hi i am looking for a way to go to japan without having to pay 900+ usd to fly to japan
i am willing to be a currier and or accept free hospitality to get to japan
my reasons of wanting to go are simple. i am wanting to go check on my family in japan. since the tsunami in chiba i have yet to hear from anyone email or otherwise and am realy wanting to go to japan and see if i can either find them and or find out if they are okay or what happend. i am also wanting to help rebuild japan and am willing to work in the radiated area of chiba and others to clean up and rebuild japan back to where it should be. i am well aware of the consequences of going and am prepaird for it . please if anyone knows of a way to get back to japan free please write me an email
No free transportation to Japan.
How come other posters say Chiba was OK?
Eastern part of "Chiba Prefecture", mostly around Asahi-city, were hit by Tsunami.
More than 10 people are killed by Tsunami, another several people are missing. About 20 people are killed by the tsunami and the erthquake. Fishing port area got some serious damage, and many fishermen lost their boats and houses.
"Chiba City" was OK for Tsunami, but got some sevior damages by the earthquake on many houses, buildings and infrastructures. It got liquefaction and ground subsidence. Some residential district around there are still out of sewage facility.
The radiation level are carefully monitored and it seems it's OK.
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