People say at all sorts of places that N1 lists online are all out of date. Can please somebody please confirm this for this particular list? It says on the bottom of the page that it was last updated November 2010. Would appreciate some info from somebody involved or somebody who took the exam recently.
Thanks a lot in advance!
The truth is that they are trying to get away from the "study these things and you will pass" format. The Japan Foundation is trying to establish a more valid test of real-world skills. So, they will be releasing workbooks and sample questions, but no official list of kanji or vocabulary. That is why so many people are saying the lists are "out-dated", cause anything could be on the test. It is best to just stick to study materials that are labeled N1. They are usually based on the official samples released by the Japan Foundation.
Check out the answer to the following question in the FAQ:
"For the old test, "Test Content Specifications" showing kanji and vocabulary used in the test was published. Will a similar list be published for the new test?"
Good luck. I'm taking it this year too!