Need help with Japanese grammar?



I've got some questions.
I'd like to apply to Aquas.
But I'm not a Japanese citizen nor live in Japan.
When applying, can you use a pseudonym?
Does Aquas accept non Japanese citizens who live outside Japan?
Thank you very much for your time.


I understood that you'd like to apply for a AQUAS membership.
The following is an example of e-mail inquiry (polite)

こんにちは。(or はじめまして。)




I think 1 & 2 should be switched.

Narita airport terminal transfer?


I want to know if it is possible to change terminals directly after disembarking from a qantas international flight arriving in Narita airport? The map kind of looks like there is an immigration desk that can be used to then continue to the internal shuttle thats goes back and forth? Or is it only possible to get to the other terminal by going outside and getting on the bus?

Hopefully that makes sense to someone and they can answer it?



Why do you need to transfer terminals? Are you making an international - international flight transfer? Make sure your bags are checked all the way through to your final destination.

If you are making an international to international transfer at Narita Airport this is what you do:

1. After you disembark your airplane you need to go to the INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS/ TRANSIT area, this area you must go through a airport security check (metal detector etc) again. Show your transfer ticket/trip itinerary etc. If you have luggage checked through you do not pick it up in Japan, but your final destination country, but it depends on what airlines etc.

Note that you will only be allowed through the transit area if you have a connecting flight at Narita, if your final destination of Japan is Narita or you want to see a friend in the other terminal before leaving the airport, that is not possible.

Do not follow the lines to enter Japan, this will require you to go through Immigration & Customs. Unless you are in one of those weird situations where you need to enter Japan get your luggage,

2. After you clear security at the transfer area, you will be in one of the terminals, if you need to get to another terminal ask the information desk and they will point you to one of the connecting bus gates that connects terminal 1 and terminal 2 together. These bus gates are inside the terminal areas for passengers who already cleared security.


Commonly played mmo's in Japan?


Just curious to see what kind of games the people over there play


Actually, Japan is a birthplace of Nintendo and Sony PlayStation. So I wonder how come some people can say that video game is not popular in Japan. Yes, they are very popular.

There are so many games in Japan that you can't say "games Japanese people generally play". There are just so many.

FF11 is very well known as an online game.

Ragnarok Online is the best one in terms of use numbers.

How healthy is Japanese dried seafood and how does it taste?



No reply so far is detailed enough

todaysmodernwoman says:-

It's like strong fish. Remember that Japan has limited agricultural area and the sea was a very important part of their food source.

With that in mind, they developed many ways of using products from the ocean. The items you are familiar with are really mundane to the Japanese taste.

Dried, fermented, and pickled fish were designed to enhance the flavor and preserve it for future use.

As to the healthy aspects of a marine diet, ocean fish are an excellent source of Omega 3 oils which are needed for brain and muscle development. It is also lower in cholesterol than many of the foods we consider as normal.

When I worked there we used it a lot for soup bases, I really like the dried sardines for a miso soup made with Hocho miso a dark heady one from the north.

If you do use any, even dried bonito shavings: a lot has to do with your tastes

Here in Toronto ON Canada, I go to my 2 local Japanese shops and get a package with 5 small envelope size packets, they stay fresher than a big bag,

I only saw one grater in Japan, you can buy it in peices and do it each time but it is a chore that's for sure.

I have even used the dried squids and cuttlefish, in a Sumo style Chanko stew with tofu and prawns and a bit of white fish, even makes fugu taste better.


I'd say to use Schwarz range of spices as they're color coded to show ya what's likely to go well together

My gut says try cajun spices mixed with Jamaican Jerk & scented black pepper: make soup in blender

Maybe borrow from Spanish paella idea of mixing in beef & pork & chicken

Y=U=M=M=Y with the right herb/spice combo !!!

Curry would be good too

Where would be the best place to transfer in japan?


I'm from Atlanta, Georgia and i want to transfer during my junior or senior year


You can't move to Japan unless your parents move to Japan and bring you with them.

"there are 2 people eating in a restaurant" in Japanese is...?





is more correct.

How much the driver licence in japan?



300,000 yen +. Not cheap like it is in California. Plus we only have smog tests every-other year. They have a bumper to bumper test, even the windshield wipers...Costs something like $800.