Sunday, April 24, 2011

Are the Japan servers back up now for PSN?



i think they have bigger problems.

Ii no psn is down world wide but there saying japan?


Will b the first to have up and running servers.. so say I make a Japanese account but I live in the states will I be able to sign into the servers or no. Plz dnt answer with no Cuz Psn servers r Down I already no that.


just try it and see, i dont see why it wouldnt work. But you never know really. It could be one of those things since your main account is in usa then they wont let you without completely erasing all the data and account names etc. Which if you did that you could loose any thing you dont have backed up. Also you would have to make an account on the psn again not using your old account and you will loose all the things you paid for its up to you if you want to waste the money to see if it works. Just let me know if it does, i was interested in that theory myself.

Please help me translate this. What does this say?


I can read Hiragana, but not Katakana. Please translate this into English. Easy 10 points! Thank you!

そして、へんじが おそくなって ごめんね。
エリザベスちゃんからの メールは ちゃんと とどいていますよ。
わたしは しゅうまつ ゆっくり やすみました。
どようびは うちで いちにちじゅう ねていました。
にちようびは ベトナムじんの ともだちの うちへ ごはんを たべに いきまし…


Dear Elisabeth.

Thanks for the message, and I'm sorry for my late reply.
I surely got your messages.
How was your Easter Holidays?
Was it fun? How did you spend these days?

I could take good rest over the weekend.
I've spent most of my time in bed on Saturday.
On Sunday; I visited my Vietnamese friend's house to have a (lunch/dinner) there. It was very nice.

What does "Oishi so" mean?


Does it mean, That looks good ?


You are correct, "oishisou" means "that looks delicious" :)
adding -sou to the end of an adjective gives it the connotation of "looks ___" or "seems ___"

What is the correct way to Pronounce GACKT's name?


I feel as though I am pronouncing his name incorrectly.

I tried watching fan videos online to see how to pronounce it, however it seems as though people have their own way to pronounce it-I've heard different ways I just don't know what way is the "correct" way.


I think it's said like "Gah-koo-toe" because the way japanese people say their characters like Ga-ku-to. Not "ahh" like apple but instead "ah" like when you open your mouth and say ahhhh o.o

Cancel AU KDDI contract?


I've got AU KDDI cell phone,
which I've used for 4 months.
But I have to leave Japan soon and to cancel my 2 year conract.
My cell phone was 0 yen, so I bought it for free.
So I wanted to know,
when I cancel my contract, will I have to pay something else but 10 000 yen cancelation fee?
Thank you!


No. You will only need to pay the cancelation fee, there will be no other fees involved. You will be requested to return the SIM card to them, you'll be allowed to keep your cellphone.

What are the most densely populated areas in Japan?


I've wondered that. :)


The top twelve are
Tokyo(ofcourse) - Pop. 8 130 408
Yokohama - Pop. 3 426 506
Osaka - Pop. 2 598 589
Nagoya - Pop. 2 171 378
Sapporo - Pop. 1 822 300
Kobe - Pop. 1 493 595
Kyoto - Pop. 1 467 705
Fukuoka - Pop. 1 341 489
I will tell you the top 3 places are
Tokyo is right by the coast by the pacific ocean
Yokohama is just south of Tokyo
And lastly Osaka is more inland and is good amount away from the pacific, but it right by the Osaka bay
Kawasaki - Pop. 1 249 851
Hiroshima - Pop. 1 126 282
Kitakyūshū - Pop. 1 011 491
Sendai - Pop. 1 008 024

Are the Japanese nice to foreigners?


Specifically native English speakers who travel to Japan and make an honest effort to learn their language, but probably butcher it. Are they forgiving about this? I live in an area with a lot of Mexican immigrants who speak broken English. I'm patient and polite, try to understand them and help them out. Are the Japanese the same way, or will they make fun of you and such? I'm sure it depends on the person, but are the majority of Japanese friendly and helpful to foreigners, is what I'm asking.


The Japanese hospitality is renowned all over the world. We don't expect foreigners to speak perfect Japanese. We are kind and understanding enough to correct you if you like. Many locals would even try their best to help foreigners asking for map directions even if they can't speak English properly. And that's very common to see. I've even helped foreigners a couple of times buy a train ticket from the machine. And I saw some high school students did the same way too. But you are right, it depends on the person. Some could be snobby too.

What's the fan mail address of Japanese singer Matsushita Yuya?


I can't find anything on his official website.
There's this 'Mail Service' thing on his site though... but I don't understand anything, so I'm not sure about it. -I'm searching for a postal fan mail address.-

I thought about it if I should just look up the postal address of his music label, Sony Epic Records, but I can't find anything on it's official website either.

Is there anyone please who can help me with this? ...since I got the feeling there isn't a way to send him anything for people from overseas.


that mail service thingy is just for getting his latest news. not for sending him your msg.
this is the address of his fan letters.
in japanese 〒107−8301 東京都港区赤坂9−6−35
株式会社EPICレコードジャパン マネージメント部気付 松下優也 宛

probably your not in japan so write this address in english on the envelope.

Mr. yuya matsushita
kabushikigaisha EPIC record japan management bu
9-6-35 akasaka minato-ku
Tokyo-to 107-8301

Why did Japan start WWII?



The Japanese entered into a serious effort at creating an empire of their own in Asia, in part inspired by the empires and colonies of Europeans nations. The European nations were claiming colonies throughout Asia, and the Japanese felt like they'd better create their own empire, or else risk becoming a colony like so many of their Asian neighbors. Their rationale was that they were "freeing" Asia from the Western outsiders. Of course this wasn't really true--they were just as brutal and greedy as the Western nations. Meanwhile, their campaign of expansion put them at odds with Western nations, and in response Western nations fought against them or did stuff like how the US created an oil embargo against them, which is what prompted the Japanese to declare war on the US.

How was Japan effected by Matthew Perry?


I need every way that matthew perry effected Japan's culture.


Question about moving to Japan?


I'm a second generation Japanese-American(nisei) and I will be moving to live with my grandparents in Okinawa. I will be attending an international high school that teaches in English and i was just curious about a couple of things. Will I be treated like a foreigner because I was born and raised in America or will people consider me as a regular citizen because I look like one? What do the native japanese people think of second generation japanese?

Another thing is that I speak proficient Japanese because that's all I speak in my house to my parents who only know Japanese, but I only have the vocabulary of about a 6th grader in japan(I'm an eight grader) so i was wondering if living there would increase my vocabulary pool. and I lack in areas such as using keigo(dunno what the english translation for that), so i was wondering if i would become better at that too.

I also wanted to know if i would start to speak in the local dialect of okinawa after living there for four years. (I speak in the standard dialect which is kyoutsugo/hyojungo)

Thanks(: and sorry for the long question


Seems you're going to an international high school. Then people there should be different from average Japanese citizens, or even more Americans (because US military base occupies 18% of Okinawa) You might find school mates who have similar background to you, with different 'dialect or accent' or different level of Japanese language. And as far as you live with your grandparents, your Japanese will be more natural including keigo problem.
Don't worry and enjoy your school life.

Iphone 4 price better in japan?


i'm looking to add a line to my current verizon plan with an iPhone 4. but i'm going to be in japan soon. i was wondering if it would be cheaper to buy the phone in the U.S or in Japan. if anyone has a list of prices for the iPhone 4 in both japan and in the U.S that would be great. the phone is going to be used in the u.s im just looking for the cheapest price


The Softbank network has the exclusive contract for iPhones in Japan.

They are only available on local contracts, which are only available to residents with at least a 2 years residents permit (a real pain for visitors).. the iPhones are also Locked to Softbank (MCC/MNC 440-20). You wlll not get them unlocked.

So... not a possibility.

Is Daiki Sound a bootleg record label?


I'm interested in buying 3 hard to find / out of print cds by the Japanese band "SuG".
The band has been under the labels: PS Company, Indie PSC, & Pony Canyon.

These cds have been reissued, but the label is "Daiki Sound".
Are these fake cds? I'm only interested in buying official items...

Thanks to anyone who can help....

(I know this may not be the correct category, but I was hoping for someone who is native Japanese to input comments on this situation..)


it seems very genuine accrding to the website of Daiki Sound

here is the link but its in Japanese

hope it helps

In general, do Japanese people dislike Americans or British more?


I'm just wondering.
And, of course, I am in NO WAY suggesting all Japanese peeople hate Western people/are racist/whatever.
I am genuinely just wondering.


Definitely, the Japanese feel closer to British.
British and the Japanese share the island-nation mentality which is characterized as polite, reserved and sensitive to the feeling of others. Both nations have long years of history, and their Royal families have very friendly relations for many years. The Japanese have no reason to dislike British.

On the other hand, Americans (especially those in Japan) are ignorant, arrogant, impudent, rude and insensitive. Many Japanese are looking down on them.
Aside from the historical factors, the Japanese do have reasons fo dislike Americans living in Japan.

JAPANESE translation please? no web translators?


Japanese translation please?
could someone translate this sentence into japanese, please:
(not romaji)

I worry that you will not like my appearance because I'm mixed blood asian and latin american. I do not look like Japanese. is it okay for you?

please don't make fun of this.

thanks :)



>please don't make fun of this.

I don't know if you want us to translate this one.

Japan Earthquake Relief?


I would like to help Japan out, with any way possible. Maybe donating my time overseas, etc? I'm a daycare provder, have been for four years... maybe I could help with children? Does anyone know of any groups to apply for that? Maybe to assist in orphanages, etc?


The best thing you can do is donate money to the Red Cross. There are only are few orphanages in Japan, and I believe they are run by the Catholic church. Without knowing native level Japanese, you wouldn't be able to communicate with the kids.
Getting a visa for this wouldn't be easy.

Can you tell me what they are saying in Japanese?


Can you write down what the reporter is saying in this video from 0:40-51 in Japanese. Please don't write it in English. I need it in Japanese. Thanks.


その彼女たちの新曲「Mr. Taxi」のミュージッククリップがついに完成しました。

This is it.

What are the correct particles?


学校の前( )道を歩きます。
靴売場()前 ()通ります。
ここ()まっすぐ行く()学校 が あります。
飛行機 ()そら ()飛びます。
名古屋 ()広島 () 新幹線 に 乗ります。
自転車 で 丘 () 向こう に 行きます。

Sorry, it's a lot! Thanks


学校の前( の)道を歩きます。
靴売場(の)前 (を)通ります。
ここ(を)まっすぐ行く(と)学校 が あります。
飛行機 (は)そら (を)飛びます。
名古屋 (と)広島 (へは) 新幹線 に 乗ります。
自転車 で 丘 (の) 向こう に 行きます。

I hope this is not your homework that i'm helping~:)

English equivalent of Japanese Genki?


Can anyone think of ONE word in English that has the exact same meaning as the Japanese word "Genki"? I'm wondering if there even is an english equivalent


There is no one English word that can describe genki as it has different meanings depending on how it is used. For example, it can mean good to answer a question like "How are you?" Ogenki desu ka? Genki desu.

It can also mean energetic to describe how someone is. For example, kono ko sugoi genki desu ne. That girl is really energetic.

How to Learn Japanese…

Did the radiation from japan ruin the ocean?


i'm pretty sure it did an enormous amount of damage because japan reached a critical 7 i just wanna know if we're concerned enough to do something about it and the oil spill for that matter but would we have any concern over getting the fish that we eat from the pacific???


Last time I checked, the Gulf of Mexico is 10x more polluted than the pacific ocean.

Do people from Japan know all 3 three writing systems? Or the popular ones?


Japanese Writing:
Katakana, Kanji, Hiragana


They use all three. No one knows all the kanji there are. But Japans literacy rate is 99 %...

Do girls in japan really wear buruma for gym shorts?


i saw them on an anime and googled and from what i see it seems to be true. isnt that a bit short?


not anymore...but i did when i was in elementary and junior high back in 90's
it was normal back then.

girls wear half shorts now like boys.

Why are most of there girls in anime so absurdly dressed and sometimes erotic acting?


even if there dressed ok there breasts are absurdly sized and they usually play the whole sweet and innocent lets go shopping and make cookies thing. and if the girl is a tough chick shes usually half naked. not saying there all like that but it seems like alot are?


because nerds like it that way

How to order from HMV Japan?


Can I pay with canadian dollars instead of Yen? Do they make international orders? (Canada)


standard Credit cards...
they can be used in the country.. .and when doing mail/internet orders..

The conversion Yen to Dollars is done by the credit card... you just pay in Yen..

Is Pooh Bear still popular in Japan?


I remember visiting my grandma's brother in Hiroshima when I was younger, and maybe it was just me, but I remember that every candy and toy type store had some cute pooh bear things, but as I grew up, I noticed less and less things when visiting my grandma in Kobe or Tokyo..

Is くまのプーさん still in?


Yes, it's still popular.

Is it inappropriate to send any fan letter to Japan due to what happened there on March 11th?


I would like to know.


if u mean a fan letter for a celebrity here in japan then i think its ok.

Are there fines in Japan for using a cell phone on public transport or is it just seen as very rude?



There is no fine.

Yes, it's just seen as rude.

Is it safe to shop from website?


It's my first time buying anything from this website... and I really really want what I saw!


Yes it's a safe website, they are the website I always turn to when buying Japanese media goods. I bought a lot of Base Ball Bear cds and dvds from them in years past and I've had no complaints with them (well except that it's expensive). However they do send some nice coupons every once in a while.

Tip for the future, if you use Firefox or Chrome, install WOT (Web of Trust), its an add on that tells you if the site your visiting is safe and reliable or not.

How many US dollars should I bring for a year in Japan?


I'm planing to go abroad in a year and I don't know how much currency I should bring. I know there's a difference between the US currency and that of Japan, so I'm unsure if there is an amount that I would be fine with. While there I'll be commuting by train and shopping-mostly minor things, because I will be staying with a host family.


The big question is, are you willing and able to get a part-time job? (On a student visa in college, you may be able to work up to 20 hours a week.) When I went in college, I worked maybe 10 hours a week, and was able to pay for all my extra expenses (train pass, lunches, stationery addiction) and a couple of trips. If that's the case, you'll want about $500 just to get you started.

If you won't work, then ask your program about how much the train pass will cost. Will you need to rent a bicycle storage place at the station? Other than that, I'd budget 500 yen/day for lunch and snacks, and 2500 yen /week for miscellaneous shopping, and it'd be really nice to have a cushion in case you have extra expenses (need to buy new shoes or something).

As for the "situation" -- seriously, it's pretty much under control in most of the country. The prefectures hit by the tsunami are still struggling, and of course, 100 km around the power plants is not the best place in the world to be. But otherwise, people pretty much have it together. (Barring another major earthquake or something else going wrong.) Enjoy!

Can someone give a timeline of what happened in Japan from the people's point of view?


For example: 1st day chaos ....etc
2nd day: continued tremors etc...
people in the streets freaking out...
3rd day.... evacuation

Thank You!


"What happened" is different, depending on where in Japan you live.

If you live in western Japan, you did not have much trouble in your life even on and after March 11th.

Can you explain what happened in japan with the radio active stuff?



Very basically:

The 3/11/11 tsunami hit the nuclear power plants in Fukushima (specifically Fukushima Daiichi), the coolers broke/were damaged for the reactors, so the fuel rods in the reactors began to heat up, melted parts of their containors, started leaking, and are not fixed yet.

What is the best type of sushi?


I've had California rolls, grilled eel sushi, spicy salmon sushi, and other sushi and sashimi that I don't remember the name of because I had them in Japan a few years ago..

I really wanted to try rainbow sushi but it costs too much money. what's the best sushi for $4-$7?


My favorite are the hamachi nigiri and negitoro temaki. yum yum nom nom nom.. ~~~
You must try uni, if you haven't. And stay away from california rolls, those are non authentic at all.

What cell Phones are Popular Right now in Japan for girls?


i know about the Korean ice cream phones and lollipop phones but these seem out dated now i think and i wanted to know if there was anything similar but newer that is aimed at the female market..

if anyone has a blog i could check out or a video or something on popular brand phones aimed at girls in Japan or Korea i would love to know about them..

with the ice cream phones and lollipop they work in in Australia and UK from what i heard so maybe some of the newer phones will work too

i don't want a iphone so don't list that please :)

thank you

oh and its okay if the website you give me is in Japanese or Koren i can find a translator.


All Japanese products have radiation?


I want to buy stuff online from a japanese website (cd albums, gadgets, posters).. and when i told my uncle he said i shouldn't buy from japan because these stuff might have radiation... Is that true? Can they transport 'infected' stuff from one country to another?


There is a less than zero chance of anything you buying from Japan to be of any danger.
Uncle needs a new news source.

Japanese people speak Chinese right?


No lie, I was asked this question by someone. I answered, "No...Japanese." They said, "But they understand Chinese." I gave up from there.



and all of europe speaks one language also ;)

The most you come close is that one of the japanese character sets is the same/carries much the same meaning even if is pronounced differently. A chinese person reading a japanese sign would understand it .. .and vice versa.

but ignorance and naive assumptions are with us everywhere..

A little help with Japanese, please?


How do you say "to throw one's pride away" in Japanese?


puraido wo suteru = to throw away pride.


Jibun no purairo wo suteruo =To throw my pride away

Hope it helps

Japan history question can anyone please help?


Were samurai good for Japan in general, or do you
think they just made things worse?
Why is feudalism such a bad system for society?
Why do you think Japan wanted an emperor with no
real power?
How was the Heian period good for Japan? How was it
not good?


1. Completely debatable, this really has no correct answer as it's an opinion.
2.While it isn't inhertently bad, you tend to be stuck in whatever position you were born into. Because there is very little class mobility, those who are born a farmer or born a samurai tended to stay that way, regardless of ability.
3. The Shogunate wished for an Emperor with no real power, but many others didn't. Take for example World War 2. At the end of it one of Japan's main conditions they aimed for in the surrendering terms was keeping the Emperor, and the vast majority worshiped him as a god. Though now it's a position without real power, akin to England's monarchy.
4. The only thing I know about the Heian period is that it's renown for it's literary and cultural development, so beyond that I'm unsure.

How many earthquakes have occurred in Japan until now?


Hope I helped you ^^^

Is Okinawa really worth visiting?


I am currently living in Osaka teaching English conversation at a school here. In the summer holidays my friend and I are planning a big trip to see as much of Japan as we can, but is Okinawa really worth it on a tight budget when most of what we want to do is just have fun and experience the social aspects of Japan?

I've heard great things about it, don't get me wrong, but we want to be active, i.e., theme parks, historical sites, parties, festivals etc. It seems to me that it's just a nice place to relax when you're retired. I know there are a few sites in Okinawa that are important historically, but considering them alone, is the effort of getting out there worth it? I may be repeating myself but does Okinawa offer something genuinely unique?

Please be honest. I'd love a run down of what it's like and stuff to do if possible, otherwise just put yourself in our shoes and make a judgement.

Thank you for your answers in advance. Travel websites seem to be quite messy and there aren't many overviews out there taken from someone like me, so I'm having trouble getting the big picture.

Also, if you have any other MUST-see recommendations for elsewhere in Japan I'd enjoy hearing those.

Cheers (:


Yes it is. Aside from the beautiful beaches, Okinawa has lots of historical & cultural architectures that are UNIQUE and different from the ones you see here in mainland Japan.
There is the Shuri castle in Naha which is a Ryukyu style castle.…

There are also theme parks like Okinawa world. It's not a theme park like Disneyland or Universal studios, it's a historical and cultural theme park.

There are also lots of active sports and extreme activities in Okinawa like kiteboarding, jet skiing, diving, etc. Beach isn't just a place to relax, it's a water playground too.

Iriomote is a jungle lush island. There's a national park here where you will see a unique rare animal that can only be found there, the Iriomote yamaneko.

Taketomi is a cultural rich island. With Ryukyu villages, houses and architectures.

~~It could be really costly to visit Okinawa. But yes it's worth it. Lots of unique and different things to see and experience.

But if your budget can't afford, there's Kyushu that you can explore. Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, etc. My personal favorite is the Nagasaki. It's tropical, traditional and much laid back than most places in Japan.

Is it fair for JAPANESE TO deplete all of AFRICA fish ?


JAPANESE NUCLEAR FISHING SHIPS WERE DEPLETING ENTIRE COASTS OF AFRICA OF ALL FISH using modern nuclear power gigantic fishing fleets of ships ? pre-TSUNAMI


Taking care of Somali pirates seem like a bigger problem off the coast of Africa. Priorities.

@Homer J. - I love your answer. And yes, borderline racist comments tick me off as much as full blown racism. It doesn't make you any better than the asker who is telling falsehoods of a whole race of people if you are making racist comments like that.

Re- @Homer J. NO NO. You misunderstood. I was calling the OTHER answerer's answer racist. Not your's! I was just requoting what you said and how people like that other person get me mad. That's why I said "I love your answer." I actually like your answer (no sarcasm). Sorry for the mix up.

Would black man be accepted in japan ?


im thinking about visiting japan , we recieved a special discounted offer ,and is japan safe ,south japan that is


Yes, there are already black people studying and working here. But if you start acting like a troll & douchebag then I'll be the first person to kick you out of our country.
Southern Japan and Tokyo is safe from the nuclear crisis.

Question about loss of Japanese citizenship?


OK, here's my dilemma: Currently I hold Japanese citizenship, but I am considering obtaining an EU citizenship since I live in Europe and plan to live here for many years to come. Anyway, if I do so, I will "automatically" lose Japanese citizenship, since the Japanese government doesn't recognize dual citizenship.

So my questions:

1. If I never say anything to Japanese officials, will they find out anyway? I have a Japanese passport now, so theoretically I may continue to use that until it becomes invalid, right (which is like for another 10 years)?

2. If I ever decide I want my Japanese citizenship back, how hard (or easy) will the process be?



Although I know that "the Japanese government doesn't recognize dual citizenship", I don't understand "I will "automatically" lose Japanese citizenship", which sounds the Japanese government will cancel your registration as soon as you become an EU citizen.
Btw, you don't have any Japanese friends who are married to Europeans? Try to ask them about their children. (I know many halves/2nd generations having multiple passports... from Fujimori, former president of Peru, to Hikaru Utada)
If you speak/read Japanese, don't be lazy. There're so many wibe sites where you can search by "二重国籍". Here you go;…

Is japanese food safe to eat ?


any radiation concerns or is nuclear meltdowns over ?


Japanese food from Japan is not safe to eat.

From Business World Online: A number of countries are imposing bans on certain goods such as milk and leafy vegetables from the Fukushima region, with the United States leading the pack last week. Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and even Nigeria, among others, have followed suit.

Call the restaurant and ask them if any of their ingredients are coming from post-earthquake Japan. Most have changed their suppliers to places like Korea, Scandinavia, the US, Australia, New Zealand, and France. One might argue that Australia and New Zealand aren't quite far away enough. I also think that the contamination extends well beyond the Fukushima region. THANKS JAPAN FOR BUILDING NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS ON FAULT LINES!

Help with Japanese page translations?


I'm looking to buy a yukata off Rakuten and there is english but it's translated buy google translate so it's rather dodgy. Could someone please explain the main things i need to know? So i'm assuming that they pick the design for you after you pick the theme and preferred colours?


yes. choose your age group and choose the theme from Cute, Natural, or Chic. then choose 1st choice of colors from White/cream, black, dark blue, red/pink, yellow/orange, purple, blue/green, brown/grey or whatever the store chooses. then second choice, and the third choice. after that the belt choice from one color, patterned, or gradation.
then if you want to write review for this shopping experience.
you can choose your options like decoration belt, L sized sandals, basic set of underclothing for yukata, and instruction DVD. these are extra prices shown in the ( ).

i recommend you to buy basic underclothing from optional. it is not a must but better to buy this set. you will need waist belts to wear yukata...however you can also substitute with other things. you can always find instruction to how to wear online for free. so no need to buy DVD.…

this is one of the example of how to wear.

hope it helps

Music Jargon in Japanese. Are there any different terminologies or words?


In Japanese are the notes all pronounced the same in English (A-G)? What about sharp and flat?

In chords, do minor and Major have different words than the English word? What about diminished, suspended, 7th's, 6th's, etc.?


Actually, at school we study those notes by "do-re-mi", I don't know why Japanese music education introduced Italian (German?) method. And only those who play pops/jazz start reading by C, D, E---B.
As clasic(Western)/pops/jazz words are foreign ones we describe with the original pronunciation.
furatto (flat)
shaapu (sharp)
mainaa (minor)
mmejaa (major)
diminitsh (diminished)
sasupendid (suspended)
sebunsu (7th)
sikkus (6th)

As I studied in English, sometimes I get confused by Japanese jazz theory books. (e.g. for "on-chord like Bm7/D, Japanese says "fraction chord"!)
Only Japanese traditional music uses Japanese wording. (as you know, scale itself is different)

What Japanese girl name sound the most GORGEOUS?


Like, I've always thought that Misaki is the BEST and the most beautiful popular japanese girl name. Are there anything include "mi" that you think can beat Misaki in gorgeousness ?


miyuki....meaning beauty and happiness.

misaki is sopopular isnt it.. my best friend has a daughter named misaki.
my daughter is Chiaki meaning thousands of autum. because i want her to live forever, see thousands of beautiful autumn. she was born in sep.