Friday, April 1, 2011

Now is Tokyo tap water safe to drink?


Is there still traces of radiation in the tap water? I left Japan shortly after the quake hit but now I'm wondering whether it is safe to come back. I'm most concerned about radiation levels in the food and water supply.


Ministry of Education monitors tap water and background radiation in all of the to-do-fu-ken, so you can check. They say it's safe for babies to drink, now. (This according to the Daily Yomiuri.)

It also helps to have a radiation chart so you can check the numbers with some every-day-radiation.

As far as food goes, the gov't has stopped shipments from four prefectures with high radiation (I think I read this in the Daily Yomiuri), and basically, as long as you get produce from Kyushu or Hokkaido, you should be safe. Or of course, from overseas. (The Daily Yomiuri in English is on-line, btw.)

Finally, I would check with your embassy's website. They should have a lot of info and good links to reasonable sources. The US embassy went overboard, I think, but they did it in such a way that you felt they were a little embarrassed about it. Their links are good.

Only you can decide if you feel safe coming back.

Question about products available at am/pm convenience stores in Japan?


Two years ago, I went to Japan and at many convenience stores, a pudding/custard was available called 'milk fromage.' It was in a small cup and I was wondering what company produced 'milk fromage' or where I could possibly find them?


Kobe Chef Club produced it.

I'm not sure if they are still producing it now as their website does not have its information.

You are talking about this one, right?…

What is the age range and the average salary of those age range in Japan?


What is the age range and the average salary within those age range in Japan? For example, people 18-24 make this amount, while 25-30 make this amount. A reliable source of where you get your data from would be great. Thank you.



Age range Average salary(Japanese Yen)
 20-24     195,000
 25-29     228,200
 30-34     263,900
 35-39     299,900
 40-44     337,000
 45-49     359.000
 50-54     362,100
 55-59     342,400
 60-64     266,400
 65-69     238.900

Need help with japanese?


I read this on a girls blog

"桃が大好きため「モモ子」はわたしのHNです!桃は可愛いと甘い味なんかはわた… しかし嗣永桃子はわたしのアイドルだ、嗣永さんが憧れ。"

I think it means

"Because I love peaches that's why 'Momoko' is my HN! Peaches look cute and have sweet taste kinda like me. Just kidding, Momoko isn't cute... Also Tsugunaga Momoko is my idol, I admire Tsugunaga."


U don't need help, u r good at it.

Can we go to japan and help?


ok so we want to go and help the japanese people, but none of us have training. the only training i have is the red cross babysitters training and im about to get my cpr, maybe i could care for kids and babys there? we could bring blankets and things? im also learning japanese and i love the japanese people and would love to help, so if anyone knows where we can sign up or could tell me how long the training takes ide love to know. thanks!


HAHAHA! sorry for laughing, but you cant just GO over there.
my god are you stupid? yeah sure you can join the peace corps where they barely feed you and such but its not worth it. Its very expensive and right now they are just utilizing people with alot of skills and are professionals. I dont know how long your babysitter training was, but i dont think they need babysitters right now.
i know japanese and you cant just learn it in a year, it takes YEARS not a year to learn. by the time you get over there you will only know how to write and write basic kana, but no kanji, and have no knowledge of speaking except basic hi, hello, how are you, etc.

It's April now. Is it safe to travel to Tokyo?


im travelling there in 6 days. Think itll be ok ?


There is nothing dangerous in Tokyo. You just have power outage in some areas. And mineral water is not available in many stores.

What are the names of the most popular Japanese Traditional Songs?


I keep hearing the song over and over in different media but I don't know the name of it! Please

Someone list all the songs you know so I can have a chance of finding it :)


I have no intention to challenge people posted above, but songs like Akatombo and Yuyake koyake are not "traditional" songs, strictly speaking.
They are children's songs composed after the Meiji Restoration (1867) when new school system for children was initiated. There are hundreds of beautiful songs composed by famous songwriters for school children. They have been sung and loved by the Japanese for over 10 decades since then. If you call them "traditional," yes, they are traditional. I like most of them.
青い眼の人形 / 里の秋 / みかんの花咲く丘 / 青い眼の人形 / 里の秋 / みかんの花咲く丘 / 七つの子 / 赤とんぼ / 証城寺の狸ばやし / 七つの子 / 赤とんぼ / 証城寺の狸ばやし / お猿のかごや / 月の砂漠 / 待ちぼうけ, etc.
You don't need to read them; just copy and paste each of them on Youtube. You can listen.

But in strict sense (from my view), traditional Japanese songs are Minyo handed down from generation to generation for a few hundred years by local people in many regions all over Japan. They are traditional folk music about local people and nature of their respective regions arranged and re-arranged by many generations.

江差追分 / ソーラン節 / 津軽じょんがら節 / 大漁唄い込み / さんさ時雨 / 南部牛追唄 / 上夜曲 / 秋田音頭 / ドンパン節 / 真室川音頭 / 最上川舟唄 / 花笠/ 会津磐梯山 /
磯節 / 八木節 / 草津節 / お江戸日本橋 / 大島節 / だんちょね節 / 武田節 / 木曽節 /
佐渡おけさ / 米山甚句 / 三階節 / 越中おわら節 / こきりこ節 / 越中麦屋節 /
森本めでた / 山中節 / 三国節 / ノーエ節 / ちゃっきり節 / 岡崎五万石 / 桑名の殿様 / 伊勢音頭 / 竹田の子守唄 / デカンショ節 / 串本節 / 貝殻節 / 安来節 / 関の五本松 / 敦盛さん / 男なら / 南蛮音頭 / 金毘羅舟々 / よさこい節 / 黒田節 / 炭坑節 / おてもやん / 竹田の子守唄 / 宇目の唄げんか / コツコツ節 / ひえつき節 / 刈干切唄 / 鹿児島おはら節 / 鹿児島ハンヤ節 / 串木野さのさ / 谷茶前 / 安里屋ユンタ /

Should i visit japan now?


I am Japanese in Singapore, and visiting Nagoya Japan 450km away from Fukushima, but my Korean flat mates who afraid radiation because they have 2 year old baby. They think situation is worth than Chernobyl. US or other country suggest leave from 90km, or go west. so i feel Nagoya is safe enough. i understand their concern. what should i do?


There is no problem in visiting Nagoya.

I'm not sure why you care your Korean mates. Do you want to go with them? But it's not possible if they refuse. It's their decision.

Can someone explain japanese conjugation verbs?


how can you tell if its a ru verb a u verb or an irregular verb?


You have 2 verb sets: Ichidan which ends with "iru" or "eru" (they end in ONLY one of these 2 endings) and Godan (u, ru, tsu, etc.) which is different (Japanese people actually don't really learn it as that in school I was told by numerous people). However, the irregular verbs have to be memorized just like Kanji, there really is no other trick... Sorry it takes some explaining and I'm not the best teacher, but I lived there for 2 years so I can speak a fair amount. Hope it helps!!!

Can anyone tell who is this girl? - Japanese or Korean Pop Star?


So I was just browsing for some wigs and then I saw this girl, then I was like :O
She looks like an anime alive. Please tell me her name in case you know.


I believe she is just a Japanese Model. The wig is called Tokyo Edge Girl, so it's most definitely Japanese.

Should I cancel going to Japan this Fall?


I am going to study abroad this Fall, but with all the things going on there do you think that I shouldn't go?


I think it's better to wait for a while if you can wait. Things could change much before fall.

Can japan's radiation reach mexico?


can it reach mexico and get into the food air etc.?
im currently living down here on a state close to the pacific and i try to google this but nothing barely about mexico..(i search in english sense im horrible at spanish)


yes. you're going to die of cancer in 2012.

Fluent Japanese speaker's!?


Please translate what did he mean?


What was he trying to say to me explain detail?


i'm going to be blunt but... I mean, do you like me?

Accurate Japanese translation please!?


Please translate what did he mean?



To ask frankly, you, you know, like me?

Do people live near Mount Fuji?



Some people do.

Is there a way to go to japan for free?


My dream is to go to japan and if i went to japan i would be the happiest man in the world. I'm not very wealthy and can't afford any thing over a cent.


Sorry, Mitch, I'm afraid you're out of luck. And I believe both GEOS & NOVA went bankrupt years ago. I also doubt if JET pays your way there & back. But you can check out the web site below so you'll get the facts and not someones opinion.
Sorry, pal, there is no free ride to Japan If there were, I'd be there myself now.

Where can i claim my money send through western union here in tokyo japan?



You go to one of Travelex offices as I said on another question.

Western union is available in metro bank tokyo?



A company called Travelex is doing Western Union service in Japan. Not Metro Bank.

EPA monitoring keeps telling us US radiation levels from Japan are below levels of concern yet they rise. WTF?


First it was 100,000 times lower than danger levels. Now it is 5,000 times lower than danger levels. What happens at the next measurement?


The situation is hardly static or under control. Nobody knows yet what is really happening within the reactors - at this point there are just educated guesses from what is seen from the outside. Anybody going in there is going to need a million sunblock for this radiation - but the US is not going to be severely affected directly. Fish and other products from the affected area in Japan though will need to be watched.

What are they saying in this video?


at 2:02 the girl from Japan opens up her bento box and says something in Japanese.
What does that mean?


The word itself is as another said.

I don't think the girl is really from Japan. Her Japanese is heavily accented.

JAPANESE SONG??? "Ai no uta o.." ?


I heard this Japanese song I like recently and I want to find out who sings it

I know for sure it it not Ai no uta by Mai Fukui.

In this song, and i don't even know the title, a girl/woman singing, there is more accent on the words like this:
Aiiiiiii no uta oh~
She says ai like "ah-ee"


YUI - Love & Truth…

Your part starts @ the 1:00 mark.

Do you have any such experience with Japanese girls ?


There is a Japanese girl doing research with me. I am a brown asian. I have noticed certain things that 'might mean' that she has a strong crush on me. She is also 'Kawaii' & reasonably good looking. (Trying to behaving as cute as a child although she is 27.)

She asks me a lot of questions (Her topic of research is close to mine one) OK, OK, lets take that as obvious. One day when we 4-5 people talking about different languages and scripts (We have a multicultural research group) and telling one another how a few common words are spoken in different languages she asked me in front of other people how to say 'I like you' in MY language. I took control of myself, and answered it normally as any other question, anyway.

The next day I was with her and one of our common friend and she asked me if I drink alcohol and smoke or not. I smiled and said no. Then my other friend asked her if she drinks and smokes. She said yes but I could see a degree of reluctance/hesitation in her voice (Maybe inferiority complex ?). She was so surprised to know I am a vegetarian.

Before a few months, she had to move to the shared house for two months where I lived too. When she saw me there, she told me, 'I am feeling very strange !'. I asked 'Why ?'. She said, 'Because you are here !'. I was surprised and asked again 'Why ?'. She said 'I don't know !'. This happened twice on her first day into the house.

Latest Information : She has a bf (I know him, he is not Japanese) and also has excessive sexual relations with him, and she is very happy with that and loves him so much. Is this called dual personality ? If she's got a man already why is she having crush ? Other people working with us who don't know she has a bf think she's got a crush on me. She has never mentioned to me that she has a bf, and she doesn't know that I am aware that she already has a bf.

She knows very well that I am not of her type, (I know it too) so I am not going to drink or smoke with her or sleep with her (I am a virgin btw). So what does she expect from me ? Is she just playing with me or she is just so polite or she has a real crush ? Why does her body language reveals that she's got a crush on me ?


You've posted this question about ten times before...I guess most on here haven't been on here long enough to remember the first 9 times.
I'd say your chances are zero.

How to keep mother from sending child to japan?


Child 6yrs would be traveling alone. I feel it's to dangerous.


What do you mean by sending?

I don't think anyone will allow a 6 year old to be sent to Japan alone.

Why isn't there looting in Japan?



There was some, and it was something like a beer warehouse ! No kidding ! The story was on the site below. Not sure if it's still there. I was very surprised myself...

I'll be 12 hours in Tokyo, what can I do?


I'll be flying from Busan to Los Angeles, but there's a 12 hour stop in NRT airport, I have to change to HND airport in Tokio... That will take me like 1 hour or so... What can I do the other 11 hours!? Any Sushi restaurant recommended? Any shopping mall near HND airport?


Actually, there's a lot of shopping in the airports. Narita has stuff from all over the world, but I'm not sure if you want to/can store your luggage while you go shopping. (There are storage lockers and places that will watch your luggage for a fee . . . it's just a hassle if you have a ton of luggage.)

I had a friend who stored his small bag in Haneda, went sightseeing in Asakusa (IIRC), and went back to Haneda to pick up his stuff and go to Narita . . . and he had only a five-hour layover (but no customs, since he was coming from Hokkaido).

I think Haneda would be the better bet to do sightseeing. You can see Harajuku and Meiji-jingu and get back to Haneda easily within five or six hours.

You can also store your bags at Narita, but it's further from the sightseeing areas.

Whatever you do, allow yourself an hour and a half to get out of Narita, and an hour and a half to get through customs, etc. in Haneda. (Most likely, you will need to collect your luggage at Narita and take it yourself to Haneda -- I've never heard of any airline that will make that transfer for you.)

By the way, many Japanese businesses are suffering because tourists (Japanese and foreign) have cancelled their trips. Sightseeing is a great way to boost the economy, and Japan would love for you to see its good spots, and let others know what you saw.

Has the nuclear catastrophe in Japan OPENED YOUR IGNORANT EYES to the fact that nuclear power is unacceptable?


In today's day & age?


Well yeah, but until a little while ago, Japan needed those plants to be a self sufficient nation. They didn't have a lot of resources that other world powers had. And the chances of all the cool down systems failing was very very slim, so nobody expected it (and also, other old sources of energy also caused harms.. like coal = lung cancer and mines collapsing..). I never supported nuclear power from the beginning though, you would think that the world would realise from Hiroshima or Nagasaki what nuclear radiation does... or Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.. but no. But I think everyone will start switching to wind, solar, and water power (I hear they are building a city in Japan powered by the sun).

How can I buy from Japanese site in the USA?


So I was trying to buy a handheld system from japan. I found a service called, it seemed pretty cheap for them to do it for me, but appearantly they can't ship anything with lithium ion batteries! What I want has one, so they refused! Does anyone know any other service (cheap one pls) like tenso that does ship lithium ion battery things? Or any other way to buy from japan? If it matters, I am wanting to buy a Gameboy micro from amazon japan.


The restriction on shipping lithium ion batteries comes from the postal service, not the shops, so you probably aren't going to find a place willing to risk shipping one to you from Japan. You could try asking a shopping service like Celga if they ship items with lithium ion batteries but don't be too surprised if they say no too.

Question , donations for Japan?


But isn't Japan a very wealthy country than most are?


While Japan does have a lot of money to rebuild would cost heaps bringing the eco down and turning it into a place like Bali.

How far is tokyo port japan from nuclear power plant?


is it free from radiation?any update pls...


About 150 something miles...

Is there any risk from radiation from buying consumer goods made in Japan?



No, you don't have to worry about it. There wasn't much from that area of Japan that got shipped internationally anyway. The rest of Japan is fine.

When do you use 言う vs 語る vs 話す?


When is one used over another in a sentence? PLEASE use example sentences.


言う: say/mention (the most common expression of these 3, or most colloquial)

語る: speak in order (about something that can contain logical story --> mostly written
never used for yourself (私はそう語ります→ NG)
~だと専門家( = specialist) が語っていました。
それは語りつがれてきた話だ (It is a legend that has been handed down so far.)
事件についてそう語っていました。(about something serious)

話す: talk, telling a story (sounds more casual/colloquial than "語る")

I'm from japan. and i'm thinking of going Phillipines this summer. but i'm 17.?


im still 17. can i go there alone without adults ? or i still have to provide some papers from my parents ? in America , 15 - 17 can go alone as long as there are papers , but what about japan ? i need help :(


Ask in the Philippines section for best answers. I am guessing that you need to be at least 18 to travel anywhere by yourself

19th Century Japan questions?


1603 - 1850 (Edo period)
Explain Japan's relationship with other countries.
How strong was her military


During the Edo period, the Tokugawa family ruled, with Ieyasu as shogun (complete ruler) of Japan. The Tokugawa rulers began to fear that contact with foreign traders may lead to Japan being invading by a Western nation, resulting in Japan becoming a colony of the west. In an attempt to prevent this, he introduced the "closed door policy" into Japan in the early 1600's. No people were allowed to enter Japan and no people were allowed to leave. All foreign books were banned and burnt. All foreign trade was cut off, with the exception of dutch traders whom were allowed to trade at Nagasaki port (under strong supervision) only once a year. All other foreign sailors shipwrecked on the coasts were killed, as were any other sailors trying to enter Japan. This policy lasted up too 200 years.

Japan was underdeveloped by Western standards.They were still mostly using weapons such as swords and bows and arrows. Although they knew about guns, very few samuri soldiers would have had one. However, in the early 1600's they were not too weak military wise. When Tokugawa first rose to power, he made Edo (modern day Tokyo) the capital of Japan and moved his military there. He built no defensive walls but instead relied on the mountains surrounding Edo to protect it, along with numerous blind alleys and gates designed to hinder and confuse invaders. This would have been considered foolish by most Western powers.

During the Edo period, very little technology-wise changed for Japan. Due to their lack of any forms of contact, they were unable to "borrow" ideas from other nations. In the early 19th century, the west had started building ships and industrializing, while Japan was still using wooden boats and didn't even use electricity. The military was very weak like most Asian countries at that time.

However despite this, the closed-door policy could be considered a success as Japan never went to war with any western nation or any nation for that matter. Japan was very peaceful during the Edo period and the arts and crafts flourished during this time. Much of Japans best artwork was made during this time.

So to sum up, Japan had no relationship with any nations, besides The Netherlands, with whom it traded with once a year only. Her military was weak at the beginning of the period and only continued to get weaker and weaker as the rest of the world was advancing in technology, while Japans technology was getting no better. However despite all this, it was a peaceful period for Japan and is a time when Japan truly established its identity.

What's the average monthly wage in Japan in 円?



As The Cheapest said, it depends a lot on age and gender, definite no-nos to consider in many countries. And it also depends on your occupation. Check this site for some values.

What are the requirements need to get a tourist visa going to Belgium, where I presently lived in Japan?


I lived in Japan for 1o years and have a permanent visa.


If your nationality and passport is from the Philippines (Philippines passport) you should visit the Belgium embassy in your country and check the requirements. Your permanent visa here in Japan will not be honored or recognize because you are still a Philippines citizen.