Sunday, March 20, 2011

Is this sentence correct?




if you mean " my nephew's name is karebu, He is 3 years old."
your sentence is right.

Question about moving?


My mum and I are planning to move to Japan in a year or so, but we cant take the furniture with us. What should we do with the remaining furniture? Should we sell them, or throw them out? We're deciding to put the place up for rent though. Or could we leave them here? We live in an apartment... Not sure if that helps though...
Also, just a fast question, but do you think it will be safe to travel to Japan this summer? You know, with all the nuclear power plant problems and the earthquake... is it safe? Family lives in Tokyo.

Im also a 14 year old girl, so dont call me stupid for not knowing what to do.


You're not stupid.

You could put the furniture up on kijiji or craigslist or in the "For Sale" pages in the newspaper. You could also ask your friends if their families need any second-hand furniture for a good price. A garage sale is also an option.
Some renters might need the furniture, so leaving the apartment furnished can help you increase your asking price.

Japan's going to need a lot of time to recover, so it is best not to rush into any travelling this summer. I would play it by ear.

Japan is in danger, what will you do for this poor country?



Japan does not need any foreign aid.
Japan has plenty of goods, money and advanced technologies.
Japan can take care of itself on its own.
Besides, except for part of 3 prefectures struck by tsunami, all the areas of Japan are kept intact.
Your prayer is enough.

How do you say verb + comparative adjective in Japanese?


for example:
I run faster
I talk louder



You use もっと.

I run fast

I run faster

I talk loud

I talk louder

10 pts. I have questions about japanese...?



Is it common to use Hiragana/Katakana if one doesn't know the proper kanji needed in a sentence?
Is Kanji strictly for writing?

Last question:
Do most people write japanese in their own way? An example (sort of) would be someone using kanji in a sentence, where someone else would use hiragana/katakana - someone writes a sentence and used the kanji for Japan, and someone else used hiragana/katakana for Japan.


Japanese script consists of Katakana, Hiragana and Kanji.

Katakana is commonly used to write foreign words in Japanese.
Foreign names/surnames, and loan words are usually in Katakana.

Typical paragraphs consist of hiragana and Kanji.
If you don't know the kanji for a word, you should look it up on a dictionary. But if you still have no idea, it is ok to write in hiragana, but it is not advisable to do it all the time.
If you write all the words in hiragana, it would be very hard to read and to know the true meaning of the word. A kanji character is a symbol of something and it's meaning is related to the word.
For example:
The word 'Hi' could be written in different kinds of kanji.
日 this Hi stands for day
火 this one stands for fire

It is easier to understand a word's meaning by looking at the kanji characters.

Most children who don't know the kanji of a word would write in hiragana. But adults in particular are expected to know kanji.
There are thousands of kanji characters, and not all japanese people can read and write all of them.
They have an examination that you can take to test what the level of your knowledge towards kanji is. It is called Kanji kentei.

Why do ppl think all of Japan was affected by the tsunami/earthquake -_-?


I notice if a question has nothing to do with the tsunami/earthquake, but it has to do with Japan...ppl will turn it into something about the tsunami/earthquake.

Ppl act like all of Japan was destroyed...My mom even sent me an email and was like, "Have you seen the photos...Tokyo has become a ghost town!" I was like, "Are you kidding me? It's called skewed photography!"

If I mention wanting to study abroad in Southern Japan in September (as long as nothing else bad happens that makes it too bad to go), ppl are like, "Go somewhere else! You saw what happened. It will take years to fix! There is no transportation or electric!"

This really pisses me off. My own professor was like, "Dont go anymore! No...its destroyed beyond repair." Ummm. I studied abroad before, and there is no way I will visit more than a few other i will just avoid the destroyed areas (unless to volunteer) -_-

Sorry this is more of a rant than anything, but seriously...why do ppl act like all of Japan looks like the photos? There are like 128 MILLION ppl in the country, and (still unfortunate) 18 THOUSAND ppl died...


Why? They are simply misled. Here in Nara, everything is just everyday business as usual. And Tokyo, as you said, is not a ghost town. This is not to downplay the tragedy, it's serious business, but life goes on elsewhere.

Would a hippie Japanese guy be interested in dating a white Californian girl?


I know everyone is individual, but I mean it in the sense that a white otaku girl will most likely be more interested in Japanese guys, while a mormon American girl will most likely not be.

Im 21, white, 4'10", and I really want a Japanese man who is spiritual and a bit hippie >.< I dont mean hippie like smoking dope and living in a car lol. I mean he comes from lots of money (so we can relate), but is not materialistic, and would be chill running around naked in the woods...saving animals...traveling the world together.

I chose to study abroad in Southern Japan hoping the ppl are more chill...

Thank you and pls understand Im not meaning to offend anyone...Its just I have an idea of who I would want to be with, and if I could find him I think we could make eachother's lives really happy! ^.^


Interestingly enough Derek Hough of Dancing With The Stars, is making a movie with an Asian Female, called Boa, a music superstar from Korea.

Derek Hough is Mormon.

Does this disprove your original premise, that white Mormons can only hang out with other white Mormons?

Beyond that I have seen plenty of Asiatics date, and even marry, white Americans. Some were Asian Americans who married Caucasian Americans, some were Asians from their own countries who married Mormons.

My niece is crazy about K-Pop, and K-Pop rock stars. If a Korean Mormon man offered to marry her, I doubt she would say no, as long as they were both a good match for each other, in the first place.

I realize that this was not the main thrust of your question, but, I think perhaps that you have many preconceived notions that are incorrect.

If you want to date and then marry a Japanese man, I am sure that there are Japanese men who would be glad about that, whether that man is a Japanese American, or a Japanese man from Japan.

The real question is are your's and his personalities compatible? Is your religion close enough to his religion as his, so that you can grow together in faith and love?

Seek and ye shall find, are words from Jesus Christ. If you want a Japanese man that is also a spiritual person along with whatever other good traits that he has, that is what you will find...

if you seek with faith.

I think it would be very logical assume that a Japanese man, the kind that you are describing would be interested in dating you and perhaps more. This is because people often want something different in a mate.

For example my Nephew was working at the Los Alamos Nuclear research facility. And he met a Chinese American woman who had also never been married and they both happened to be Mormons.

As it turned after working together for awhile they both realized that they could really relate to each other, on a lot of different levels. In did not take long for them to realize that they should both marry each other, because their differences actually made each of them perfect for each other.

So that is what it comes down to.

Being different enhances the possibilities of romantic attraction in many cases, for many people.

Certainly you being a White Caucasian will only enhance the chances of you meeting a fine Japanese man, because being different will make you even that much more attractive to the opposite sex.

Can any one answer questions for moving to japan?


I'm moving to japan in a few monthes, and I need to know what its like there. I've gone on many websites but there not helping at all!!! Could someone who has been there or who has studied japan help me? NO MEAN COMMENTS!!!


They just had the worlds largest known earthquake, things are bad there right now. Radiation is poisoning the country, I would strongly recommend to stay away for a very long time

How much food does Japan export?


In light of the nuclear crisis and the fact that food has been found ot be contaminated in Japan, I wonder how much food Japan exports or specifically, how much and WHAT it exports to the US.

Are there any things the US is heavy in importing from Japan? Should we be worried about seafood now? Or maybe other crops like soy and noodles?


after the tsunami...i guess none.

Job helping with Japan disaster?


50 percent Disabled vet with years construction experience.


Your desire to help is commendable. Simply showing up in a country with a willingness to help, however, while a nice gesture, can actually do more harm than good. Unless you can determine that you will be able to help in a way that a Japanese person cannot, you may be taking a job away from an unemployed Japanese (and doing it for free) while adding strain to the country's stretched resources. I am guessing that you do not speak Japanese. This will be a major impediment to your ability to genuinely help. Please be realistic about what you can do and what networks are in place to help you do it. As a well-developed economy, their situation is obviously far different from the one in Haiti, but the number of untrained volunteers pouring into Haiti after the earthquake was a serious problem considering that there was not enough clean water for the Haitians themselves and these new arrivals were diverting medical attention away from those who needed it.

Japanese speaker please help me?


I need to write "Stay strong" and "you have friends in canada".
i don't trust automatic online translators because they aren't accurate.


日本がんばろ! カナダにともだちいます!

Nippon gombaro! Kanada ni tomochi imasu.

Japan stay strong / good luck. You have friends in Canada.

The Japanese towards homosexuals and rape?


I'm assuming that MODERN Japanese are generally open minded towards gays in large cities. I want someone to describe to me exactly the general MODERN feeling they have towards homosexuals and their relationships. What is their "gay culture" like? Also, what kind of rape culture do they have? I heard that people get raped in Japan like they do in their smutty manga. I heard people just accept it, people are less sympathetic towards the victim, and that counseling/therapy help is less accessible to the victim. Is this true?


Yes, the Japanese accept gays into society but the type of "being gay" in Japan is different in the west.
If I am correct, The picture of the Gay people in Japan are submissive, silent, shy and does not act liberated and egocentric like the Westerners do. I am warning you in advance because I know that some of foreigners who tried to adapt a Japanese living in Japan have to die a social death before they can be able to adapt.

If you really really want to be able to understand Japanese culture and their culture of Homosexuality. If you want to go to Japan and have a successful Yaoi relationship with any Japanese person. If you want to know how the Japanese understand Homosexuality.
Then you need to do a lot of research regarding your concerns. If you are willing to pursue a relationship with a Japanese then you must do your best. GANBATTE KUDASAI

STEP ONE: If you want to understand what being feminine in Japan is: I want you to read two books written by Takeo Doi which is very recommended to any foreigner who want to have a succesful relationship with any Japanese person whether it is a romantic, business or simply friendship. Remember to read these book with an open mind and put them in your hearts.

The Books:
Anatomy of Dependence ISBN 0-87011-181-7
- It is a book that talks about the Japanese concept of "Amae" and the nature of human relationships. Interestingly, it also gives a very good explanation about the nature of homosexuality and it also explains why the westerners are that way and the Japanese are that way.

Anatomy of Self ?????????????????
-It is a book that talks about

STEP TWO: Watch a lot of anime or Japanese related literature that is related to living normally in Japan. Animes that potray the Japanese way of living will give you an idea what the modern Japanese life and what is the ideal life for a Japanese.

Good examples:
Sergeant Keroro - many aspects of modern Japanese life are mentioned here.
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - many insights of Japanese living is mentioned here.
xXxholic- a good insight on Japanese superstitious belief.
Genshiken - Very realistic Japanese Otaku College life.
(and many more)

STEP THREE: Research more about Japan. If you want to have a successful relationship with a Japanese man then you must be a committed person.


About the rape culture in Japan, Compared to other places in the world, Japan has one of the least number of rape cases in the world. In fact, Japan is the safest place in the world. There are almost no guns in Japan. It is like Utopia.

As for your sister's worries, Japanese people are one of the most skillful voyeurs, incredibly tactful and unconventional molesters and tactful stalkers in the world. Your sister might suspect that she might be raped but she may just have the clairvoyance that she might have stalkers.

You might not know anything about it but the Japanese has formulated the best strategy and the best tactics just to satisfy the desires of the flesh.

If you

What does this say? It's in romanji.?


souieba,kuukoude terebikyokuni inntabyu- ukemashita.hazukashikuteiya...

That's what the girl I'm hosting wrote on her fb, honestly I'm just really curious because I really want her to feel comfortable in the US and take her mind off what is happening in Japan for a little while.



means she was interviewed at the airport and was very uncomfortable about it.

let's just say it was a negative experience and she didn't like it one bit.

Is the rain safe in Tokyo today?



Yes, the rain is safe. It is raining today and I have to run errands outside in a few minutes. I am not worried at all.

Dialect question - 「ま」 becoming 「や」?


I've learnt very standard Japanese and was curious to know which dialect involved the following changes:

ございます -> ございやす
いらっしゃいませ -> いらっしゃいやせ


dialect of Edo's merchant class people

ございます → ございやす → ごぜえやす

samurai dialect

What happen to the Japanese Historical stuff?


When the Earthquake and tsunami i was wondering what happen to there historical artifacts does anyone know? just curious,

my heart goes out to Japan


** If there were any significant historical artifacts located in the North-Eastern Prefectures, they are probably destroyed & damaged.

I think most people are much more concerned with 20,000 + Dead People & Nuclear Fall-Out, then historical artifacts.

Japan has had to endure 1,000's & 1,000's of years of eruptions, Quakes & tsunami's. Japan is located on the most active Plate on Earth.

Luckily, most of the historical things of value are in Tokyo Bay, Osaka, Nara & Kyoto. The tsunami's were many miles North East!

Japan as always, will re-build. Like they did in Kobe & WW2 Bombs.

Did the nuclear power plant in japan explode?



Don't trust international media especially CNN. They are ALWAYS reporting wrong information about Japan. They are just 'selling' the news like cheap pop music for their business instead of reporting the truth.
The truth is that despite the blast of the rooftop, the reactors inside the power plants are kept intact. No meltdown or radiation leakage from the reactors is taking place. A small amount of radioactivity was discharged with hydrogen at the time of the blast due to troubles with cooling system damaged by the tsunami. However, there is no serious effect to the atmosphere in surrounding areas. Now the cooling system is almost back on track, the temperature inside the plants is cooled down to a safety level.
I know foreign media is reporting as if the reactors were exploded and serious environmental destruction is taking place throughout Japan. That is a big lie fabricated by ignorant reporters who are not able to read Japanese paper and documents.

What's the best situation to start up a conversation? (Japan)?


I'm a 6'4" white gaijin in Okinawa. I can speak Japanese, but I'm not entirely fluent yet. I know how to converse, but I was never really taught when it was culturally acceptable to talk to strangers. From the materials I've read and from simple observation, there isn't much in the way of interactions between strangers.

So I guess here's the simplified question: what situations would be socially acceptable to attempt to start up a conversation with a stranger? (not including a bar/club) I'm not looking for a girlfriend or anything, just trying to practice my language skills, and be a good representative of the US.

Any suggestions, preferably from someone living/has lived in Japan, would be greatly appreciated.


Your first sentence - "Im a 6'4" white gaijin in Okinawa" says it all really. (And I dont mean that in a negative way :D )

I live in Kansai, and Im a white girl, and I have never, ever had any problems with conversing with people. Kansai-jin are friendly and open, and are curious about other people, and will ask you up front. Maybe the fact I am a bit chubby and genki helps, but I don't know.

However .. Okinawa. Ouch. I think its probably because people do not WANT to talk to you (not you personally, but tall white guys) because you epitomize everything they dislike. They don't want foreigners there, and they certainly don't want a marine base. (I don't know if you are military or not, but they will assume that you are.) As a result, If I were you, I would avoid attempting to force conversations with unknown Japanese people unless THEY start them. Unfortunately It doesn't matter how nice a guy you are, or how good a representative of the US you are, they are just going to see you as a "bakagaijin" who is forcing yourself on their land etc etc etc blah b;ah.

I said before - I have no problems conversing with Japanese in Kansai, however I would NEVER start a conversation with a stranger. I would feel kind of guilty doing that, as I know that I would be peeved in my home country if someone started talking to me JUST to help with their second language.

Plus its Japanese culture 101 - Japanese people in general are private. They want to be left alone for the most part. The reason you cant find anything on interactions between strangers is because these interactions almost never exist. I would respect this culture, and try to remember that Japanese people are intrinsically pretty shy, and would stick to people who are happy to mix and converse with foreigners.

My personal suggestion of a good thing to do would be to go on the local message boards/newspaper/foreign magazine and advertise for a language exchange - you teach english for half the lesson and the other person teaches Japanese for half.

Alternatively why not join a non-american club or something? I dont know if you can read Japanese, but I had a look online and I typed in "Okinawa" and "Clubs" and a whole load of stuff came up. Golf, music, Ikebana. Whatever you like really.

Within the club there will be opportunities to speak to new people in Japanese, but in a context where you both feel comfortable and have a common interest.

Hope I helped a little :) Im not trying to sound passive aggressive at all, just trying to explain (from an Okinawan perspective) you might have trouble.

What are some ways I can help out Japan?


I suppose I should know already, but I don't know where to start. It just occurred to me.


Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10. If you want to donate more, find out where your nearest Red Cross center is. The Red Cross center or local churches may have supply collection as well.

I'm not sure whether you were thinking this or not, but you cannot under any circumstances go there to help, you'd just get hurt and get in the way of the thousands of professionals that are already there.

Can i mail packaged goods to japan to help family friends in need?


I have a friend in Tokyo who has no access to hygiene products, flashlights, or bathroom tissue after last weeks events . I wanted to help her and her mother and also send her 2 mix cds to help cheer her up. Are there any restrictions here in the USA(USPS) for sending out to Japan?


I don't think there is any problem in sending these products to someone in Tokyo.

How can I help Japan?


So, I don't have a job, but I wanna help Japan somehow...I was thinking maybe I could go hold up signs for "honk 4 Japan" But would that do me any good? Thanks for helping :)



Donate money from "Japan relief" page at the top of Y!A.

Current Japanese Emperor?


Anybody else thinks he looks like a Bobble-Head when he was talking on TV?




I think that's why you don't SEE him that often on TV.

You would think they could have padded his jacket, put a bigger knot in tie and so on,
before he went on air.


Cheers from DOWNUNDER

Translate Japanese to English please, again?


It's from an article about a singer at a charity concert for the recent earthquake.



After singing, they took a donation box hand-written as "CD: 300 yen or more, cash: 1 yen or more".

To collect as much as possible, they sold not only single CDs, but also CD with new songs which they recorded in early this month and not released, yet.

They gave autograph to those who want.

How much will it cost to fix the damage in Japan?



Well given that the damage is far from over there have been no assessments made as yet. I would estimate however that they're looking at a damage bill in the hundreds of BILLIONS if not more...

A question about the Japan Tsunami?


So, as everyone knows by now, Japan was sadly hit by a tsunami. But I would like to know if all of Japan was flooded. By this I mean, did the tsunami reach everywhere in Japan or was it only a part of Japan? Please excuse my ignorance but I would really like to know. Thanks.


Dear kkk:

NO, not "everywhere"!

Most of the devastation was in The North Eastern Prefectures.
i.e.~ Farther North East of Tokyo Bay by the Nuclear Facility.

What are you doing to help Japan?


Just wondering how the world is at.



Translate Japanese to English please?


It's from an article about a singer at a charity concert of the earthquake. The quotation is the singer speaking.




'In 1995, the city of Kobe was victim of the Great Hanshin Earthquake' Kawashima's voice echoed.


16 years ago, people from this town experienced the Earthquake,


From this Earthquake, you can imagine the pain and sorrow,


as about 350 people gathered to sing three songs; "Do not worry, " "The Day of Departure ..." and

Would people please support the evacuation of japanese to vacant holiday destination?


We in AUstralia have thousand of empty holiday beds these can be used to allow temporary accommmodation for devasted japnese families remember these people are our biggest trading partner and friends they did not do this to them self I call on all Australians to please support this very urgent humanitarian cause, the Japanese govt may pay for this and we get really good cred better than Oprah adverts and local economies will benfit we all will benefit instead of war lets do peace instead I am sick of war.


Your idea is very good but ...
There aren't the funds to choose from the hundred thousand displaced people which are permitted to go and who can stay. We have to spend this money on rescue and food for these people. Not on plane tickets.
Also, the Japanese people (victims or not) will not leave their country. Putting victims in a country with a foreign language that is not their own after such a disaster while they left friends, and lost loved ones behind, you can guess that they would never go. Japanese people are very much attached to their land. Even if you gave them the option, 99% of them would never go, even if their town has been destroyed. The live everyday knowing that a disaster could strike, but they won't leave. Don't worry, we are making sure that these people get help with the funds the world has been donating.

What would you do in a Japan-ish situation?


So all that crap is happening in japan, if you were there in a house and a massive wave was coming towards your house, what would you do?


Is there ANYONE on earth that would NOT run?

strike that...i forgot about Charlie Sheen....

Japanese Earthquake....?


What role did the earthquake play in the nuclear power reactors?
What problems are there with these reactors now?


Power was cut to cooling pumps after the tsunami (caused by earthquake) swept through and damaged electrical components. Water cooling the fuel rods began to evaporate away and after it reached a certain temperature inside the reactor containment vessels, some buildings exploded because of hydrogen buildup. Recently, power has been restored to the cooling pumps and they're doing better.

Japan japan japan japan japan need information about japan?


i need to know 3 thing that r fun for kids and 3 things that are fun for adults in japan and were it is what city name of activity also describe what u will experience how much will it cost as much information as u can? i need to know what part of the country it is in when is it open if u can find that?
fun things for kids to do



fun things for adults.



find 3 places were important events happen in the history of japan.

name of place: __________
what part of the country it is in? ___________
what important events happened there?

name of place: __________
what part of the country it is in? ___________
what important events happened there?

name of place: __________
what part of the country it is in? ___________
what important events happened there?

what is the weather like by season (fall,winter,spring,summer)? is it hot, cold, wet, dry, icy, etc.? what r the average temperatures by the seasons? what is the average rainfall? are there better times to go to japan because of the weather? when is the best time to go to japan? how will u sty worm if it is cold? how will u stay cool if it is hot.

do different regions of the country have different weather patterns? how Meany regions r there? how r the patterns different?

negative things
what weather problem dose your country have what natural disaster (floods,monsoons, earthquake, tornado, tsunamis etc.) occur in japan? is there a common time of the year this happens.

what r some foods from japan that would be new and interesting to u and others include recipe if u can find them?

try to find some names or different ethnic that live in japan?

what r major religions in japan?

what r some important holidays and festivals? include names, dates, and describe what actually happens in them?

type up examples and details about the following categories:





thank u very much for your answer i really appreciated it and if u don't know some answers try looking it up or skip it.


fun things for kids to do
1. Fuji Q Highland
It's a super theme park with lots. Kids love it.…
2. Tokyo Disney Land
Located in Chiba with a train line that goes right to the park from Tokyo City.
3. Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise Aqua Museum

fun things for adults.
4. LaQua - In downtown Tokyo at Korakuen next to Tokyo Dome there is the LaQua spa. On the Korakuen grounds is also a theme park too. Considered top of the top for spas.
5. Hire a Geisha - You can do this and the real ones too. Try Sayuki, she is an Australian born woman and is the first foreign Geisha in Japan. Here is her website;
6. Tokyo Helicopter Tour…

3 places:

name of place: Kyoto city
what part of the country it is in? Kyoto
what important events happened there?
This used to be the capital of Japan. It is loaded with the highest concentration of temples in all of Japan. The most notable being Kiyomizudera and Kinkakuji (the golden pavilion)

name of place: Hiroshima Gembaku Dome
what part of the country it is in? Hiroshima (south Honshu island)
what important events happened there?
This is the Atomic Bomb dome. The ground zero of the atomic bomb. There is events on its anniversary in April and a huge museum to commemorate this.

name of place: Nara city
what part of the country it is in? outside of Kyoto (about 45 minutes by train).
what important events happened there? A long time ago it was the capital of Japan before being moved to Kyoto and then Edo (Tokyo). It has some amazing landmarks (Todaiji temple, Kasuga shrine and deer that wander around everywhere.)

Please remember that the average temperature throughout Japan is completely different (yes, different regions have different weather patterns). Hokkaido island has lots of snow in the winter. With huge ice sculptures and snow hotels. Tokyo doesn't really get snow, and Kyushu has temperate weather (snow is only a dream there). But on average - Winter is cold is most parts of Japan, with snow in the north and cool temperatures in the south. Spring is rainy season everywhere. It rains alot but the temperature is reasonable. But its an awesome time because of the cherry blossoms coming into bloom. Summer is HOT HOT. But end of june into most of july has reasonably good weather. You won't feel too overwhelmed. August is much too hot everywhere, the more into the city you are, the hotter it is. Hokkaido is nice though. Cool. September is typhoon season everywhere. Fall is the best, cool but warm, with the leaves on the trees changing colors.

negative things
September as I mentioned is typhoon season. There aren't really any tornados, they rarely occur. Earthquakes are unpredictable. They happen everyday, all over Japan, some worse than others. Floods are unpredictable, they happen, but we don't know when. Tsunamis are also unpredictable. You can't tell when these things are going to happen or where.
In the north, you will get large snow storms in the winter. The summer may be the most uncomfortable for a foreigner as the temperatures are like 40 degrees celsius with like 80% humidity. Its hard to go outside if you aren't used to it.

Shabu Shabu (check online)
Tonkatsu - Its AMAZING.
Takoyaki - These are the infamous 'octopus balls' drizzled with mayonaise, takoyaki sauce and bonito flakes.

try to find some names or different ethnicities that live in japan?
Japanese people don't really have ethnic denominations. Although, there is the Ainu and they are from Hokkaido (dying ethnicity, though). As for other races, there are people from all over the world living in comunities in Japan. Koreans, Chinese, Indians, westerners. They are all here.

what r major religions in japan?
The major religions of Japan are Shinto and Buddhist with the majority of the population being buddhist.

what r some important holidays and festivals? include names, dates, and describe what actually happens in them?
There are too many to name. Maybe you would like to take a look at this website that lists some of the most famous ones in Japan.…

type up examples and details about the following categories:

dances: I don't really know Japanese dances, sorry.
music: J-pop, J-rock and Enka are three popular styles of music.
art: Ukiyoe is the traditional Japanese style woodblock print.
clothing: Kimono of course. But there is also the Yukata (summer kimono), hakama (they are pants worn with a kimono and its so cool looking). Happi coat (worn by shop keepers and men).

Can someone help me translate this Japanese text that was sent to me?




We are sorry.
No one except workers can get registered to channels now because we are now engaging in rescuing.
Please understand.

Does Kyoto, Japan have a strong prominent beauty industry?


I am currently a cosmetologist in the United States. I have visited Kyoto and absolutely loved it. I am a 20 year old Caucasian male. I would like to work in Kyoto at a salon. Of course I would have to apprentice or assist seeing as Japanese licensing requirements are different. I have a very limited Japanese vocabulary. I have found a few programs to learn Japanese in Kyoto that I am currently researching. I have calculated and found that I can afford the expenses of living in Kyoto. I am aware that the Japanese usually will not hire foreigners to work for them if they have someone that is Japanese and is completely capable of doing the work. What I am hoping for and betting on is that I may be able to get a job in Kyoto due to the fact that I have a knowledge of doing western hair, primarily Caucasian hair. Kyoto is a place were many tourists visit and a place of business for foreigners. Maybe my skills would be valuable to a stylist there as would there skills be valuable to me. I am just wondering if anyone knows of any english capable salons in Kyoto. I have been in contact with the few I know of. Also what are my chances of actually getting hired. Of course the language barrier aspect is a HUGE road block, but I am currently working on that. I also realize that the Japanese people are very gentle. I think I would have to over come some barriers to gain the trust of a clientel. My personal opinion is that Japanese woman may be nervous to let a white male work on their hair until I was able to gain their trust. Does anyone have any tips or advice. How should I go about doing this. Anything really helps.


You need to take tests in Japanese to get a Japanese license. For that you need native level Japanese. And that means reading , writing and speaking. Also most Japanese women would not go to a non-Japanese stylist.
Chances of getting hired ? Just about zero. You asked.
You also need a BA / BS degree to qualify for a work visa, as well as a job offer before you get there. The only jobs we can get there are jobs a Japanese can't or won't do.
Sorry if I sound too harsh or blunt, but I would expect the same if I asked someone a question. Japan isn't a easy place to find work in. And the current situation had put a lot of people out of work.

What happened to the nuclear plant in japan?


so what happened to the power plant in japan
try to use the words fission, nuclear radiation, energy and the names of the radioactive elements involved(:
you dont have to use all the words


How are 「退ける」「移す」「取り除く」different?


Please define in detail. ありがとうございます!


退ける[しりぞける] - to repel - to drive away - to repulse - to reject (ichidan verb, transitive)
退ける[どける] - to remove - to take away - to dislodge - to put something out of the way (ichidan verb)
characters: [step back, retreat, withdraw]

移す - to remove - to transfer - to infect (godan verb)
characters: [change place, shift; move about]

取り除く- to remove - to deinstall - to take away - to set apart (godan verb)
characters: [take, receive, obtain; select] [eliminate, remove, except]

Who else is afraid for Japan?


I mean, they just got hit with an earthquake and tsunami. Now they have to deal with a nuclear crisis. Btw, how much more damage will happen to them if the nuclear reactors go off? I mean, are they still affected by the bombs from 1945? How much more damage can their poor people and country take?


There is no more effect from 1945 bombing now.

The real concern is power outage in and around Tokyo and wide areas of northern Japan. This is because power plants were damaged.

Many businesses are already suspended because of power problem. It will last for a few years. Japanese economy will slow down a lot.

What is the status of Fukushima Daini?


Daiichi gets all the attention, but didn't Daini have some troubles too?


There is little problem in daini.

What are the things you CAN'T find in Japan?


What kinf od food Japanese people don't have?
What kind of cool objects?
What kind of ANYTHING they like but don't have?

I'm from Canada and I want to send some gifts to my Japanese friend but I'm looking for things she wouldn't have and would be amazed to see haha :)

If you have any ideas thanks !


I think your local foods are fine.

Translate "ojou-sama" from japanese to english?


I'm helping translate a japanese manga and I don't know what to change the word "ojou-sama" into.


ojou sama means "a daughter of a rich family". I don't know what a good and shorter translation for that is.

About the AC JAPAN commercials...?


I'm not in Japan right now, but I've heard that they aren't playing regular commercials on TV, and instead only show public service clips from Ad Council Japan that have been reportedly annoying people. Is it just one commercial that they are playing each time, or is it a variety of them?


AC are Family Commercials promoting good behavior and compassion in people. Right now they aren't showing regular commercials (although now they are starting to trickle back on to tv), because the general population would be unhappy as to see a company promoting beauty products and such at such a critical time. What is annoying about the AC commercials is you might see the same commercial two or three times in one commercial break. There are a few AC commercials the come to mind...

This shows a boy sitting on a train with a pregnant woman near him. He doesn't stand up to give her his seat but you can see he is thinking about it. Someone else does. Later he is walking up some steps and he sees an old woman trying to walk up. He decides to help her up the stairs. This is promote politeness and compassion and many people would walk by.

Responsibilities as a parent.
You can see parents' hands reaching out into thin air. All of a sudden a child appears, grabbing onto the hand. There is a variety of shots of children appearing, laughing, grabbing onto their parents hand. This is to promote 'Always watch your children'. You can't ignore them as they rely on you.

Responsibilities as a parent (part 2)
This one shows children playing, but some shots of children looking depressed. Sitting in a room alone, hanging their head. Swinging sadly on a swing. This one is actually to promote 'Don't say bad things to your children as they will repeat'. For example, if you call them 'Baka' or idiot, they will learn from you and do the same thing to others. So be a responsible parent that makes good choices.

This shows a woman who survived cancer treatment when she was 38. Please support Cancer Research society of Japan.

And my absolute favorite AC commercial..
The Children's Song
This song is to promote good manners in children. It is a cartoon and has a variety of characters singing about good words to say! Konnichiwa (Hello!), Arigato (Thank you), Konbanwa (Good evening), Sayonara (Good bye!), Ohayo (Good morning!) and Itadakimasu (Let's eat). The 30 sec version is currently played on TV but there is a 1 min version too. It has a catchy tune. Here is the link;…

The annoying thing is at the end of the commercial is says AC and after you hear that a thousand times, you want to throw your tv out the window.

How to Mail a Letter to Japan?


Hello! i want to mail a letter to japan from U.S.A., ..i feel stupid T_T..., i don't even know how to!! :(, so i hope i can get some answers. How is the address on the mail look like? is it the same way as America? O-o
a special request from TOKYOPOP to send letters to the students, to give hope from the tsunami and the earthquake..i thought it was nice idea, hope this will help though >~<


It's 98 cents an ounce for regular airmail. If you have an address, just write it down as you see it. Japan has an above average postal system. I've sent letters with part of the address missing, and the person still received it.

Is the rain in Southern California intoxicated with Japan's Nucleur Radiation?


It's raining here in California. I heard that it is not safe to be outside due to raining and it being intoxicated.


Do you understand what intoxicated means in your sentence? It means the rain is drunk with nuclear radiation. So no, the rain is not intoxicated with nuclear radiation.
Also, I live in TOKYO and I am not worried about radiation. It's 220 km from the Nuclear Plant. I am SAFE. It is only Fukushima with a radius of 80km around the plant that has a problem. Everywhere else in Japan, the Sv's are too low to even cause any problem.
PLEASE, you are SAFE in California. There is nothing to worry about and the radiation is NOT going to get to the west coast of the US.

Description of Japan's ecosystem?


& food web. its for a school project. 10 POINTS! please and thanks for the help =)

Heres a website, it tells all about Japans ecosystem like the conservation management, environmental education. etc.

What are some things to know about the culture of japan if im going to live there coming from the US?


culture differences, stuff they do different than americans, basically stuff i should kno before going there besides learning japanese. thanks! ^^


Don't start your conversation with
1) In the US, we have...
2) In the US, we do...
3) In the US, we don't...
4) We Americans think...
etc, etc...

When you are in Japan, you should be aware of the fact that you are in totally different cultural environment. The Japanese don't care about your life in the US. Majority of the Japanese reaction would be SO WHAT?
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
when in Japan, do as the Japanese do.

I need a quick response if what this means!!! Please!!! (Japanese??)?


'Yikiga nu kutubaa shuumun gaai.' ...

And what are ways I can reply back?!?!?


Sorry mate. I don't think that's Japanese.

Teaching english in tokyo without a degree.?


i want to teach english in tokyo. I have a levels, gcse, teacher work experience and a TEAL certificate. i want to go and teach english in japan whilst doing a degree through the open university for 3 to 6 months. What type of visa should i look into getting?
thankyou :D


You need a BA / BS degree to qualify for a work visa. If you're a full time student you can only work 20 hours a week. If you're from the UK, you may qualify for a working holiday visa.
Check out the site below for visas...

How do I say these sentences in japanese?


please no translate websites.

how to write "Sorry if I don't talk to you at school. There's just this thing I have to let go."


Gakko de anata ni hanasanakute gomen ne. Tada, nayamigoto ga atte ne...

Will the radiation fallout in Japan today be higher than1945?



It won't be as high as it was back in 1945. Weapons are always made to maximize the harmful potential and I'm sure the nuclear plant isn't as powerful as a bomb.

Anyone seen the raw sendai tsunami video on youtube where the woman gets into her car before it hits?


The girl gasps as she records this woman getting into car and after city gets wipe out she records the reaction of the kids crying. I think it is this video but I am looking for the original non-shorten one I saw a few days ago.


****, I don't think that woman knew how close the tsunami was. Thirty seconds after she gets into the car, the camera shows the water roaring through the spot where her car had been. Damn.

Oh, I found another version of that video. It shows the car getting swept away at 0:44. It was in the town of Kamaishi.…

How did the japan earthquake and tsunami start?



The tectonic plates shifted, causing the earthquake, which caused the tsunami...

If I am a tourist in Japan, can I join and help somehow?


I had to go to Japan for sightseeing reasons and I decided no matter what to not cancel my trip. Can I use my being in Japan for helping somehow or will I be a burden? I add that I'm a military and have a very little knowledge of Japanese language...


Many volunteers are working in Japan now. You may join one of them if they accept a tourist and those who do not speak Japanese. I'm not sure if there is a group like that.

Which Japanese cities are the friendliest?


out of
Tokyo, Nagoya, and Hiroshima


Tokyo - people are cold and busy, like every other big world city.

Nagoya - People are seriously weird. Too many "bad" foreigners too. (Not english teachers, but the less white collar times.)

Hiroshima - meh. People are nice but dull.

Osaka - The BEST city in Japan! The people are hilarious (known for their comedy) and the food is amazing.

Kyoto - nice, people are nice, but very conservative. A bit bland.

You're big in japan?......?



you're utada hikaru

How can japan's radiation reach california?


China, korea, and taiwan say that the radiation won't reach them, but California is concerned..?


b/c the pacific wind currents are moving East-worth towards North America

Can Japanese Expert help me out on Japanese Translation for a few sentences?


Can Japanese Expert help me out on the following Japanese Translation and see if I got them right?

Macau Online Tickets – Password Created

Macau Online Tickets - Request for Password

Dear Customer,

You have recently purchased tickets for a show, activity or event in Macau through ABC, City of Dreams or an Authorized Travel Agent. We have created a user account and password for you which can be used for your next show booking at ABC or City of Dreams.
ABC によって最近マカウ、夢または承認された旅行代理店の都市のショー、活動またはでき事… ABC か都市であなたの次のショーの予約にあなたのためのユーザ・アカウントそしてパスワー…

Your password is XXXXXXXX.
パスワードはある XXXXXXXX.

Kind Regards

Customer Service


first line password created meaning preterit so it needs to be 作成されたパスワード
and also 切符is more used for train tickets so just say チケット
also I would use 製作instead of 作成 but thats just a personal opinion.
and again use チケット

second line のためis not needed but again just a personal opinion

third line just say お客様へ、

forth one ur going all over the place so just say

fifth line

sixth line is correct

I'm guessing u used a translator (at least it sounds like it) so the sentence isn't all right(it sounds weird)
Also the sentence is semi formal not completely formal nor is it the actual formal(that no one uses or teach even in Japan...unless ur like majoring in it)

I made the sentence so that it sounds like it came from one of those automated messages big corporations send people.

Is a Business BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma a good enough qualification to work in Japan?



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs requires you to have a BA / BS degree from an accredited college, or 10 years experience in a job field they need.

Did the accident in japan reach kanagawa?


I have a good friend over there and can't find out if it was near there.
I just know it was in fukushima


Kanagawa is far away from the epicenter of the earthquake or the nuke. It's fine.

Can you really not go out in the rain for the next few days because of the nuclear explosion in Japan?


I heard that after the nuclear explosion Sunday in Fukushima, Japan that radioactive particles can enter the atmosphere casuing burns, hair loss, or even cancer?


Stay inside or you're gonna die,,,,,,,,,,,,,if you live in Japan.

YesAsia Shipping Time and Location?


I'm interested in buying from YesAsia, but I would like to know where they ship from. When I was near the confirmation section, they gave me an estimate for how long it would take to reach me (I live in Canada) and it had a total wait time of one month and a few days if I used the free shipping option.

Will it really take that long? I heard that they don't ship from Canada anymore and only from Hong Kong now, is that true?


They ship from China, where their "base" is located, but don't worry because all their CDs are legit, as they get them from sources Korea, China, Taiwan and etc.

They reason why it will take so long is because they need to order the product from the company, and then the product takes approximately 1 week to reach their "base". Now that they have the product that you ordered they will ship it to you, and that will take about 2 weeks.

However, it really depends on how much you order. For example if you order two different CDs, they'll have to order from two different sources, and than wait for BOTH to arrive.

I really recommend Yesasia, order it! :D When I received all the CDs I ordered I freaked,

Summer Japanese Relief Effort?


I am a student, and this summer instead of working, I would really like to spend a month or two in Japan for the tsunami relief effort. Does anyone know of any programs or anything that will help me do this? Money isn't a problem. I just need to get over there and help.


Answer: just no.. -__-

I want to send care packages to Japan but I have no clue where to begin?


As most of you know, a big earthquake hit Japan as a 9.0. Followed by a tsunami and many nuclear problems. I'm only 12 and live very far away in West-Virgina (USA) I want to send things like....canned foods, water bottles, blankets, towels, toiletries and other thing. I really have no where to begin. I kinda want to talk to my school about a fund raiser but I'm afraid they will think I'm absoulty nuts or something. Can someone please help. Cause I know doing this would be very expensive for like buying the stuff and sending it all the way to Japan. Can anyone help?


Your compassion is deeply commendable, but heavy stuff like that takes a fortune to send over.
Sending money is far more effective and flexible.

Is there anything new with Gackt?


Has he made any new songs lately?


Not currently

How big Japanese tourism was before last Earthquake/tsunami disaster?


I see so many questions about traveling to Japan. The tourism related questions activity boosted up in Yahoo to Egypt right after their revolution. I wander why interest to the country boosts up after one or another disaster.


The disaster area is Tohoku region.
other areas are usually.

Does any one here live in Japan?


I live in Florida. When a hurricane goes by, the news people make it look like the entire state of Florida was flattened by the hurricane. Lots of videos of damage along the ocean. Where MOST of us are living, there is no damage. Only what we see on tv.

When I watch the news and they talk about Japan; what a suprise! - Nothing but videos showing damage along the ocean.

Propbably yes, a lot of damage in Japan. But not everywhere! Are you in places where there is no damage. Only what you see on tv also?

PS I know that news is not news without showing bad things. I just wish they would show what is happening that is right also.

PPS What happen to the two dogs I see on the video. Anyone rescued them yet? I see another video where there is a island full of cats that are NOW bringing food, etc. too. That was good.


About the two dogs: If you're referring to these dogs --… -- I'm happy to report they were rescued by an animal rescue group and are being cared for at shelters.

How came japan is a world leader in robotics, it doesnt have robots helping?



I was asking myself the same question
People should not sacrifice themselves trying to bring things under control. There should should be machines or robots to do the dirty job.

Is Northern Japan facing power limitation due to possible close of Fukushima plant soon?


as long as everything is under control


Fukushima power plant is not working anymore. They are just trying to prevent meltdown.

And yes, there is power limitation in wide areas of Tokyo, around Tokyo and northern Japan.

I need to know if an Epiphone ea255 serial number 366396 dont know if its american or japan?



My source says it's Japan made, but I can't be 100% sure. I assume you're talking about the guitar.

Where To Go In Japan?


Tomorrow I am taking a trip to Japan for a little vacation. I went there 5 years ago and loved it.

My trip is centered around Sendai, what hotels, restaurants, etc would you recommend? Thanks!


Yes, they're looking for volunteers to assist with Fukushima meltdown efforts. Have you considered that?

Is it safe to go to Japan this vacation?


My mother won't listen to me, she still wants us to go to Japan and stay for 2 months. We are living there in Tokyo (They are working there, my mother and my father for almost 15 years). I'm really scared to go there, but my parents won't listen to me. Is the problem in the Nuclear Power Plant serious? We live in Tokyo. My mother said it's safe because we live 300 km away from the Plant. But I really want to be sure.


As of right now, I wouldn't encourage anyone to go to Japan. Radiation has already been detected in some food sources and water. People at the nuclear plant are working vigourously to stabilize the nuclear plants. I was also planning to go this summer to visit my family for two months, but I may have to post-pone the trip till next year. Unless, radiation decides to take a different course, and not spread further in Japan. My grandad there lives about 200km from the Nuclear Plants in Toride, Japan. However, he is still being exposed to radiation.

PRAY FOR JAPAN. <3 <------ :'(?


What opinions do you on the earthquake and tsunamis that occured in Japan?

Additional Details
Star this for supporting Japan. <3


...ok.. this is getting old, I think everyone's prayed enough..
not to be rude, but we can't just give them pitty forever..
I know it's still really soon, but it's kind of like wtf?.. -__-
It's time to start recovering now, it's not helping when I hear people say 'poor japan' every three seconds

Japan fundraising ideas?


Me and my school would like to do something in order to help Japan but we are short of ideas? We'll be grateful for any ideas!


Make signs reading 'beep if you love/support japan' and hold them up near roads and then you could get your friends and family to sponsor like a pound for every horn beep you get form a driver passing by :)

What was the cause of japan tsunami ?


they should have stopped killing thousands of dolphins and whales~ but they still keep on.
now the mother earth want a revenged. watch @ youtube... japan dolphin's killing.
nothing to really blame to what happen but the people of japan itself!


So why no tsunami killing thousands of Norwegians for whaling or those evil Canadians for clubbing
baby seals to death, dearie?

Will it be ok to travel to japan in mid June?


I'm having a tour to japan in mid June with my school and i was wondering if it would be still safe regarding nuclear stuff and earthquake aftershocks.
(were pretty much landing in Tokyo and spending a few days there then going to all the major cities below Tokyo)


It's safe to travel to Japan. You will experience more radiation in flying over to Japan than you would if you were in Tokyo right now. It is only recommended people who are 30 km from the plants take precautions. Everywhere else is perfectly fine.

How can i find some email of nhk japan?



This is it.…

What will happen to all tsunami damaged cars in japan?



insurance companies will probably have them crushed and recycled and people will get new cars

Japanese : What does 'Okage sama de Kazoku ha OK desu' mean?



Literally, it means, "Thanks to you, my family is okay."

"Okagesama de" is often added to responses to questions like "How are you?" to be more polite, so the actual, non-literal meaning of this would be more like, "My family is okay, thanks for asking" or even just, "My family is okay."

Does anyone have statistics about the popularity of dragonball(Z) in western countries?



I don't have the answer, but I can tell everyone that America isn't the only western country. In fact the asker of this question is Australian, right? It was definitely popular in Australia. I used to watch it on Cheese TV.

Why don't you start a poll to see how many people from western countries like it. Maybe compared to other popular anime too (like Naruto, Bleach, Yu Gi Oh!, Cardcaptors, Beyblades, et.c)? A lot of people start polls right here on Yahoo Answers and there are other populat websites such as Youtube, too.

What day was Japan hit by the earthquake/tsunami?


I was pretty sure that it was March 11, but then I saw a video on youtube with footage from it dating March 10, and I also read a few articles online from March 10.


The 1st earthquake was 2:46pm of 11th in Japan time.

I think it was 10th at that moment in some parts of the world.

What kind of Radio Activity is going on in Japan? What is it caused by? Uranium?


Why isn't the radiation been taken care of quickly? Is it true that the radiation will affect asia ans america?


The fuel in a nuclear power station is uranium. The uranium fuel is contained in sealed cans in the core of the reactor. The nucleus of a uranium atom is unstable and can split in two. Energy i s released when this happens. We call this process nuclear fission. Because there are lots of uranium atoms in the core, it becomes very hot.

The thermal energy of the core is taking away by a fluid (called the 'coolant') that is pumped through the core. The coolant is very hot when it leaves the core. It flows through a pipe to a 'heat exchanger', then back to the reactor core. The thermal energy of the coolant is used to turn water into steam in the heat exchanger. This steam drives turbines which turn electricity generators.

People use uranium because much more energy is release per kilogram than from a fossil fuel (coal, oil, gas) so it is more sustainable and less damaging to the environment. However, you need to store the radioactive waste for many years - thousands of years. They were thinking about burying it but people might have lost track of where they have buried the waste. It would be quite a shock to dig it up accidentally!

What's happened in Japan is that when the earthquake happened, it damaged many things in the power station including what was needed to keep the uranium at the right temperature. The roof was also damaged so the radioactive energy has risen into the atmosphere. They say it can travel because it mixes in with the clouds, and when it rains it goes with it. It might affect America but it's probably unlikely. It is important not to breathe it in because it damages your cells and mutates them. If the mutated cells split and reproduce more then it could cause a cancer lump. This is why they have those special mask things to protect them selves.

Phew! :P Fingers are worn out now. I wouldn't worry though- radiation is all around us, in fact right in the ground below us there is radiation.

What is going to happen in Japan?


Here is how I see it.

Earthquake = Tsunami

Tsunami = Flood

Flood = Nuclear Meltdown

Nuclear Meltdown + Lizard = Godzilla!

Could this be possible?


no no .. nuclear spiders are next.

Whatever - everyone has already gone to Osaka already. And EVERYONE knows that Godzillas and Nuclear spiders only attack Tokyo.