Monday, May 2, 2011

Whats difference of amount from U.S dollars to yen?


What's the currency from each other


Somewhere around 82 yen to the US$ the last I checked, which has been a while. If you want an exact figure, Google 'US$ to yen exchange rate' and you'll find it.

Japan: would you use a internet kissing machine?


i just came across a news story, the latest from the tragedy in japan…
they are working on a device to recreate "The elements of a kiss include the sense of taste, the manner of breathing, and the moistness of the tongue"


thats really creepy, who'd do that?

Japanese fortune matches?


Long story short I have a black box of matches (it's not a matchbook, it's a box of matches) that says "wisdom" in Japanese (supposedly) and on the long side it says "fortune match" and then underneath that it says "Japan". All the matches are used but apparently the previous owner left the fortune inside. Anybody know where these are from or where I can get them (preferably without flying to Japan)?


If you google "Phillumeny" ( No, I couldn't find it in my dictionary either ) it will take you to a matchbox collectors site. They may have info on your matchbox.

Good luck.

Hi James, Try It includes an e-mail address.

"Phillumenist" a collector of match boxes and labels.

Addition; Sorry James, Google " Phillumenist " not " Phillumeny "

Are the computers still down for HR at USMC base camp courtney in Okinawa,Japan?


I was wondering if the computers for HR are still down at USMC base camp courtney in Okinawa, Japan...if they are would anyone know when they will be working again?


Just got notice a little while back - they are up and running

What do the japanese think when they see a American smiling all the tine?


Normally, I smile all day and it kinda annoys people at my school.I heard a still face is a virtue in japan.


It depends on each situation. There is no general answer.

For example, if you smile during class, your teacher and others would think you are not listening to the class.

How do you say "first, then, last" in Japanese?


As in, "First, take the blah blah blah. Then, add in..." ect ect.


"first: 最初に saishoni

then: 次に tsugini

last: 最後に saigoni

What do I sound like in Japanese?


I need a little bit of help in regards to being told how my accent and pronunciation sound in Japanese. Please listen to this and let me know what the verdict is for you. Any comments are greatly appreciated!


You cannot accurately determine someone's accent and pronunciation based on singing. All you can judge based on singing is singing quality, of which yours really isn't so good. I would suggest you take voice lessons for your singing, and record you actually speaking Japanese. Because when you go to Japan you're not going to be singing to people, you're going to be speaking to them.

Planning on visiting Japan someday?


What cities and/or districts would you visit? What intrigues you most about Japan and its culture? I'm just curious.


The must see cities in Japan are Tokyo and Kyoto. Attractions in Tokyo include the Asakusa district famous for Sensoji temple and Nakamise shopping street; Meiji Shrine; The Imperial Palace; Ginza and Harajuku. Read more on Tokyo here…

Kyoto offers the full traditional Japanese cultural experience. Kyoto is renowned for its abundance of delicious Japanese food & cuisine and historical importance. Kyoto attractions include Kiyomizudera; Kinkakuji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion); Ginkakuji (Temple of the Silver Pavilion); Nijo Castle; and Heian Shrine.
Read more on Kyoto here…

I also recommend Nara which is close to Kyoto…

Hiroshima is a great experience and very moving…

Takayama in Gifu is a smaller some say more charming version of Kyoto…

Would I be able to have a fund raiser for Japan?


I really want to get involved in helping Japan. Is there a way I could have a fundraiser and then make sure the money gets to Japan? I've seen websites like Change this World and Hello Somebody who sell stuff and then send them food. I'm 17. How can I help, in a big way, to make a difference?


There are a lot of things you can do to help. How about organizing a fundraiser or event at your school. You can raise some money then help support the relief effort by making a donation to the Red Cross Japan Disaster Appeal via their website…

Please please please help with Japanese?


I know that I'm asking a lot, but I take online school for Japanese and it's very confusing the way they teach so I'm confused on how to say these sentences. This project is 41% of my grade and I really need a lot of help. So, the project is to write down 12 activities I do, when, where, and with whom. I know some of the vocabulary but I just don't know how to put it all together so please help me translate these sentences. TT TT

- "I love to dance. I dance at home ever day. I dance in the morning by myself."
- "I always watch TV every day at home. I watch TV by myself or with my family and friends."
- "I sometimes go swimming at my grandparent's. I swim with my grandparents or my mom."
- "I'm always at home listening to music on my iPod. I listen to music in my room by myself."
- "I play a musical instrument (Ukulele) often. I play it at home in the evening by myself."
- "I'm always at home surfing the net on my laptop. There's not one day I'm not on the computer."
- "I often like to draw at my desk in my room. I draw either by myself or with my sister."
- "I play my Nintendo often at my house. I play it in the evening with my sister."
- "I study Japanese every day at home. I like to study by myself in my room on my desk."
- "I love to sleep. I sleep every day at home in my room in the evening."
- "I'm often at home on the computer watching anime. I like to watch anime by myself or with my friends on the weekend."
- "I sometimes play video games with my sister at home. Though on the weekends I like to play video games with my friends."

I need help translating all that. And I know, again, that it is A LOT to ask but I seriously don't know what else to do. I'm behind in a lot of my lessons and am very stressed out I can't even think straight. l:

This is the vocabulary I know of those sentences:
Dance - ダンスを する
Watch TV - テレビを みる
Swim - およぐ
Listen to music - おんがくを きく
Play a musical instrument - がっきを ひく
Surf the net - インターネットを する
Draw - えを かく
Nintendo - にんてんど
Study Japanese- にほんご べんきょうします
Sleep - ねます
Anime - アニメ
Video Games - ビデオ ゲーム
Morning - 朝
Afternoon - 昼
Evening - 晩
Always - いつも
Often - よく
Sometimes - ときどき
Every day - まい日


Can I suggest that you actually do the work and then post it here and ask people to help check it for you? I think asking people to do it for you defeats the purpose of the course.

Random question, but. are there jarritos in japan?


Just wondering.


Its probably best that there be no jokes here ^_^

Why do children in Japan have to...?


raise their arms in school in a certain angle? what happens if they angle it wrong?


Not true. Just another rumor.

Will ordering anything from japan have radiation ?


Will it? Plz help!


If it comes in via air, it will have more radiation from the flight than from their leaking nuclear reactors. That's where most folks get the most radiation... flying in airplanes.

No worries. Plus, Japanese auto makers are using radiation detectors before shipping cars, not because there is an actual danger, but just to calm consumer concerns about such things.

Can I go to japan without knowing the kanji,and studying the language?


I was just wondering if you have to know all japanese kanji to go to Japan.If I am pretty good at the language can I still go as an exchange student?


You can get by most of the big cities and tourist areas without knowing a lot of Japanese. Most of the signs are in both Japanese and English. A lot of Japanese can speak basic English although they are a little hesitant in using it at times. Restaurants a lot of the time will have a menu in English or with pictures. That said, I would always recommend learning some basic Japanese before your trip as this will make your experience more enjoyable. Try picking up a good Japanese phrase book to help and I also recommend Lonely Planet Japan as a guide book.

Travel to Japan…

What does 統べる mean and when do you use it?


In what circumstances is it used? Please use example sentences.


It means "to govern". Examples of its use are:

1. 国を統べる: to govern a country
2. 国政を統べる:to govern the politics of a country

A little archaic nowadays. Use it when you want to impress others that you are knowledgeable.

Will someone teach me japanese...?


I can't take classes so I've been trying to learn online. I've tried different program things and stuff, but it's frustrating. I know the hiragana and katakana alphabets and general phrases like hello, how are you, goodbye, etc. But I want to be able to carry a conversation. Like how do I form sentences? I guess my main question is what are the verbs and how are they conjugated, and how do I sue particles?

Is anyone on here willing to take the time to just explain clearly all I need to know...? So much appreciated anyone who helps a little or a lot, thank you!


The best way to learn Japanese is through a variety of methods. You need to work on your grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Its best to think of these as separate categories and focus on each specific category as these require different methods and techniques.

Start by learning the basics through grammar. These books really helped me:

• Shin Nihongo no Kiso I & II

• Shin Nihongo no Kiso Japanese Kanji Workbook

• A Course in Modern Japanese by The University of Nagoya Press

• An Introduction to Modern Japanese by Osamu Mizutani & Nobuko Mizutani

These books cover both polite Japanese, which is extremely important to learn in order to speak Japanese effectively and causal Japanese, which is great for everyday conversations.

Websites are not always the best way to learn Japanese. Most websites are run by people with no teaching credentials and are not even native speakers of Japanese. Some of them are just interested in making money and not in helping you in what you need to be successful in learning Japanese.

How to Learn Japanese…

What celeberty is helping japan after the quake?


i need to write a paper about a SINGLE person who is making a difference in Japan after the quake. or any other natural disaster. (exct. katrina,chili,haiti)
Like how my chemical romance made a song and is giving all proceeds to help japan
Little wayne helping out with katrina
(all these are already taken)


Many celebrities have donated to Japan after the disaster.

If you can include Japanese celebrities, Masayoshi Son, CEO of Softbank donated more than $100M. It's the biggest amount as a single person.

Does 参る mean both "to go" and "to come"?


If so, how does it differ from 行く と 来る?
Please use example sentences. Thank you!


参る is go and come (行く, 来る) in 謙譲語 (kenjougo)
Kenjougo or the humble form is used to describe your own actions and the actions of people who are in your “in-group”. It is used when speaking to a person of higher level.

An “in-group” is a vague and Japanese definition that changes depending on the situation, but the general idea is people who are close to you and are on the same level as you, such as your classmates and your siblings.

Some situations where you have to use humble form to describe your own actions:

•You are speaking to your company’s CEO
•You are a student speaking to the headmaster
•You work in the service industry
•You are speaking to your ancestors through a spirit medium
•You are a maid talking to your master
•You are just really polite all the time

行く, 来る and 参る mean exactly the same thing you just use it for different people

Here are some other examples of conversions to humble form for verbs:

To come, go: 来る kuru) → 参る (mairu)
To be: だ (da) / である (dearu) → でござる (degozaru)
To eat: 食べる (taberu) → 頂く (itadaku)
To receive: もらう (morau) → 頂く (itadaku)
To look: 見る (miru) → 拝見する (haikensuru)
To know: 知る (shiru) → 存じる (zonjiru)
To say: 言う (iu) → 申す (mousu)

What is the difference between 「訪問する」「訪ねる」と「査観する」?


They all seem to mean to visit.

Also, what's the difference between 「転がす」「転げる」「転がる」と「転ぶ」They all seem to mean to roll.

Please use example sentences if possible. Thank you!


but「訪問する」is more polite than 「訪ねる」, and would be used for literary.

「ボールを転がす」I roll a ball
「ボールが転がる」A ball rolls
「私は転んだ」I fell down
「転げる」might be used like 「転ぶ」, but I rarely use it.

What is the difference between all these words for "business"?




And what words would then be? :-)

Is it true that you could masturbate or have sex on a tokyo bus or subway during rush hour and no 1 would?


notice or say anything?


You would be arrested. If you're a gaijin, you would likely be deported as well.

Is it true that you could masturbate or have sex on a tokyo bus or subway during rush hour and no 1 would?


notice or say anything?


You would be arrested. If you're a gaijin, you would likely be deported as well.

Is metal detecting legal in japan?



You mean looking for old coins & junk at the beach or parks ? It should be ok as long as you don't damage any property. Digging up holes in the park could get you in trouble though. And if you're not Japanese, that's a negative right there.

I am going to Tokyo at the end of June, I am just wanting to know what the situation is?


Hi, I am going to Tokyo at the end of June, I just want to know what the situation is over there at the minute, as all I am hearing is mixed reports and people saying that I am mad for still going, and that they either know someone or heard of ones that are living there that are now trying to get out of Japan. I know that a lot of things am sure will be affected by recent events, but I am looking to hear some info off people who actually know how things are rather than people who seem to be making up their own stories lol. I am staying In the shinagawa Prince Hotel, any info would be greatly appreciated.


Go to Tokyo, Decky!
It's an amazing City.

Most all of the Destruction was North-East of Tokyo Bay.
Sendai & many coastal cities were Wiped-OUT!

But be warned ....
there have been over 500 After-Shocks, which is "normal"!

If I were you I would also go South to Kyoto, Osaka & Nara.
The Southern Prefectures are Beautiful & Historical.

Good Luck~
Have Fun in Japan.
I always do!

Japanese: dame or warui?


which one means 'bad'? on the my japanese coach ds game 'dame' means bad but on japaneseclass jp 'warui' means bad. is dame wrong?


don't know the game, but
"warui" is "bad" in genaral.
"dame" means; no good, (you) cannot ...., (it's) not allowed to ..., out of order etc.
"dame na otoko" --> hopeless guy,

Part of a japanese room?


i would like to ask what in this part of the rom in this picture the part in the back with the picture and the vase... i saw this "thing" (part of room) in more pictures of Japanese homes, i even saw a scroll or paper with kanji instead of the picture. Can you please tell me what is it for and what do they do their or anything that will help me understand


It's called the tokonoma. Usually just for displaying art for appreciation.

Travel From HND Tokyo to Ofunato Japan?


how do I get from HND Tokyo to Ofunato arriving HND Tokyo international Airport at 10:30 p.m.on May 27 prefer to go to Ofunato ASAP


Ofunato in northern Japan?

Ofunato got tremendous damage by March 11th quake and tsunami. Its transportation was devastated.

Now it's difficult to get there. There is no public transportation. You can't get there unless someone takes you there with a private car.

I'm going to study in japan in about a year is there something I need to know about behaving and etc?


I want to know how to behave properly in Japan, I am currently studying the language, but is there something I need to know? About dressing, acting, making new friends, also are there any words that I can mix with english and Japanese? Like cold sore, in Japan they say herpes. <- That kind of stuff makes me frustrated, so if there's anything you know?

I am well aware of how strict the schools and teachers are, don't worry about that.
Any advice and help would be good! I am gonna live with a Japanese family, I kind off want to know how to act around them too. I wanna show them my respect you know? Should I tell them I'm home when I arrive? ''Tadaimasu!'' <- etc.

Things like that is freaking me out too, and I want to be prepared! || If you're not experienced with Japan at all, please don't even bother giving me advice.
I'm Norwegian by the way.


Be yourself, be courteous, and if you're not sure about anything, ask first. You can learn a lot on behavior and etiquette at

Which cities of the japan got hit by tsunami?


just wanted to know which cities of japan got hit by the tsunami? and can somebody send me an image of tokyo city after the tsunami stopped?


Mainly coastal cities in northern Japan were hit by tsunami.

Tokyo was not hit. So its image after tsunami is not different from pre-tsunami period.

What's the fan mail address of Japanese actor Miura Haruma please?


Since I can't find it myself on his official website... :(
If there is any address, of course.

Thank you so much!♥


He belongs to an agency called Amuse.

You can send fan mails to Amuse if you want.

address: 20-1, Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0031, Japan

Which one is correct? Aishiteru kara or Aishite iru kara?


And what does each one mean?


both mean the same. "Because I love you.." 愛してるから is more casual than 愛しているから.

but usually people don't say aishiteru but suki or daisuki. あなたのことは大好きだから。would be better.

People working in primary secondary and tertiary jobs in Japan?


Hi, me and my friend are currently working on a school project where we need to make a presentation on whether Japan is an LEDC or an MEDC. Therefore we need to know what percentage of people work in primary, secondary and tertiary jobs in Japan...I hope someone will know :DD


primary: 4.8%
secondary: 26.1%
tertiary: 69.1%

Why is it that a lot of people have so much hate for the Japanese?


Since the Tsunami, people are saying that the Japanese deserve it and they are still saying it. I've been reading a lot of comments lately too. They are saying it’s because they are racist, what they did to Pearl harbor, and that they are Buddhist. What happen to support and helping people out?


Because people are ignorant and would rather cling to the past to justify their ignorance and hatred than education themselves. I'm not denying that Japan did horrible things in WW2, but that has nothing to do with natural disasters and is no justification for not helping people now. Whatever happened to not blaming children for their parents' sins? Because denying aid to Japan based on WW2 is basically blaming the current generations for things their parents/grandparents/great-grandparents might have done.

Do I need an actual converter for my trip to Japan?


When I went to Japan last summer I took my charger that had only two prongs and it worked perfectly. I'm going back to Japan in 3 weeks. Unfortunately, I've since lost that charger and instead have one that ends in 3 prongs. If I just get one of those simple 3-to-2 prong converters (for use in like old houses that don't have 3rd prong spaces), will that work fine?
Thanks for your time!


You should be ok. Much of Japan is 100v / 50hz, and most things will work fine. Things like hair dryers may take longer to get hot.

How do you write Made in Iceland in Japanese?


Im thinking of getting a tattoo of the words "Made in Iceland" in Japanese and i need to know how it is correctly written.


アイスランド製 (アイスランド = iceland 製 = kanji for made in)

E.g. 日本製 = made in japan.

こんにちは!New to Japanese, is this right?


I'm Alannah. I'm fourteen years old. I am a British student.

かぞくと一緒に住んでいます. うちは五人かぞくです。
I live with my family. There are five people in my family.

There is my Mum, my Dad and my two sisters.

My sister's names are Katie and Rio

The last sentence especially, I'm confused with.


There are some mistakes.
Is your name pronounced as A-La-N-Nah or A-La-Nah?
If it is the first one then it should be アランナ
if it is the second one then, アラナ

your age says 40 instead of 14.
==> 私は十四才です。

==> 私はイギリスの学生です。


is Katie prounced like K-T?

hope it helps

Good luck

Where are the MUST-GOs in tokyo?


I would be visiting Tokyo, Japan from 30 May to 7 June. Are there any reccommendations on places to go to? or how should I plan these few days? THANKS IN ADVANCE.


Tokyo is one of the must see places in Japan and a fantastic destination to spend a few days or even weeks. It`s best not to think of Tokyo as one city but as a collection of separate smaller cities all connected by rail as it makes it much easier to explore the city. Each of these smaller cities has its own distinct character and attraction.

The highlights of Tokyo include, The Imperial Palace, Meiji Shrine; Asakusa district famous for Sensoji temple and Nakamise shopping street with cheap, antique kimonos, geisha bags and beautiful paper products, Sensoji temple, and the Kappabashi kitchen street for those plastic replicas of food seen in restaurant windows. Ueno for its park and museums, Akehabara for electronics, Shinjuku for its shopping with its huge Takashimaya department store and food hall, Tokyu Hands eight level craft store and Uniqlo store for really cheap, high quality, basic clothing, Harajuku for cheap shopping and Japanese street fashion, and Shiodome for entertainment.

Other places of interest include Shibuya for its famous intersection where the style tribes gather and Shibuya 109 the 10 level fashion emporium. Rappongi traditionally known for its nightclubs and bars, but now for its numerous upscale boutiques, smart cafes and Rappongi Hills with the 52 storey Mori building and Tokyo City View a walkway that wraps around the building offering 360 degree views stretching as far as Mt Fuji. Ginza for Matsuya department store and food hall.

Read more on Tokyo…

Flight from Osaka to Los Angeles?


Whats the best airline,/website to use for this flight?
Japanese or English

Thank you!


Often from Japan the rules and fares are a lot worse than coming from the West. No date changes, still refund charges, and so on - make sure you ask your agency. There are many in Japan you can ask though - JTB, HIS, Kintetsu, IACE, and others in Japan. You also might look into going by way of Seoul on Asiana or Korean if you want to save some money.