I just want to hear the good and bad news about Japan. Is things doing alright after the earthquake and flood. Ten points:-) Explain
Ten points? Wow! Maybe if I'm so lucky to receive them I can cash them in somewhere for a gift card at 7-11.
Oh man, now you've got me motivated!
OK... Here's the rub...
I'll start with the bad, so you can end with the sickly sweet dessert-like good:
Bad - difficult working conditions, huge mafia (yakuza), rampant nationalism and racism, expensive accommodations, limited accommodations for foreigners (many won't rent to you), hierarchy in the workplace (you're the bottom by default by being foreign), expensive utilities, Western food at the grocery stores is usually too sugary and unhealthy (crappy white bread only, sweet pancake mixes, sweet cereals only, etc.), horrible road network (useless address system, different roads that use the same name/number in the same city, highly stylized maps that don't tell you anything), people that will treat you like dog crap and get away with it because you don't know any better, ...
Good - polite, noble society (dealt very well with the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster), excellent food, peaceful, respectful, happy with your attempts at learning about Japan, welcoming, giving, thankful, aware! (going back to the West is a shock when you see how dull people are in comparison), tasteful, good-looking, kind, nature-loving, down-to-earth, ... You simply can't spend time in Japan and not want to go back.
It really depends on your own attitude though how your time's going to work out in Japan. Some people have the best experience ever, some kill themselves, and most are somewhere in between.