Monday, May 23, 2011

Hello! Project singles/albums prices?


I really want to know the prices of the singles of the idols that Hello! Project manages.
You know Morning Musume, Berryz, C-ute, S/mileage, Mano Erina and Yuu Kikkawa.
If possible its price in Japan. thank you and please answer. :)


CD is generally around 1000 yen in Japan.

How to ask "if" and "why" in Japanese?


For example, I ask "If you don't like horror movies, why do you watch them?", or "If you're sick, why did you come to school?"


"if" and "why" are technically translated "MOSHI" & "NAZE/DOUSHITE" (edited)
but for your sentences, I would translate (to meke them sound natural Japanese):

"If you don't like horror movies, why do you watch them?"
ホラームービーが嫌いなのに、どうして見るの?horror movie ga kirai nanoni, doushite miruno?

"If you're sick, why did you come to school?"
具合が悪いのに、どうして学校に来たの? guai ga warui noni, doushite gakkou ni kitano?

I want to help Japan ?


I am a 14 year old who REALLY wants to help japan, while im physically there. is it even possible for a 14 yr old to help?


Don't let this burden you. You can ask your parents to make a donation on your behalf and please stay in school and finish your education

Ancient japanese ninjas report?


this is what i have so far... i just dont know what to add to itt.!! D:

Ninjas, do you believe in them? I do. But do they really jump out of nowhere and attack you? Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. Ancient Japanese ninjas are legends in the Japan culture. A ninja is a covert agent of Japan specializing in unorthodox arts of war. They have lots of functions: sabotage, assassination and lots more. The ninjas were discovered in the 14th century, how is said to be a secrete. Ninjas were used for missions, they would



Ninjas where not "discovered" nor did they suddenly appeared in the 14th century. It's the word "ninja" that appeared in the 14th century, but before the appearance of the word there were already people who filled the functions of the ninjas.

Militaries throughout history all had special units of soldiers who had specialized skills not normally found in the regular units. But, the 14th century was the early beginnings by the Japanese at seriously recording their history.

A ninja could be a samurai already a member of a clan sent do his lord's (Daimyo) biding or he could be a freelance hired by a clan for a specific mission. The most famous of the freelancers would be the samurai's of Iga and Koga province who were semi-independent and hired themselves out to other clans.

How influential is the Yakuza in current Japanese society and politics?


Thank you


As a non Japanese and not even living in Japan I suppose you can disregard my answer, but never the less here's my pennyworth

Some time ago, my wife opened a shop in a busy town. She had spent quite a bit of money and put the hours in to ensure its success.
The day prior to its opening a young, well dressed and well mannered Japanese gentleman paid her a visit. He informed her that the dues should be paid on time at the end of each month.
My wife in her naivety told him to leave immediately or she would call the police. The gentleman left, leaving behind his "Meishi" ( business card )
That afternoon she mentioned the incident to the adjoining shop owner. Soon afterwards she called the young gentleman to arrange payments.
This apparently is not a one off. this is a well oiled machine in action so does not surprise me in the least that after the Kobe disaster the Yakuza helped so many to get back on their feet. The loss of revenue must have hurt.
If you think that the Yakuza are a modern day Robin Hood, then please forget it.

Any other way I could move to japan?


I'm 17 and want to move to japan by my mid 20s-25 I'm only a 17 male
Now anyways the major I'm interested I'n is dental hygienist would I be able to do that I'n japan because I don't want to be a English teacher.


First off, you need a four year degree to qualify for a work visa, along with a job offer before you get there.
The key to working in Japan is to have a job skill they don't have. Not an easy task.
To be a dental hygienist you would also need to have native level language skills. Even a harder task than finding a job.
You'd also probably have to take tests and pass the qualifications for this job.
Yet another problem is many Japanese don't want a non-Japanese touch them. Japan is still about 98% Japanese, and many have had little or no contact with non-Japanese. It's not being racist, it's just being uncomfortable with gaijin.
So I guess the answer is not likely to no. Sorry

I am looking at Traveling to Tokyo, Japan next month. Is it a good idea to go on a vacation there?


I was mostly wondering if Tokyo was hit hard by the crisis. Would it be better to travel somewhere else in Asia? Thanks for your Advice!


Tokyo is fine. It was fine before the quake. It is still fine after the quake. There was a shortage of some food items like milk, bread....but that is no longer the case.
There's a chance of rolling blackouts during the summer, but this is a wait and see issue. It will depend on the weather and how well people try to conserve power.
If I had the chance to go, I'd be gone in a heartbeat...

How can i fly to japan free?


hi i am looking for a way to go to japan without having to pay 900+ usd to fly to japan
i am willing to be a currier and or accept free hospitality to get to japan
my reasons of wanting to go are simple. i am wanting to go check on my family in japan. since the tsunami in chiba i have yet to hear from anyone email or otherwise and am realy wanting to go to japan and see if i can either find them and or find out if they are okay or what happend. i am also wanting to help rebuild japan and am willing to work in the radiated area of chiba and others to clean up and rebuild japan back to where it should be. i am well aware of the consequences of going and am prepaird for it . please if anyone knows of a way to get back to japan free please write me an email


No free transportation to Japan.

How come other posters say Chiba was OK?

Eastern part of "Chiba Prefecture", mostly around Asahi-city, were hit by Tsunami.
More than 10 people are killed by Tsunami, another several people are missing. About 20 people are killed by the tsunami and the erthquake. Fishing port area got some serious damage, and many fishermen lost their boats and houses.
"Chiba City" was OK for Tsunami, but got some sevior damages by the earthquake on many houses, buildings and infrastructures. It got liquefaction and ground subsidence. Some residential district around there are still out of sewage facility.
The radiation level are carefully monitored and it seems it's OK.

Importing doujin music to US?


I always make a habit of buying things I like, much more so for independents and such. There's an album that recently came out (just recently, like yesterday) that I'd like, but I can't find it on any sites that ship internationally. It's all over the place in domestic shops, but they don't ship overseas.

Does anyone know of any reliable shops that might have it? I already checked Paletweb, it isn't there. I couldn't even pirate it if I wanted, I checked.

Album in question:…


You can buy it at the store and ask this kind of forwarder to forward it to your country.

How can i book a currior flight to nrt japan?


hi i am looking to go to japan to help out how ever i am not exactly a rich person to fly on a whim
i am told i can take a currier flight to japan and am wondering how to go about doing so? as i do not think there is a such thing called free flight to japan


I checked into this before myself. It didn't happen. I assume you meant courier. You need to be near a major airport in New York, Los Angeles or San Francisco for the most part. Then find an agency that needs to send something to the area you want to go. But when you enter Japan you will be asked why you are there and that you have enough money to support your stay. Your two reasons will get you sent back.
If you have relatives in Japan, there are online lists you can search for free.

How do you say, "Just be yourself," in Japanese?


As in "Don't worry, be your own person."




Facts about rich Japanese people and poor Japanese people?


Google isn't helping


There are many rich people and poor people in Japan. I don't know which one of them you want to know.

What kind of Bar is "loft" in Japan?



I'm going to guess it's a shot bar, could be a snack. With a name like Loft it is unlikely to be some large cabaret or live house.

What kind of Bar is "loft" in Japan?



"Loft" is the name of a big department store. Are you sure you're not confusing it with this?

How could people forget about Japan?


It's barely in the news anymore and no one seems to talk about it.
It seems like no one cares anymore. Now all the news talks about is that French man I forgot the name of that's supposed to have abused a woman. I live in Europe so I don't know if it's on the news out of Europe. My friends stopped donating and when I mentioned it they went like "Oh! yeah there's still the whole japan thing going on...". I'm making this too long but my point is: How can people forget about something like that?


I don;t think people have forgotten about it. It was still a horrible blow and they'll always be in my prayers it's just that life goes on. We're still helping them and giving them everything they need. But like I said, life goes on and people start worrying about other things..

Returning to Japan after the crisis?


Would you mind telling me that after the crisis is over, foreigners will return to Japan (the land of the rising sun) right?


If you are talking about nuke crisis, there is still no end in sight. So it's too early to talk about it. Even if the crisis ended, radiation may remain for years or decades. It depends on how much radiation remains in Japan.

Help (japanese language)?


I wanted to to know when do we change the "masu" to "ni" in verb,example:

nomimasu = nomini
tabemasu = tabeni
mimasu= mini

I want to know when do we apply them.Also if can,can you translate this:

Konban syokuji ga owatte kara, eiga o mini imasu.

Thanks(a beginner in japanese laguage)


It's really replacing the 'masu', it's making the masu stem of the verb which acts more like a noun, then adding a proposition 'ni'.

In the example you've given it should be "eiga o mi ni iKimasu."
'ikimasu' as in 'to go', and 'ni' in this case acts like english 'to', we end up with the sentence pattern 'to go to *verb*"

So, 'eiga o mi ni ikimasu' is 'to go to watch a film'

As for the first part of the sentence, we have 'konban' which sets the time: this evening

The 'kara' in 'shokuji ga owatte kara' indicates 'after' (or as I think about it 'from') the previous part of the clause which means 'meal is finished'

So altogether i is "This evening, after I've finished dinner, I will go to watch a film"

How many people diet tsunami in japan?



About 15,000 people died in tsunami and 9,000 are missing.…

Japanese, how to pronounce: 楓?


It means Maple, apparently

go to this website, paste the kanji in the search box, and when the search returns, click the second blue play circle to hear the pronunciation.

It is romanised as: kaede
and does in fact mean maple tree

How can I get my Yucho Bank information?


I know these questions pop up all the time but bear with me.

I had a ゆちょう銀行account when I lived in Japan. I want to send money to my account in Japan and I can't find my 通帳 so I don't know my account number. Is there a way to get my account info from overseas?


You seem to need "紛失届け funshitsu-todoke" first.

0120-794889 (ナクシたときはハヤクお届け)(通話料無料)
海外からのご利用の場合 045-345-1101(通話料有料)<--- from overseas (toll charged)

What did Russell Brand do to get deported from Japan?



"prior criminal record "...

What if I go to Japan without visa?


i never been to Japan. I plan to going this year. i already booked my flight and return flight also. i heard applying visa to Japan is complicated. I just want to know did anyone went to Japan without applying visa. please share your experience. i am Malaysian


Visa requirements vary depending on your nationality. So for most western nations a visa is not required. But as a Malaysian you must have a visa before going to Japan. If you don't then the airline won't even allow you to board your flight. It's that simple.
If they did then you'd be sent back home immediately upon arriving in Japan, and the airline gets fined megabucks for the trouble.

Do people from Japan find these commercials funny?


I always see strange Japanese commercials. Do people from Japan find these funny? What do they think of it? Like this one.


It depends on each person if he or she finds it funny. Personally, I don't. BTW, I usually do not watch Japanese TV at all.

Not many people are concerned about each and every TV commercial.

How much would it cost to import from Japan?


i want to import an Xbox360 and Final Fantasy XIII-2 from Japan this winter, how much will that cost in USD and Yen ?


according to playasia, it will cost you $350 USD for the console (250gb slim) and $60 USD for a new xbox 360 game (which im assuming will be the price for final fantasy xiii-2 when it comes out). This is without shipping and handling.

You could also get it off, but their international shipping prices are absolutely ridicolous.

Which route to take in Japan? (Natives or people who are really familiar with Japan only!)?


I am visiting Japan in the 2nd last week of December and the entire trip is 2 weeks long. My friend and I are planning to fly to Tokyo, Narita and then take the shinkansen to some other place, travelling through different places first before ending the trip back in Tokyo.

Am starting to plan the route now but has no clear idea on how to go about it since it's our first trip there. Our main destinations would most likely be Hokkaido Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Yokohama, Chiba and Tokyo.

1) Which is the best order for my route? Was thinking TOKYO - HOKKAIDO - KYOTO - OSAKA - NARA - YOKOHAMA - CHIBA - TOKYO

2) Do you think 2 weeks is enough to visit all these places? If yes, do you think we could squeeze in Aomori and Nagoya after Hokkaido?

3) (optional) Lastly, any food you think we MUST try in these places?

Thanks for answering my question!


If you really want to go all over like that, then you should look into either getting a JR Rail Pass, or an airpass like JAL's Yokoso Airpass or Welcome to Japan Fare, or ANA's equilvalent. You need to get them before arriving in Japan though.

Difference between 振る and 振るう?


Difference between 振る and 振るう?
What's the difference between the two verbs?

And one more. I'm given to understand that in japan, they are considered an adult as of the day they turn 18. But watching steins gate, I mean the anime, I just realized she said "I'm still underage" while she maintains she's 18. Here I'm a little confused. Where am I mistaken?


振る is just to shake physically.
振るう have more additional active nuance.
It basically means to shake/exert something to give some impact/influence.………

Japanese book recommendations?


Could you please recommend me any modern books to read? I'm pretty much finished with everything from classics (up until 1950s) that I wanted to read. So what modern books would you recommend to read? (don't care if they're in English or Japanese).
Be it Durarara novel series, or Murakami, or Kuchuu Buranko-type of series - whatever.

Thank you.


My favorite Murakami book is "A Wild Sheep Chase". If you are into Mishima, the Sea of Fertility tetralogy will keep you busy for a while. Kobo Abe is always good-"Women in the Dunes" is a great book, and Teshigashira did it justice in his film version. If you haven't already then read Dazai. That guy was the Hubert Selby Jr. of Japan! Did you know that Dazai and Mishima hung out together at one time?





It has sound "Tyron". You asked about Tyron on another question. I think someone wrote the same thing in kanji. But it's not an official way to write.