I am looking at doing a work exhange (mission) with someone from Japan. In my application im meant to do a write up outling;
a) challenges Japan is facing
b) propose its improvement to the Cabinet Office of Japan for the exchange programme i will be doing, so to be utilized as reference for future "missions"
I will do some research, i do know of the nuclear issue and tsunami scare that happened earlier this year, but does anyone have any other thoughts??
@JerryJ ........ there's one old guy in the fallout zone who refuses to leave. My guess is that harm has come to at least him. And nobody knows about other people and future effects. Limited? Most certainly. But it isn't just a matter of physical harm. If you owned property in that area would you trust the government and TEPCO to give you a fair price? TEPCO has made some 'payments' to local residents. Basically squat in comparison to what they have been through. The nuclear situation most definitely is a challenge Japan is facing. If you don't think so, take yourself on up there and then get back to us.