Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What does akushu mean in this sentence in japanese?


Anata tachi to akushu ga shitai desu.


Akushu - handshake.


Anatatachi to Akushuu ga shitai desu.

I want to shake hands with you (plural)

あなたたちーYou (plural form)
と      -With
握手    -Handshake
が      -conjuction
したい    -want to
です     -polite ending word.

How many years are we from having a Japanese-born caucasian win the presidency of Japan?



wont happen in my life time, then again Im 65, you might see it but I doubt it,as racism is an accepted way of life in Japan

Japanese has many ways of writing. Is Korean the same?


Also how hard to understand is Korean grammar? I'm hoping it's not too insane, like if in English I wanted to write "Yesterday I bought a bike for me" would the word order be very of whack? Like "Bought for I yesterday bike" or "For me yesterday bike was bought"? if it is I'll die haha. I've got to learn a language next year so I have enough units to get an ATAR (the special thing you get at the end of your school life)


Korean grammar is insane, if you go onto Youtube and look up some grammar lessons you'll see exactly what I mean.

How to move to Japan?


I'm planning on moving to Japan after going to culinary school here in America. I just need advice and knowledge on how to make that possible. I speak Japanese fluently already so that wouldn't be a problem. I have no family members there. I need to find out how i'm gonna get a job there and where's the cheapest and best place to stay. Oh and what kind of jobs can I get with a bachelors degree in culinary arts. :) thanks. Any additional information or advice is greatly appreciated ^-^
I am serious about this so yeah. PEACE!


You need to find the job and receive sponsorship for your visa before you go. My guess is that, even being foreign, you will not have any special skill that qualifies you over a Japanese for any culinary type jobs. If you are in fact "fluent", can read/write and converse at a business level, then maybe a bi-lingual hospitality type job would be an option but again, you need to find that job and receive sponsorship before you ever leave your country. As for the cheapest place to live - not Japan. You'll go where the job is. You can be as serious as you like but it is very difficult to immigrate to any country without a skill that is high demand. Now if you had money and could open your own restaurant then you'd receive the visa much easier but that doesn't sound like the case.

Why did the Nazis ally with Italy if Italians supposedly have black ancestry?


Why did Hitler ally with Italians if they're not even Aryan, let alone entirely Caucasian? Was he merely using them in an attempt to win the war just as he was using the Japanese?


The Italians had a Fascist dictatorship under Benito Mussolini. Hitler admired Mussolini and his Fascist cause. It was inevitable that they would become allies due to similar political systems.

BTW, not all Italians have that Mediterranean skin tone. Ever been to northern Italy? The theory that dark skinned Italians are part black is dubious at best.

Is there anywhere in tokyo where I can buy old subway ads?


I want to buy used subway advertisements, also tokyo subway p.s.a.s. Does anyone know a place to do this?


Yes, there are many interesting and beautiful ads in the trains. Many people want them for their collection. The train companies change them almost every week, so people may think that the ads may be available to the public once they are removed. But train companies, not only subways, would not sell them to anybody, saying (officially) that "these are not for sale, all the paper must be recycled for new ads to be printed next week." I guess they have a regulation among the train companies. If you steal them, you will get caught.

What does chan, san, kun, sama, obasama, etc. mean?


I see these after names in manga/anime/Japanese culture. I know that some are used for superiority, i.e. sensei for teacher, but what do the others mean?


-chan: close girlfriend
-san: not close girlfriend or older person
-kun: close boyfriend
-sama: so important person like the emperor

There are so many usage. I just tell you typically one.

Need a japanese translation for a pic?


i nee to know what the text says, thanks!


It's probably the characters name, or the artist's name

Kusakabe Misao
日下部 みさお
Also the small writing by her mouth just seems to be sounds. Like "Uvvaaa" or something.

Is Korean ramyun like/the same as Japanese ramen?


Not really by taste or look, but like the same dish if you know what I mean?
Or if it's completely different, can you explain it to me?


Similar but not the same. Japanese ramen soup is generally made from stock based on chicken or pork, combined with a variety of ingredients like soy sause. Korean ramyeon is usually in the form of instant noodles, hot and spicy, as its soup is usually flavored with chili peppers. All Japanese noodles are basically straight and cut to roughly the same length - about 8 inches or 20 cm. Korean noodles are thick and fat.

Which Japanese girl name do you like the best?


Akira - I think it means shine or something?
Chrome - I don't know the meaning.
Sakura - Cherry blossom

Pick away! :D Thanks in advance. I just need to know what to name this anime girl I made. :P


Akira is a boy's name, and Chrome is not usual name. So I think Sakura is the best.

How do i say i am scottish in japanese?


i've started learning japanese i a was wonder the word for "scotland" and how to say i am from scotland or i am scottish?


'I'm from Scotland.' : 私は スコットランド からです ("Watashi wa Sukottorándo kara desu。")

関ヶ原 why is there a little ke?


and why is it pronounced ga?


Originally, ケ meant like “の” or “of “ , when it was used in geographical name in ancient archaic Japanese language,
関 means “Gate” : “ケ” means “of”, “原” means “field”. So 関ヶ原 means “Field of Gate”

It usually used like combination of “feature of the place” + “ケ” + “landform”
袖ヶ浦 Coast of sleeve, which is equivalent to 袖の浦 in modern Japanese language.
鳩ケ谷 Valley of dove、which is equivalent to 鳩の谷 in modern Japanese language
幡ヶ谷 Valley of flag、which is equivalent to 幡の谷 in modern Japanese language
霞ヶ浦 Coast of mist, which is equivalent to 霞の浦 in modern Japanese language
市ヶ谷 Valley of market which is equivalent to 市の谷 in modern Japanese language……

ケ used to be transcribed 箇 in ancient language, and later simplified to ケ when it used to mean particle の
箇 could be pronounced ke, ko, ka, ga….. so ケ could be also pronounced ga when it used to mean particle の

This is against the modern Japanese Grammar, but it’s been customary used since ancient time and not easily changed regarding some old usages and name of places.

What does "你让我开心!" mean?


DON'T USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE. If I wanted to Google Translate it I'd do it myself.


With numerical pinyin, "Ni3 rang4 wo3 kai1xin1"

Traditional characters (妳讓我開心--I have to put it in Traditional Characters to translate it as t.c. corresponds with Japanese)

Literally it means, "You yield me happy." However, that makes little sense. So, a more commonly spoken way in English would be "you make me happy."

How do you say in japanese?


I want to shake the hand of both you guys.


Anata tachi to akushu ga shitai desu.

Should I take a semester off from learning Japanese?


I’m a sophomore studying mechanical engineering. I’m about a semester behind where I should be, because I took irrelevant classes to explore another major (computer science, which didn’t go well) and screwed up my math and physics classes. So basically I’ll be retaking some classes next semester, hopefully I’ll raise my GPA up to 3.0.

I figured that I’ll be in school for the next 4-5 years (My school has an integrated Bachelor-Master degree in ME, and I’m very interested.), so I made a decision to study Japanese as a minor. I always wanted to learn a third language, and Japanese seems to best fit my personality, mindset (My first language is an Asian language. I took 3 semesters of French in high school and it didn’t go well. Japanese is easier to speak, write and read IMHO.) and career path.

This upcoming spring semester I’ll be taking 5 classes; one of them is Elementary Japanese II. So the other 4 is a combination of physics, math and engineering classes. However, minoring in Japanese is pulling me back. I feel that I should postpone learning Japanese for now and just focus of my engineering degree. I can always learn the language later.

What do you think?


If you think you can do it, do it. but your french classes didn't work out that well.. so i am suggesting that you focus on your majors and get your degree, like you said you can learn it later in life when the school/work environment isn't so stressful. Languages are easier to learn when you are not so stressed and have to worry about the final or test the next day. Give your brain a break, if Mechanical engineering, Physics, and math isn't already a broad subject which you need to know alot about to even know what your talking about, then go for it.

Should I take a semester off from learning Japanese?


I’m a sophomore studying mechanical engineering. I’m about a semester behind where I should be, because I took irrelevant classes to explore another major (computer science, which didn’t go well) and screwed up my math and physics classes. So basically I’ll be retaking some classes next semester, hopefully I’ll raise my GPA up to 3.0.

I figured that I’ll be in school for the next 4-5 years (My school has an integrated Bachelor-Master degree in ME, and I’m very interested.), so I made a decision to study Japanese as a minor. I always wanted to learn a third language, and Japanese seems to best fit my personality, mindset (My first language is an Asian language. I took 3 semesters of French in high school and it didn’t go well. Japanese is easier to speak, write and read IMHO.) and career path.

This upcoming spring semester I’ll be taking 5 classes; one of them is Elementary Japanese II. So the other 4 is a combination of physics, math and engineering classes. However, minoring in Japanese is pulling me back. I feel that I should postpone learning Japanese for now and just focus of my engineering degree. I can always learn the language later.

What do you think?


Yeah, you can get language skills on the fly. If you come and live in Japan, you will pick it up in no time. You cannot learn mechanical engineering on the fly. I studied German in college and didn't start studying Japanese until I came here and now I'm a translator. I majored in History in college, but if I had studied biology, IT, engineering, or law, I'd be making a lot more money now. Especially mechanical engineering, that is a vital field in Japan. So I'd say put your Japanese on hold and get your engineering degree, because a classroom is the best place to learn engineering, but the real world is the best place to learn a foreign language.

Why do some Americans always bang on about China manipulating it's currency yet they are all too happy to?


purchase Chinese goods for low prices.

If you are genuinely concerned about China manipulating it's currency, next time you go to the shop, don't purchase the $1000 TV from China, but the $5000 one from America.

I think it is safe to say that nobody will do that.

By the way, I don't think that Asian goods are cheaper because of there is foul play on the part of the Asians. That is an excuse used by politicians who want to avoid talking about America's flawed monetary policy.


ha, not only that, but you can't buy many products that are from just ONE country anymore. I reckon even the American brand TV would have Chinese or Japanese parts or labor associated with it.

In my opinion the US is just trying to craft the rules for what is acceptable and what is not. If you make the rules, it's easier for you to win the game.

Why do some Americans always bang on about China manipulating it's currency yet they are all too happy to?


purchase Chinese goods for low prices.

If you are genuinely concerned about China manipulating it's currency, next time you go to the shop, don't purchase the $1000 TV from China, but the $5000 one from America.

I think it is safe to say that nobody will do that.

By the way, I don't think that Asian goods are cheaper because of there is foul play on the part of the Asians. That is an excuse used by politicians who want to avoid talking about America's flawed monetary policy.


ha, not only that, but you can't buy many products that are from just ONE country anymore. I reckon even the American brand TV would have Chinese or Japanese parts or labor associated with it.

In my opinion the US is just trying to craft the rules for what is acceptable and what is not. If you make the rules, it's easier for you to win the game.

Can someone translate the japanese/chinese (sorry, I'm not sure what it is) on this picture for me?


http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/2… is the picture. thanks :)


It's Japanese. It means

”I've caught you red-handed、Taiho!”
"Grr.. I'll remember this!"

Why have white people over the years caused so much destruction and hatred- Are they evil?


Look at the hate caused by whites -

Genocide of Native Americans - White people
Genocide of Australian/New Zealand/Tasmania/Hawaiian Natives - White people
Genocide of Africans - White people
World War I - White People
World War II - White people
Atomic bombing of non-white civilians - white people
IRA - White people
Race hate crimes - The majority of hate crimes are BY whites
Invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan - white people

White people are guilty of crimes against humanity; they are responsible for every culture on Earth; they are by far the most racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic people on Earth; it reminds me of a beautiful little poem my teacher read to the class -

White people are like white bread and white rice, when the early modern humans left Africa and migrated to Europe the sun bleached their skin thus removing the goodness like when you bleach brown rice, it becomes white and all the goodness is gone.


Outside the fact that the worst genocide of WW2 was committed by the Japanese in China, and they aren't white. You opinion is obviously biased by the fact that you don't know any history outside of European.

Why have white people over the years caused so much destruction and hatred- Are they evil?


Look at the hate caused by whites -

Genocide of Native Americans - White people
Genocide of Australian/New Zealand/Tasmania/Hawaiian Natives - White people
Genocide of Africans - White people
World War I - White People
World War II - White people
Atomic bombing of non-white civilians - white people
IRA - White people
Race hate crimes - The majority of hate crimes are BY whites
Invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan - white people

White people are guilty of crimes against humanity; they are responsible for every culture on Earth; they are by far the most racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic people on Earth; it reminds me of a beautiful little poem my teacher read to the class -

White people are like white bread and white rice, when the early modern humans left Africa and migrated to Europe the sun bleached their skin thus removing the goodness like when you bleach brown rice, it becomes white and all the goodness is gone.


Outside the fact that the worst genocide of WW2 was committed by the Japanese in China, and they aren't white. You opinion is obviously biased by the fact that you don't know any history outside of European.

How do Japanese view Americans who like their country?


This may sound kind of confusing but I'm wondering how the Japanese see Americans who are very interested in their country/culture/language/etc. (Everyone in general of course. You can't know what every person is thinking.)

Whenever someone around me (In the US) finds out that I'm interested in Japan, they assume it's because I like anime. Yes, I like anime. I like it better than most American television, but that's not my reason for liking Japan. I want to learn more about the culture and language. I want to travel there someday and see some of these beautiful places. It's not all about anime. I guess what I'm saying is that (for me) most Americans assume you like the ideal of Japan because you like anime. Is that what Japanese think too? I just think it would be embarrassing to travel there one day and have everyone assume it's because you are crazy for anime.



I know how you feel. I like anime as well (I'm actually part of a podcast for it! aaapodcast.com if you want to be among friends and talk about Japan/anime) but that's not ALL I like about Japan, or all I like in general!

As you said, I can't know what everyone thinks, but I did study abroad in Japan and live with a host family. For the most part, they're curious why you like Japan and they will ask but they don't automatically assume its anime. Unless you're acting like a crazed anime fan they won't think that.

That's been my experience at least.

What does suki desu mean in Japanese?


What would be the exact translation?


"I like you." Generally used in innocent love - confessing a crush. It's a lot less serious than "aishiteru" which is reserved for family and sometimes not even used at all by more conservative people. It's like je t'aime in French - can mean I like you or I love you.

What does Suki mean in Japanese?


I heard it was beloved when put with cat "Sukineko", but i also heard that suki was translated to "To like" or "To Love".

What would be the exact and best translation for Suki? Would it be beloved?


Here are the results for suki in the online dictionary of Yahoo Japan:

Here are the results for beloved:

Beloved is rather 最愛 (saiai) or 大好き (daisuki).

What does my name in japanese?


my name is kieren samms


There are no Japanese translations of your name because Kieren and Samms are kind of... unusual names

What does Sukineko mean in Japanese?


"Suki" is beloved... I think and "neko" is cat. Right? I hope...
And also why are they put together like "Sukineko" instead of "Suki neko"?
Also how do you write it?


- Romaji: sukineko
- Hiragana: すきねこ
- Katakana: スキネコ (Don't use this. Katakana is only to pronounce foreign or technical words/names.)
- Kanji: 好き猫

They are together because when you're speaking Japanese you are implying that you love cats and that love/like is the verb that follows "cat". Besides you're writing it in romaji which we do not write. Everything we write is together like "私の名前わ美春です。" But you probably already know that they're together. Therefore it would be like this in romaji, "watashi no namae wa miharu desu." and not "watashinonamewamiharudesu." Because that would look incorrect. When converting Japanese to romaji you have rules that you have to follow and sukineko is one of them, because suki (verb) and neko (subject) are being put together to imply that you like cats.

- English: like/love (usually depending how you use it, but in Japanese "like" can be used as an expression for love)
- Romaji: suki
- Katakana: スキ(Follows the same rule as the first example.)
- Hiragana: すき
- Kanji: 好き

- English: Cat
- Romaji: Neko
- Katakana: ネコ (Follows the same rule above.)
- Hiragana: ねこ
- Kanji: 猫

Those are the individual translations and strokes/writings.

What is the japanese word for bark?



- English: Bark
- Romaji: jukawa
- Hiragana: じゅかわ
- Kanji: 樹皮 (literally 'juhi' in Romaji")

Romaji is the one you'll probably use. 'jukawa' means bark. But you can say 'kawa' if you want.

Help me to translate?


Oh!Tell me why?All i see blue in my heart.Will You stay with Me
風が過ぎ去るまでまたあふれだす All My tears.For ever love.For ever dream
このままそばにいて夜明けに震える心を抱きしめて Oh!Stay with Me
何もないあなただけ For ever Love for ever Dream
Ah,Will You stay with Me
Oh!Tell Me Why?Oh,Tell Me true.
For ever Love!For ever Dream!
For ever Love!


Hi. I think so maybe this question is japanese singer X-JAPAN at the Forever Love of lyrics?

X-JAPAN Forever Love.

I'll never walk alone again, the winds of time are to strong.
Ah, it's that what you hurts, which you'll have to live with...
Ah, this tight embrace, and this burning, unchanged heart.
In this ever changing time, love will never change.

Will you hold my heart? Stop flowing tears.
Again, all of my heart is broken....

Forever love, forever dream
Only flowing emotions,bury this intense,
trying, meaningless times.
Oh tell me why ... all I see is blue in my heart.

Will you stay with me? Wait until after the wind passes,
all my tears are still flowing...

Forever love, forever dream Stay with me like this.
Hold my trembling heart in the dawn.
Oh stay with me...

Ah, everything good seems to be ending,
in this unending night.
Ah, what else would you lose if nothing at all matters.

Forever love, forever dream, stay with me like this.
Hold my trembling heart in the dawn.

Oh will you stay with me... Until the wind passes,
stay with me again.

Forever love, forever dream, I'll never walk this path.
Oh tell me why, tell me true, teach me how to live.
Forever love, forever dream, within flowing tears
Bright seasons will forever change again and again ....
forever love...

Ahh 傷つくことなんて

Ahh このまま抱きしめて

Will you hold my heart
もう壞れそうな All my heart

Forever love Forever dream
Oh tell me why

All I see is blue in my heart

Will you stay with me
また溢れ出す All my tears

Forever love Forever dream
Oh stay with me

Ahh 全てが終ればいい
Ahh 失うものなんて

Forever love Forever dream

Ah Will you stay with me

Forever love Forever dream
Oh tell me why Oh tell me true

Forever love Forever dream
Forever love...

I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

What does this Japanese sentence mean in English ?




During winter break, I want to read books that I did not have the time to read in one sitting.

Which language is cooler to speak?Japanese or Chinese?and why?




Japanese! I only say that because I am Japanese and speak it. On top of that we learn Chinese character-sets as well! :-) It is called "Kanji" (漢字). Cool huh? I believe our culture is one of the most beautiful out there. We also adapt to anything that looks/sounds interesting therefore our cultural diversity is not all one thing, but many!

Does anyone know any good anime mersandice websites I only know Tokyo toys ?


They must be cheap and not a scam


JList.com is a great site. I've ordered from there a lot.

Otherwise I just use ebay, shipping may be slow but you can get great prices!

Why Dont the North Korean People Rise up and Stage Revolution now that their Leader died?


Are they idiots or what? Kim Jong Il is dead!! They should take advantage of this and rise up since their is no clear leader yet!!! What do you guys think? Kind of like in Egypt and Lybia!

Better yet, why doesnt the US, South Korea and their allies invade and get it over with once and for all?


North Korea is more like Egypt in 2000 BC that in 2000 AD. The people have been isolated from the world since the Japanese left after WWII and most seem to believe that their leaders have almost godlike powers and are the only thing that is keeping them from being reoccupied by evil foreign powers,

Last time the US fought a war in Korea, China intervened because they did not want US troops on their border and they probably still don't. This would make invasion very risky unless one of our allies was China, and if China wants to invade they do not need our help.

Why couldn't a single U.S. politician acknowledge Kim Jong Il's death in a civilized humane fashion?


No one offered condolences to his family. No candidate, nor the president, said anything humane or sympathetic regarding his death. The man was a human being. I thought America was better than other countries? I thought America was a civilized state? I'm American and I consider myself to be quite civilized. Notwithstanding the aggression Kim Jong has had in the past, a death is a death. He was a head of state, not Bin Laden.


North Korea isn't interested in hearing our condolences and the people would certainly not find out about it because news coverage is sanitized.

That being said, the following is taken from the link attributed:
"The Obama administration is in the process of making a decision on issuing a condolence message regarding the death of North Korea's leader.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did offer some comments when appearing in Washington with her Japanese counterpart after a previously scheduled meeting.

“We reiterate our hope for improved relations with the people of North Korea and remain deeply concerned about their well-being," Clinton said.

What is anticipated, senior administration officials tell CNN, is something similar to what the U.S. did in 1994 when Kim Jong Il's father died. At the time, the Clinton administration issued condolences to the Korean people for the death of Kim Il Sung.

"On behalf of the people of the United States, I extend sincere condolences to the people of North Korea on the death of President Kim Il Sung," the President Bill Clinton statement said. "We appreciate his leadership in resuming the talks between our governments. We hope they will continue as appropriate."

Apparently Bill Clinton offered condolences during his administration. Why Obama has not yet, is unclear.

Translate Japanese to English please?


Ryo Miyaichi (Japanese football player who play for Arsenal now) says something in Japanese about Christmas in this video.


From 1.01 to 1.09

I would love to know what it is? I think i heard Arigatoo gosaimasu, that is thank you and what else?

Thank you so much for helping!


He says, "メリークリスマス。僕らを応援していただいてありがとうございます。よいクリスマス…

Merii kurisumasu. Bokura wo ouen shite itadaite arigatoo gozaimasu. Yoi kurisumasu wo osugoshi kudasai.

(Merry Christmas. Thank you for supporting us. Have a wonderful Christmas.)

Japanese - How you spell this one in Romaji please?


The image is here >> http://imageshack.us/f/192/943t.jpg/
any idea how to pronounce it? :(
And what is the 2 rows of Hiragana and Katakana on top of "0.3 lunch" ,romaji and meaning please?
Thank you so so so much!


Romaji - 0.3 byou ranchi
(the u at the end of byou signifies a long o sound, not an actual u sound in english)
(ranchi would be the Japanese pronunciation of "Lunch" ra would be pronounced similar to la)
Phonetic Pronunciation - 0.3 b-YOo rLA-N-CHi
English - 0.3 Second Lunch

The hiragana and katakana over the Kanji and English are called "furigana." It's used to help readers unfamiliar with the Kanji or English read the word. Since there are over 2,000 Kanji in Japanese it could be common for younger readers in case they have not learned the Kanji yet in school but know the vocabulary. Or, in the case of English, may know the English word pronounced in the Japanese manner, but not how to read it in roman script.

Hope that helps!

Japanese - What does it mean? How you pronounce it? Please?


The image is here >> http://imageshack.us/f/192/943t.jpg/

And how do you write "fanfic" in Japanese? Is there a term for this? How does it pronounced?
Please, including Romaji. I don't know how to spell T_T Thank you so so so much!


It means 0.3 seconds until lunch (for the image)
And this is how you write fanfic - ファンフィクション (fannfikushonn in romaji) There is no vocabulary word for it)
It's pronounced like FANN-FIKU-SHONN

What's you favourite natto brand?


Bonjour and welcome to my question.
I have always thought that the Japanese cuisine is sooo superb. One of my favourite Japanese foods, a bit surprisingly, is natto. Yes, I know some people think it is nasty and many foreigners as well as Japanese dislike it. But it is my favourite food ever since I ate it the first time in my sister's home in Sendai. Yummy.

I took the opportunity to teach English in Japan and I flew to here yesterday from my stinky American in Alabama. As soon as I arrived in Japan I went to a grocery store where I found out that there are just sooo many different natto brands such as Okame and Kin-no-tsubu and there is actually a whole isle dedicated to natto. Sooo stinky. It made me almost...well, I was sort of erotic moment, if you know what I mean.

So I have a question, out of zillions of natto brands, which one tops your list? I would like to know because I want to try them out myself, and I thought maybe I could know the most popular one. Thanks in advance,


I like Okame the best. It comes with rather small cups, which is convenient for me because it is just the proper amount when I make natto sandwich :) I always bring natto sandwich to my office as my lunch. It's sooo stinky. It makes the whole room stink of natto, which is very comfortable because it is Japanese people's soul food! I think. hahaha I just ate natto for my breakfast but this question made me want to eat it again!

What does this mean in Japanese?


It's a manga, but I don't know what the title says. And could you please tell me the non-character name (ie: Boku no Chopin or Yume wo Miru Hima mo Nai).


What a crapload of answers you have. Mail me and we'll talk about it.

Which type of natto do you prefer: hikiwari or regular?


Bonjour and welcome to my question.
I have always thought that the Japanese cuisine is just so superb and I love natto! So I found today that there are two types of natto depending how coarse beans are. Hikiriwari natto consists of small broken pieces of beans while beans in regular natto are not deformed. In my opinion, hikiwari is more sticky and has more thicker fragrance. I prefer it to regular natto. So my question is, how about you, which do you prefer: hikiwari or regular? Thanks in advance,


Hello, and you asked a very good question!
I myself like just regular natto. I like it with daikon-oroshi and karashi (>-<; Hmmm...good! My saliva is dripping just thinking about it! My mouth is sooo natto smelling that I may turn every bean I see in a grocery store into natto! Just joking, hehe...
Anyway, I am almost dying from this terrible smell from my feet...it smells like natto. Boy, my addiction to natto has become so fatal that my body is turning into natto! Geez.

Could A Japanese speaker translate this for me, please ?




Although it will be two months or so before I leave Japan but nothing has been decided.
Where and how long would I go?

(Japanese) What does this mean in english: 誰に嫌われたって良いと思ってるけど?


No google or yahoo translation answers please


Let's rewrite: 
(たとえ)誰に 嫌われたって(=嫌われたとしても)良い(かまわない)と思っている。

Like GonGon did, my translation would be;
"I don't care who hates me. (Whatever...)"(Or, "I wouldn't mind if someone hated me. So?")

Japanese language prefers using "嫌う hate" with passive construction IF A PERSON
- People hate him.. やつ、みんなから嫌われてるんだよね。
- Who hates her? 彼女、誰に嫌われてるわけ?

(~しても)よい :not mind (doing) → ~verb (past) って(も)よい(したとしても かまわない)
E.g. 自由な時間がもっと持てるなら、給料が低くなっても かまわない(= 低くなったって よい) I would be content with a lower salary if I was assured of more free time.

.... と思ってるけど is frequently used in colloquial. And you don't really have to translate it. If you do; "in my mind", "that's what I say to myself", "So (what)?", "whatever..."

宿題やっておきなさい。Do your homework now.
後でもいいと 思ってるんだけど… I'll do it later. (How does that sound to you?)

------------- OK, here you go:

俺って けっこう 打たれ強いし, 誰に 嫌われたっていい と思ってるけど
"I'm pretty tough and I don't care what people think of me. In fact, I wouldn't care if someone hated me."

けっこう:In colloquial, "pretty" "kinda"
打たれ強い --> 逆境 gakkyou に強い thrive on adversity
≒ 他人の評価を気にしない pay no heed to to other people's criticisms/ will-wishers

Can you translate the word "convert" into Japanese for me?


I want to put a "convert" button on my website so that Japanese customers can convert from pounds to yen.


In your case, it's 変換.

How popular is the iPhone 4s in Japan?


I plan to study in TUJ Fall 2012. I want a phone that is popular in Japan. One that will also work in Japan. I have looked into it and most companies carry the iPhone. How popular exactly is it?


You see iPhones everywhere. My daughter's friend was over the other day and had one. But know next to nothing about the plans offered other than they are more expensive here than in the U.S. Not even sure if you can get a plan without purchasing the phone here. I don't even have a cell phone now, but when I did, the manual was next to useless and the English menus were very limited.

You might want to look into the Google Galaxy Nexus. Android based. iPhone isn't the only option for smartphones out there.