I am looking for these foods for a project I am working on. Also, if you know of any easier to find smelly foods please let me know what they are and where I can find them (preferably in the LA area). Thanks a bunch.
In an Asian store you can find -
* Century eggs (strong smell of amonia or urine (when I was young they would kid me and tell me that it has been soaking in horse urine) - has a weird taste for those who haven't had them before. Good with brothy soup, though yum, I like it.)
* Natto Beans - they are Japanese slimy fermented beans. (can't stand it, no matter how hard I try)
* Fish paste or Bagoong. They have different ones but any of those smell (but taste good) - Pilipino/Philippines one have a lot of those than other Asian countries. My brother call them Pilipino mouthwash.
* Durian (prefebably fresh) - smell like gym socks, rotten onion... always make me look around when I'm near to see if there is someone behind or beside me who smells. I can eat it, but not something I like to eat.
* Kimchi - My brother calls it Korean mouthwash.
Then there are:
* Blue Cheese (moldy smell - I like this in my salad and burgers) or Limburger (smell like smelly feet) -
* hard boiled eggs - chopped them up, have someone blindfolded not knowing what they are smelling, they will think of fart or poop.
* Alfredo Pasta with a lot of Parmesean and Romano cheese - smells like someone threw up.
In addition: Dried fish - get the one called TUYO, Pilipino dried fish. They smell the most. You know when they say that BV smell like fishy... Tuyo smell like it unlike fishy fish.