I know that I'm asking a lot, but I take online school for Japanese and it's very confusing the way they teach so I'm confused on how to say these sentences. This project is 41% of my grade and I really need a lot of help. So, the project is to write down 12 activities I do, when, where, and with whom. I know some of the vocabulary but I just don't know how to put it all together so please help me translate these sentences. TT TT
- "I love to dance. I dance at home ever day. I dance in the morning by myself."
- "I always watch TV every day at home. I watch TV by myself or with my family and friends."
- "I sometimes go swimming at my grandparent's. I swim with my grandparents or my mom."
- "I'm always at home listening to music on my iPod. I listen to music in my room by myself."
- "I play a musical instrument (Ukulele) often. I play it at home in the evening by myself."
- "I'm always at home surfing the net on my laptop. There's not one day I'm not on the computer."
- "I often like to draw at my desk in my room. I draw either by myself or with my sister."
- "I play my Nintendo often at my house. I play it in the evening with my sister."
- "I study Japanese every day at home. I like to study by myself in my room on my desk."
- "I love to sleep. I sleep every day at home in my room in the evening."
- "I'm often at home on the computer watching anime. I like to watch anime by myself or with my friends on the weekend."
- "I sometimes play video games with my sister at home. Though on the weekends I like to play video games with my friends."
I need help translating all that. And I know, again, that it is A LOT to ask but I seriously don't know what else to do. I'm behind in a lot of my lessons and am very stressed out I can't even think straight. l:
This is the vocabulary I know of those sentences:
Dance - ダンスを する
Watch TV - テレビを みる
Swim - およぐ
Listen to music - おんがくを きく
Play a musical instrument - がっきを ひく
Surf the net - インターネットを する
Draw - えを かく
Nintendo - にんてんど
Study Japanese- にほんご べんきょうします
Sleep - ねます
Anime - アニメ
Video Games - ビデオ ゲーム
Morning - 朝
Afternoon - 昼
Evening - 晩
Always - いつも
Often - よく
Sometimes - ときどき
Every day - まい日
Can I suggest that you actually do the work and then post it here and ask people to help check it for you? I think asking people to do it for you defeats the purpose of the course.