hey im planning on visting japan for 90 days and i want to know how much us dollars would be enough to stay there for that long , you know with the cost of renting a hotel ( i wouldnt want a fancy one just a cheap regular traditional japanese hotel room ) food , shopping entertainment and all that stuff. . would lets say 2000 dollars be enough? for tthe whole 90 days ? and yea i can speak japanese so i wouldnt be all lost when i get there . 5 stars best answer please and thank you . oh yea and i also heard that some people that go to japan on a visitors visa when theyre 90 days are done they go to korea for the weekend and come back to japan for another 90 days . is this possible ? is it true? if anyone can answer all these questions i would really appriciated ;) please and thank you . 5*
USD$2000 (about 158,000 yen) for 90 days?!?
Japan ain't Thailand you know. It's one of the most expensive countries on earth. Look at some
sample prices on a site like
It's true, you can get cheap food and cheap accommodations. As low as 2300 yen/night at cheaper hotels like or some hostels like
Or if you want your own place and bath then there are monthly rates about 85,000 per month at
And you can buy food at a grocers and get by on very little. Much less than $100 a day if you want.
But you are seriously going to have to increase your budget.
Some people have gone to Japan for under 90 days, then leave and come back. But without a visa to stay in Japan, Immigration is likely to have some questions for you on why you want to come back so soon - and they can refuse you entry if they want - so no guarantees. So without a good story cooked up on why you are coming back, you might not get back in. When you first enter Japan they will also check your ticket to make sure you are leaving within 90 days. So you'd have to have a ticket with a longer validity and pay a date change fee later (another $150 or more) if you want to carry out your plan.