Sunday, April 24, 2011

Music Jargon in Japanese. Are there any different terminologies or words?


In Japanese are the notes all pronounced the same in English (A-G)? What about sharp and flat?

In chords, do minor and Major have different words than the English word? What about diminished, suspended, 7th's, 6th's, etc.?


Actually, at school we study those notes by "do-re-mi", I don't know why Japanese music education introduced Italian (German?) method. And only those who play pops/jazz start reading by C, D, E---B.
As clasic(Western)/pops/jazz words are foreign ones we describe with the original pronunciation.
furatto (flat)
shaapu (sharp)
mainaa (minor)
mmejaa (major)
diminitsh (diminished)
sasupendid (suspended)
sebunsu (7th)
sikkus (6th)

As I studied in English, sometimes I get confused by Japanese jazz theory books. (e.g. for "on-chord like Bm7/D, Japanese says "fraction chord"!)
Only Japanese traditional music uses Japanese wording. (as you know, scale itself is different)

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