Friday, April 22, 2011

Can you help me write a simple reply email?


Please write it in Hiragana and Katakana. Thank you for your help! Arigatou Gozaimasu!

Dear ____,

Happy Easter! I hope you're having a wonderful day. I hadn't heard back from you, so I just wanted to send you a quick email ensuring that you got the first one. Thank you again for all of your help and have a great day!





しあわせな イースターを おいのりします。すばらしい ひびを おすごしのこと とおもいます。おたよりが なかったので、さいしょに おおくりした イーメイルが おてもとにとどいているかを かくにんすべく、とりいそぎ ほんメイルをおおくりするものです。あなたさまの ごじょりょくに ふたたび、おれいを もうしあげます。よいひを おすごしください。

けいぐ(If sender is a male)
かしこ(If female)

Level: Business email. Formal. If sent to a friend, or by a female to a female, a little adjustment is necessary.

Can i live and work in japan?


i am from india and i want to live and work in kapan i like japanese culture very much and i recently learnt the beautiful japanese language and i can speak japanese quite well i have a degree in english and i am planing to do an mba so will i get any work in japan please help


no one here can tell you whether you'll be able to secure work in Japan while you're in India. Since you speak Japanese, you should probably know how to look for job opportunities that are based in Japan.

Job in japan for a bangladeshi.?


I am a bangladeshi.I am not a native english speaker but i am a learner.I have completed my 4 years bachelor?
degree.very soon i will go to japan with a spouse visa.Now i want to know that can i do the teaching english job in japan.


Ask your spouse ! But I an tell you you need good English to teach English...

Guitar store in Kyoto?


My boyfriend and I are going to Japan for the first time in two weeks. He plays the guitar, but won't be bringing it with him. Is there a store similar to Guitar Center in Kyoto where he can sit and play a guitar for a few minutes? If there is and you could show me a map, that would be great.


I've found one such shop as you want in Kyoto.
Their link is:…
Althoug it's all in Japanese, they say you can play their guitars for trial and you can see their telephone number and location in the page.

Japanese grammar question?


1. is there a difference between かなり, けっこう, and なかなか?

2. 店では買いません。 don't quite understand what function は serves?

as usual, thank you.


1. for adverb use (they can be adjective by adding "-na")
For example, you take an exam, and later you say;
かなり難しかった。It was quite difficult.
けっこう難しかった。It was quite difficult (unexpectedly)
なかなか難しかった。 It was quite difficult (but it sounds the most objective of the 3)

2. 店では買いません。 ネット・ショッピングの方が便利ですから。
I don't buy those at stores. I'd rather go for net-shopping becasuse it's handy.
That is, for emphasizing or there's other options of where to buy.

Could you explain the definition of 練る??


My dictionary says to knead, polish, mature, elaborate, draw up and frame. I'm confused. Please explained this word's meanings and in what contexts they are used in. Example sentences would be much appreciated.

Arigatou Gozaimasu!


1 〔粉や餡(あん)などをこねる〕knead; 〔粘土などを〕temper
knead dough
temper paint with oil
2 〔絹を煮る〕gloss, give a gloss ((to)); 〔絹を灰汁(あく)で煮て〕soften
glossed [unglossed] silk
3 ⇒ねりあるく(練り歩く)
1 〔念入りに仕上げる〕
polish one's writing
work on a plan/consider a plan carefully
develop [work out] an idea
polish the wording of a speech
2 〔修養する〕train
You must build up your courage.

*I think this site as pasted below is usefull for you to answer such questions hereafter:…

What is Japan like after everything?


What is Japan like since the earthquake and everything?


It is literally business as usual for everyone except those directly impacted because they were living or working within the affected areas of Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate.
Bella is living in a fantasy world where the half-truths the Western media reports is reality. The Japanese economy hasn't been good since 1989 and just like almost every country in the world when the economy went south a few years ago Japan suffered and just like every country in the world things have not returned to normal. The earthquake has impacted tourism which will not be good for the summer months economically speaking.
Japan is small but it's not like the Fukushima nuclear plants are the only plants supplying power to all of Japan. I am in northern Japan and after a month things are basically back to normal. There is no lack of food, there is no lack of power, there is no lack of hot or cold water, et cetera.
And no one is irradiated or in danger of being irradiated. The food, the water, and the air is all safe.

The only thing of remarkable difference in Japan is that Narita Airport is a lot less hectic and flights to Japan and hotels around Tokyo and the other tourist spots are a lot cheaper.

What is the best way to get to Narita airport from Shinjuku (Hotel Sunroute Plaza) at 5am?


I have an early morning flight! Do the bullet trains run early? Or is there an airport limo bus I can take? Trying to avoid taxis if possible!


There is a Narita Express train which leaves Shinjuku at 5:55am and arrives at Narita at 7:15am.

It's difficult to arrive at Narita at 5am if you mean that.

What is a name of a suburb area of Japan?


I am writing a story and it is placed in Japan. But sadly, I don't know that much about Japan. I am looking for a place in Japan that would be a warm vacation like suburb area. It is placed before the earthquake. Please help me. A brief over view of the city would be nice too, just so I could fully visualize it. Somewhere within 100 miles, but not too close, of Tokyo would be nice too. Thank you! :D


Type the word 'Japan' into your browser and choose from the plethora of results you'll get.
Tokyo and its suburbs are only warm in spring and fall; in the winter it is cold, and in the
summer can be stifling hot.
One city that might qualify as 'suburb' within your limitations would be Yokohama.

Could a purse have radiation on it from Japan?


I ordered a purse from China a month ago after all the radiation and earthquakes. & We aren't suppose to have fish or anything from their because of the radiation, but could a purse carry it over here?


Only if the purse had been inside the nuke plant ! You're 110 % safe...Fish is ok too...I'm eating a fish sandwich as I speak...It's only fish near the nuke plant...

Could a purse have radiation on it from Japan?


I ordered a purse from China a month ago after all the radiation and earthquakes. & We aren't suppose to have fish or anything from their because of the radiation, but could a purse carry it over here?


You ordered it from China...The radiation from Japan has reached over to China...Only really little bits. Barley anything. But just in case I would maybe wash it with my hands with some Gardening gloves and a a little mask, so you don't breathe it in. After let it dry, then it should be perfect to go!

I am traveling from okwinia japan my frist flt is with ana leaves at 1255 gets in at 330?


my flt out of tokyo on contenaial leaves at 435 i have to go to ingration and thu security i do not think i have time to get to my gate. no one really speaks english called aireline they suggested to go a day early and stay in a hotel what suggested to you have for me i am in a strange coutry .the airline said that is the only flt o co that day they are parterners with untied why not put me on untied they have one leaving at 1755


I have been to Okinawa and the rest of Japan 6 times, and I can tell you from experience that their English is far better than yours in our question.
Your question is very difficult to decipher, even for fluent speakers, and actually does not make any sense because in the title you intimate that you leave FROM Okinawa, yet in your body you say you are leaving from TOKYO. Which is it? Are you just trolling this site?
1.Go to your travel agency and make sure you get tickets for a flight you are comfortable with.
2.Or, if you are already in Japan, take the advice of the airlines and take a flight that leaves a day earlier.
3.Or, buy a ticket from United Airlines.

Airlines partner with other airlines so both can make use of each others travel destinations without having to duplicate them. This happens daily.

How many days a ship will take from japan to pakistan?



I think it takes 2-3 weeks.

Is it wrong for me to respect japan for ww2.?


many people respect japan cuz of anime and video games and manga. but I respect them for their imperial army. I though it was amazing how when they ran out of ammo during the battle of iwo jima they would charge at a machine gun and rather die than surrender. they certainly were fearless and powerful soldiers


I am Japanese; I do think the war with the US in the Pacific was unavoidable.
But, I do not support the military government of Japan during the war. Two million Japanese soldiers lost their lives. I admit that they fought bravely not only on Iwojima but in the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and all over the Pacific islands, but in reality, they were the victims of the stupidity of the our military government. The more I read the documents of the war, the more I am convinced that their war strategies were criminally stupid and wrong.

I visit the Yasukuni Shrine every year to pay respect for our soldiers (most of them, including my grandfather, were drafted, poorly trained civilians), but I hate our military government during the war.
As the result of WWII, two million Japanese soldiers (again, most of them were drafted civilians and college students) were slaughtered by the Japanese government. And, one million civilians (women and children) in Japan were killed by US carpet bombing throughout our country, including two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I do respect our soldiers who fought for our nation, but I would never forgive our military government of Japan during WWII.

How do the Japanese behave differently from westerners?


I was at my mother's house yesterday and I noticed I get scared and quiet whenever my step father is around because he is from a very different culture from me even though we have always been in the same country.He comes from ghetto culture(he has a ethnic accent and is a drug dealer) and I'm a liberal white teenager.I wondered if Japanese culture would make me uncomfortable.


We, Japanese people, have different personalities and are not like robots programmed in all the same way. However, most Japanese are taught good manners by their parents when we were younger and it's up to these people if they apply it or not. There are some people though that can make you feel uncomfortable, I know alot of them. But like others said, generally we are friendly and warm to guests.

I want to go to japan but am 14 is there like a summer porgam?



you can ask for your school if they have that kind of program, then apply on it, If you want to visit you must be with your family, say your mom or dad.

How did the Japanese 'Kawaii' culture start?


I know there is some sort of history behind it. But when and how did it start? Best and Longest Answers Win! :)


The rise of cuteness in Japanese culture emerged in the 1970s as part of a new style of writing.[3] Many teenage girls began to write laterally using mechanical pencils. These pencils produced very fine lines, as opposed to traditional Japanese writing that varied in thickness and was vertical. Also, the girls would write in big, round characters and they added little pictures to their writing, such as hearts, stars, smiley faces, and letters of the Latin alphabet. These pictures would be inserted randomly and made the writing very hard to read.[3] As a result, this writing style caused a lot of controversy and was banned in many schools. During the 1980s, however, this new "cute" writing was adopted by magazines and comics and was put onto packaging and advertising. From 1984–1986, Yamane Kazuma studied the development of cute handwriting, which he called Anomalous Female Teenage Handwriting, in depth. Although it was commonly thought that the writing style was something that teenagers had picked up from comics, he found that teenagers had come up with the style themselves, as part of an underground movement.[3]

Later, cute handwriting became associated with acting childishly and using infantile slang words. Because of this growing trend, companies such as Sanrio came out with merchandise like Hello Kitty. Hello Kitty was an immediate success and the obsession with cute continued to progress in other areas as well. The 1980s also saw the rise of cute idols, such as Seiko Matsuda, who is largely credited with popularizing the trend. Women began to emulate Seiko Matsuda and her cute fashion style and mannerisms, which emphasized the helplessness and innocence of young girls.[4] No longer limited to teenagers, however, the spread of making things as cute as possible, even common household items, was embraced by people of all ages. Now there are airplanes painted with Pikachu on the side, and each of Japan’s 47 prefectures, the Tokyo police, and even the public broadcaster NHK all have their own cute mascots. Currently, Sanrio’s line of more than 50 characters takes in more than $1 billion a year and it remains the most successful company to capitalize on the cute trend

Foreigner Crime in Japan? Can Anyone Explain This?


This is probably a dumb question but I am very curious. It has been bugging me for a while now.

I live here with my American boyfriend. Our two male friends (also American) came to visit us and arrived on New Years and we all went out to drink and dance. So it was just me and these 3 guys.

I dont remember particularly where we were or if it matters. . .I know we were in a 'club womb' at some point and a there were a bunch of love hotels around, I also remember that there were a really loud bunch of people and these guys who worked outside the club told them to be quiet because there was a residential area nearby.

ANYWAY so the four of us were just standing outside and these random people who said they were from Germany start engaging each of us in conversation. I had a really bad feeling about them. It was two girls and this standoffish guy who just kinda stood near them. It was really really wierd because as time went on I got more and more anxious about them.

They didn't look wierd, they seemed really nice and friendly, there didn't seem to be any reason to have a bad feeling about them but i did, so I took it seriously. They were really adimate about us going to a particular club with them, even when we said we were interested in going somewhere else. They seemed to have singled four of us out and engaged us into different conversations like they wanted us to be distracted from eachother or something. The girl who kept talking to me seemed to like everything I liked. Overall it was just really wierd. She even kept trying to convince me to drink her wine for her because she didn't want to waste it and even tried to come on to me and none of them seemed drunk at all.

I know for sure that something was off. I just dont understand why we would be targeted and what for? Where they trying to shanghai us or something??? Was it like that movie Hostel??? I dont know.

Thier overall goal seemed to be to distract us from eachother and to get us into that particular nightclub...where it would have been really crowded and easy to separate us from one another.

At first I thought maybe they worked at the club and they were trying to get people to go in there but I really dont think that they worked there. We ended up waiting in the line and as we got closer to the front the girl seemed to kindof attach herself to me.

I waited until we were almost in the club with them and when it got really crowded, shook her off a bit, and pretended to freak out so my boyfriend and our other two friends would follow me without asking questions. We didn't see them again that night.

Does this sound like some wierd common crime I dont know about? Does this make sense to anyone?

Im really curious, Id like to make sense of this if at all possible lol. I appreciate any input!


1) How the heck do you "shanghai" someone?
2) Maybe they just were trying to have a good time and make new friends
3) As said above, seriously people need to learn how to say NO if they don't want to do something.
4) I was reading it expecting a crime that happened, but i'm glad my expectation was foiled lol. Glad you guys are safe.

Some suggestions for good anime?


well it's spring break and i wanna watch some anime. my preferences are comedy with some romance. im not too into the fighting. i've watched ouran high school host club, lovely complex, princess tutu, and fruits basket. i want an anime similar to those.


-Kaichou wa Maid-sama (i find this anime really cute. especially when the guy hold her and she always blushes.)…

-Clannad and Clannad After Story (i also really love this sotry. i thinks it's great, but it's also really sad at some part)…

-Kanon (same creator as Clannad. it's also very good and sad parts in it as well)…

-Rosaio + Vampire (it's about a human boy who go to...whatever. just read the description in the link. it's a great anime. there are like five girls who falls in love with the guy)…

-Onegai Teacher (this is goo, that is if you don't mind love between a human boy and a teacher who is an alien)…

-Onegai Twins (this is great as well. both of them are great!)…

-Omamori Himar (this is definitely comedy. most of the time is just hilarious, but there's also a very cute moment between the two.)…

Ouran Highschool Host Club recoomendations…

Lovely Complex recommendations…

Fruits basket recoomendations…

if you wanna find anime that similar to the one you like just go to myanimelist.nett and search for the anime you like then go to reccomendations and it will show the ones that similar

Dating japanese women?


hey im a 17 yr old white guy thats recently moved to Australia,ive become attracted to asian girls and am looking for any advice how dating asian girls, i absolutly love asian cultures. im even looking for marriage later on down the line, so yeah if you could give any advice, dating sites or any help,



hahaha, I wouldn't recommend going on a dating site... those things are so sketchy!!!

I'm 18 so I hope my advice goes with how old u are ahaha... but yea, just get out there are meet people, hang with your friends and you're bound to meet Asian people, they're everywhere :) If you're going to University just go to parties and try to meet them,

I'm asian but since I wasn't born in asia I'm not really in touch with all that asian culture stuff... But what I hate the most is when guys try to relate with me through their knowledge of the asian culture... I mean besides the fact that they're probably BSing... its just kinda weird.

Anyway, as for ur chances of getting with an asian girl, some asians aren't even attracted to asian guys and some are JUST attracted to White Guys so it really depends on the girl ...

goodluck :)!! Ps. if you have an accent of any kinda that probably helps :) Australia's such a beautiful place!

What clay should I use when making japanese clay crafts?


I'm in America but I can't find the specific clay


Japanese Clay.

Or if you can't get it, use shudei clay, a clay that's fortified with iron ore.

What's the difference between 配る and 分ける for to distribute/hand out?


Do they mean the same thing?


配る is like "hand out" "deliver" (usually unknown quantity of the object)
→ この用紙を生徒に配ろう。

分ける is more like "divede into" "share" (certain number <-- the subject has an idea "how many" to share)
→ この用紙をクラス全員で分けよう。

What are your favorite sights, restaurants, and bars in Osaka and Kyoto?


I will be in each city for five nights and wanted to get some recommendations on places to see, eat, and drink. I'm also a fan of live music so any live house/club recommendations would be more than welcome as well. Thanks!


Sights - Osaka castle, Umeda, Sumiyoshi Shrine, Universal studios are among my favorites.
Restaurants - There are many good restaurants in Dotonbori. Food stalls and places of Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki and Kushikatsu are must tries. My favorite is Harijyu but it's expensive.
Bars - Nightlife in Shinsaibashi area is good. I think some play live trance and electro music.

Sights - Kinkaku-ji is my favorite especially in autumn.
Restaurants & Bars - most of the restaurants and clubs/bars are in Central Kyoto. There are lots to choose from. Keep in mind though, some could be very expensive. But there are also many good and cheap food places.

What sort of precautions japan will take for next tsunami?



It's not your matter what precaution will it take for next tsunami's their problem buddy.

If you could give the japanese goverment an advice to solve Japan's problems, what would you say?


Before the earthquake everyone knows that Japan's economy was very fragile and unstable. Now the earthquake (which is said to cost around 300 millions dollars as one of (if not) the most expensive natural disaster. On the other hand, Japan has a decreasing population which will now decrease more with the death of around 14 000 people, around 13 000 missing and the departure of 160 000 foreigners by march 25 2011.

Here's more information:
Most expensive natural disaster ever:…

Foreigners leaving out of Japan:

Worst crisis since World War II:…

Number of dead: (this information is in spanish, i couldn't find it in english ^_^!)…

Personally, i'd say the best is to raise the taxes untill the crisis is a little eased.

What would you say?


I'm not following the news lately, so forgive me if I may say something wrong.

My advice would be the government should already start helping building back or atleast help start back the lives of the tsunami victims. Most of them are still living in evacuation centers. And I heard about 140 billion yen, that is budget/donations for the victims is still not being used. What the hell are they waiting for?! I'm really pissed off by that. It seems like 90% of the government's attention is in the nuclear crisis. I know, the nuclear crisis should be in great priority as this is and will be a greater threat. And I have faith in the government that they'll be able to overcome this. But thousands of people in the affected areas are hungry, cold, scared, etc. I know there are many groups assisting these people but I just wish the government would be more accepting and let other support groups start assisting these people. That huge money could have done many thing by now.

I have nothing else in my mind now. Yea probably raising taxes will be more helpful and maybe cutting power consumption of the unnecessary things.

Nuclear radiation in japan , should they leave japan ?


Hi ,
My friend (US CITIZEN) , he married japanese citizen and have 7 months old daughter . he work in japan now . they live in FUNABASHI , prefecture CHIBA area .
im concern about their safety ,and always ask them to leave japan and return to US as soon as possible , at least stay for 1 years in US . But my friend think the situation in japan is ok , regarding what japanese government informed him.
any suggestion ? thank you very much in advance


i would send the mother and baby to the states. radiation is something you can't see and feel until its too late. i know bunch of people in utah, that had cancers and they were far from the areas affected, operations and operations, care medication and they are all dying one by one, of different cancers.

Nuclear radiation in japan , should they leave japan ?


Hi ,
My friend (US CITIZEN) , he married japanese citizen and have 7 months old daughter . he work in japan now . they live in FUNABASHI , prefecture CHIBA area .
im concern about their safety ,and always ask them to leave japan and return to US as soon as possible , at least stay for 1 years in US . But my friend think the situation in japan is ok , regarding what japanese government informed him.
any suggestion ? thank you very much in advance


i would send the mother and baby to the states. radiation is something you can't see and feel until its too late. i know bunch of people in utah, that had cancers and they were far from the areas affected, operations and operations, care medication and they are all dying one by one, of different cancers.

What anime manga is this?


What anime manga is this? i cant find in thanks


Kimi Ni Todoke - There is a manga, 2 seasons of anime, and a live action movie. I can only speak for the anime but it is VERY good.

Moving to Japan, Visa's information and other info?


Hi me and a friend (of 6-7 years) are currently living in Australia and we would like to live in Japan we are still teenagers 17 and 16 years old. We would really appreciate it if any one could please tell us on how we can enter and live in Japan. I understand this is a very hard request and it would be easier if we just ask our parents but due to some family circumstance I would rather they are not involved in any way. We are currently searching for jobs and hope to get them over the next 7-21 days, We understand that it will take a lot of time and it will cost alot of money. We just need information like the pricing ranges for a decent apartment we could share, the food costs, the bills we would have to pay and etc. Also need information on the visa passes we need to get into Japan, We are both fairly intelligent and will probably end up cross checking every answer, Thanks for taking the time to read this and good day.


Are you Australian? If so you can apply for a working holiday visa in Japan once you and your friend turn 18. This will allow you to stay in Japan for a year and have the ability to work (finding a job may be a different story). I believe you'll both need $2,500 from the start to prove you can fund your living expenses for the first month.

If you do not have a bachelors degree from a university, you may find it difficult/impossible to obtain a job in Japan as even most english teaching jobs require this.

Otherwise you can go to Japan on a 90 day tourist visa which can be renewed once every year (for a total of 180 days per year maximum). You'd have to leave the country and come back (take a trip to china for a few days or something) to renew the tourist visa.

You both probably haven't started university yet, so why not look into going to school in Japan for your bachelors degree? That would allow you to spend multiple years in Japan on a school visa.

How do you say "spiritual power" and "psychic power" in Japanese (Romaji)?



Actually, those words are known as Japanese-English.
As these words are overused in books or seminars (usually "self-development" things), they tend to go out of the original meanings found in the dictionary.

スピリチュアル・パワー supirichuaru pawaa <-- 霊力 reiryoku

サイキック・パワー saikikku pawaa <--霊能力 reinouryoku

How to write the name Mihon in Japanese?


No computer translations please.


Mihon? I don't think it's used as a name in Japan.

Anyway, you can write it like this 見本

How is the condition of Japan's nuclear power plants right now? How strong is the radioactive level?



The Dai-Ichi complex consists of six separate reactors. For purposes of severity level, three of the reactors have recently been grouped together in a single incident. Initially each reactor was rated separately, grouping them together caused the severity level to go from 5 to 7 even though the situation hadn't changed.

Two of the reactors are in cold shutdown and never posed a problem. One of the reactors was off-line for maintenance, and the only issue was keeping the spent pool fuel cool. The other three are where the majority of the concerns about the power plant came from. Bear in mind that the real problem was the tsunami. The power plant problem is minuscule by comparison.

The radioactive level is only of concern in the immediate area of the power plant. It's important to note that no workers have received more than the allowable levels of radiation, and no civilians have either--including those in the evacuation area. Two workers were unfortunately drowned when the tsunami hit.

Here is an informative article describing the situation:…
And a slide show:…

At this point there is really just the cleaning up to do. Here is the plan:…

Here is where you find current, factual status information:…
Historical status:…

And a slide presentation that describes the effects:…

And here is a chart that helps make sense of the numbers:

Hi! I'm wondering where can I buy denatured alcohol in Tokyo? And what does it call in Japanese? Many thanks!?



It's 変性アルコール hensei alcohol in Japanese.

It's not sold at stores. You need to go to a company who is selling it for industrial use.