I'm currently learning Japanese, and I have a pretty good foundation on the basics of the language. Now I'm kinda just going over those "small" steps that would make speaking the language sound a little more... correct! I want to have at least some idea of what the intonation should be like, but say I didn't follow the intonation rule. Is the intonation GREATLY significant? Or can you go without it? Though I want to get a firm grasp on it.
And also, if you're able, can you maybe give me a "summary" of the intonation? Or maybe give me a basic understanding? I know Wikipedia has a page on the intonation, but, idk. I like getting them from a persons own words. Lol.
The intonation comes naturally , its the same as any language.
In casual Japanese questions are asked with a rising intonation. Just as you do with any word.
Its just like any language. You should be able to do it naturally.
Heres some websites that teach Japanese Teaches full Japanese lesson free
- Polite, Casual and slang Japanese (all Japanese)
- Fully explains lessons
- Teaches kanji and kana aswell
- Has video lessons
- Books, vocabulary lists and a forum to help you learn Has many lessons
- unfortunately not free, you only get 1 week free trial (but just keep signing up with fake email)
- Teaches polite and casual Japanese It teaches random lessons
- Detailed lessons on wide variety of topics
- Casual and polite Japanese