Thursday, December 22, 2011

Is wakame the same as regular seaweed?


This may seem like a retarded question but is "wakame" the same thing as just straight up seaweed? I've been dealt some conflicting information.

I know "nori" in japanese means seaweed, so that would logically lead me to believe wakame means a particular type of seaweed or something else.

However, wikipedia says wakame is a type of SEAWEED DISH (a salad, more specifically).

Another site suggests it's the same thing.

Help please?


Wakame (ワカメ) - An edible brown seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida, class Phaeophyceae) used, typically in dried form, in Chinese and Japanese cooking.

Nori (海苔) is the Japanese name for various edible seaweed species of the red alga Porphyra including most notably P. yezoensis and P. tenera, sometimes called laver.

They're both types of seaweed, but different varieties.

Another type is Hijiki (ヒジキ, 鹿尾菜 or 羊栖菜) which is also an edible brown seaweed (Sargassum fusiforme). Hijiki is sometimes labeled as nori.


Compare it to tomatoes. You have cherry tomatoes, big beefsteak tomatoes for sandwiches and Roma/Plum tomatoes for sauces. Yep, they're all tomatoes. But they're still different.

Is it time we kicked the American military out of British land?


They tried to deny us access to Ascension Island during the Falklands War even though we own it and recently there were reports US special forces teams were helping Argentina during the war.
Also we kicked the Diego Garcians out of Diego Garcia and allowed the Americans to turn it into an air base for there use.
We could also kick the Americans out of their bases in Britain in Norfolk and places and bring all our troops home from Germany, Iraq and Afghanistan and place them there.
The Americans have done nothing for us apart from encourage our stupid governments to send hundreds of young British men and women to their deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq, they claim to have won WW2 however Russia largely helped on the Eastern Front and the Americans only joined after the Japanese decided to bomb Hawaii.
Americans claim to always fight our battles for us however it seems the other way round, we joined in on their stupid little projects in Iraq and Afghanistan and the two wars Britain didnt join in are Vietnam and Somalia which ended badly for America.
Its time Britain become a neutral country like Switzerland, leave NATO, tells America where to go, closes all our bases abroad and close all foreign bases on British soil, British troops should only be based in Britain and there purpose should ONLY be to defend Britain not fight America's battles.



I'm half Brit, but I say you ungrateful wretches would all be speaking GERMAN if we hadn't bailed you out of TWO World Wars.

Oh, and your BS about the Russians is FALSE. We supplied THEIR commie @$$es with guns, gas, food, and planes exactly the same way we supplied you.

NOW your empire has collpsed, and the backwash of wogs has turned your nation into a cesspool.

I love little revisionist PUNKS like you. You're what, twenty?

Your WWII grandfathers (if you ARE a Brit) would spin in their graves if they read your SHI+.



Why do so many yahoos view Afghanistan as an illegal war?


And even equate it to Iraq in terms of it being an illegitimate war?
A user name Dave is flat out calling the US occupiers, and he agrees with Joe Biden that the Taliban is not our enemy.

BQ: What percent of American voters still believe that 9/11 was an inside job? What percent of yahoos believe that?


Because they are liberal drones who are conditioned to give that response. Ask any one of them what proof they have that "Bush lied" about Iraq (different war, but same point), and they will do nothing but dance around the question. Anyone who believed that Bush lied about WMDs, and wasn't simply MISTAKEN because of bad intelligence reports is as bad as the 9/11 "truthers"...basically anti-American pieces of crap. Don't get me wrong, I am no Bush fan, but he didn't lie.

If you really, really, want to get technical, the last official declaration of war by Congress was on Nazi Germany and the Japanese Empire and the other Axis Powers during World War II. Yet we don't complain about all the wars Democrats have got us involved in...they went as far as to cheer 0bama on when he got us involved in Libya.

To be liberal is by its very nature to be so blindly partisan that you must turn yourself into a liar and a hypocrite just to defend your viewpoint. Almost EVERYTHING they hated Bush for, they either praise 0bama for, or give him a pass. As a true non-partisan conservative (I usually side with the lesser-of-two-evil Republicans, but not always), I did not like Bush or 0bama...but 0bama is just a hyper-progressive Bush on steroids, in my opinion.

Whlen should the particle を be used?


I just find myself not using it very much in Japanese. Help please


If you are doing something to an object. For example:
本を読みました。(Hon o yomimashita) - I read a book.
What did you do to the book? You did something to it, you read it. Therefore "を” is needed.
バナナを食べました。(Banana o tabemashita) - I ate a banana.
Once again, what did you do to the banana? You did something to it, you ate it. Once again, "を" is needed.

Even things like this:
角を右に曲がってください。(Kado o migi ni magatte kudasai) - Please turn right at the corner.
This one is a bit harder. I don't know at what level in your Japanese studies you are so you may or may not understand this one but it's good to know.
What did you do to the corner? You did something to it, you turned right at it. So, "を" is needed.

I hope this made it a bit easier for you to understand! 頑張ってね!

So, how did WWII begin?


Next term we're starting WWII and I've heard that there have been many ideas about how it started. Is that true? If so does one of them weighted with more fact and proof than the others? I would really like to know...thankyou!!


WW2 officially began when Hitler invaded Poland. France and UK were bound to Poland by a defense treaty to support Poland. However, they sat back adn watched as Poland was invaded and then carved up by Germany and its unlikely ally, Russia.

The Germans then turned their attention to the Western Front. Much of Europe fell under Nazi sway except Britain which remained free thanks to winning the Battle of Britain.

Britain fought Germany in North Africa and Germany invaded Russia, but the war truly went global when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Hitler declared war on the US in a show of solidarity with the Japanese.

The cause of WW1 is a classic question in historiography, but i think the whens and whys of WW2 are fairly well agreed upon.

Britain and France declared war on Germany on Sept. 3 and this is usually taken as the beginning of the war, though actually Germany attacked Poland on Sept 1 with no declaration.

Hope this helps.

Bento box recipes please...?


I'm a fifteen year old girl, next year I'm planning to bring a bento box to school and start eating more healthily. I was wondering what small, easy and quick recipes would be good for me? I'm not originally Japanese (I'm Australian) and I don't like sushi, at least not the ones with the raw fish inside, lol. Thanks for your help! :)


well i usually do this when im bringing bento box for lunch before at my school. I cook a omelet and slice it in to pieces, i put tofu mixed with broccoli and chicken, and any kind of fruits. and specially put some design inside your bento box like small japanese umbrella. i hope it help. =)